PAGE 4, THURSDAY, OCTOBER il, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS Worn~~~m 'ee_ __ _ _ APreviow Tho .kinottos Fashion S'how Free> Press Photosi On October I6th and I7th at 8 p.m. the Kinette Club of Whitby is presenting a "Fashion Preview" by De Paul Fashions for Women in the Consumers Cas Building. The commentator, Deanna De Paul of Oshawa, will be showing sonie of the fashions from her fait and winter collection. The modelling is by experienced Oshawa models donating their tirne to belp the Kinettes. Kameka Footwear from the Whitby Mail is supplying the shoes and floral arrangements are through the court- esy of Whitby Mail Florists. Make-up wilI bc supplied by Yardley of London and hair styling expertly done by Wenidy's Hairstyling. Thornas House of Music have furn- ished an organ and the organist for this event wiII be Dorothy Lonsdale from Whitby0 e e * The During intermission there will be coffee and door prizes. Tickets are SI .50 each and may be obtained by calling Marg Smithi at 668-8602 or Nancy Davidson at 668-8641. A lirnited number will be available at the door. Proceeds frorn this project will go towards Community Service Work. Whitby Kinettes present r' N A Fashion Preview of DePaul Fashions of Oshawa (215 King Street East) October l6th and llth at 8:00 p.m. Blue Flame Room, Consumers Gas'Building Hopkins Street Whitby *.S*CCCSCSSSCC ******* To e e e e e e e s e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e, p e e e e.