hereto for the purpose of the construction and maintenance of a sanitary sewer and ap- purtenances f rom the northerly limit of Dundas Street East as widened in Lot 23, Concession 2, opposite Beverley Street as shown on Thorndyke's Amended Plan 63, ta the south limit of the former Toronto and Eastern Rail- way right-of-way in Lot 23, Concession 2, in the Town of Whitby, fýOrmerîy the Township of Whitby. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such easements 15 fair, sound and reasonabîv necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the Expropriating Authority shal s notify the approving authority in wriing. a) In the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the f irst publication of the notice; b) In the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days af ter the first public- ation of the notice. 'e Approving Authority is: E CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY JNICIPAL BUILDING, 1DUNDAS STREET WEST, IITBY, ONTARIO The Expropriating Authority is: THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, WHITIBY, ONTARIO. TfES. 1 . The Expropriations Act. 1970 provides that, a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shaîl be conducied by an inquiry off icer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, b) The lnquiry Off icer, i) Shaîl give every party ta the inquiry an opportuflity ta present evidence and argument and ta examine and cross-examine witnesses, either pers'onaîlv or by his Counsel or Agent, and 2. ii) May recommend ta the approving auth- ority that a party ta the inquiry be paid a f ixed amaunt for his cons of the inquiry not ta exceed S200.O0and the approvingautharity may, in its discretion, order the Expropriating Authority ta pay such costs forthwith. "Owner" and "Registered Owner" are defined in the Act as follows: "Owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution cred- itor, a persan entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, acommittee of the estate of a mentally incompe- tent persan or of a persan incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested: "Registered Owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and wvhose name is speci- fied in an instrument in the proper registry, land titles or Sheriff's Office, and includes a persan shown as a tenant of land on the Iast revised assessment roIl; TI THI mu 40E WH- No- WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1973, PAGE 3 THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1970 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPRO- PRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER of an application by the Corporation of the Town of Whtby for approval ta expropriate certain easements ln the Town of Whitby for the purpose of the construction and maintenance of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances from the northerly limit of Dundas 'Street East as widened in Lot 23, Concession 2 opposite Beverley Street as shown on Thorndyke's Amended Plan 63 ta the south limit of the. former Toronto and Eastern Raîway right-of-way in Lot 23, Concession 2 in the Town of Whitby, formerîy the Township of Whitby, Regional Munici- pality of Durham. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that application has been made for approval ta expropriate: 1. The easements described in Schedule "A" In case you baven't noticed, Whitby is fast becoming a place wbere theatre arts is surfacing ta a new frequency and people botb in and out of 'scbool are getting invalved. And wby not?? Wby shouîd a smali community sucb as Whitby take a back seat ta a big city like Toronto wbere theatre is almost big busines s. In Whitby, theatre is not big business, it's just a very enjoyable way ta spend an evening. Anderson Street High School will be the scene of A capacity crowd were attendance recently at1 Oshawa Civic AuditoriumN ere a public forum was hi by five- NDP members Parliament. The program was spon: CAPACIT CROWD ATTEND PUBLIC FORUM ein ed by the Oshawa-Whitby gatt N DP representative from they answered questions fired the M.P. Edward Broadbent who New Westmisister, British Co- at them by a four mernber wh- was supported by four of. lumbia. Bill Knigbt, NDP, Press Corps. eld bis Ottawa collegues. Includ- representing Assinboa; Max Following terniination of of ed in group were the NDP Saltsman, NDP financial critic. the meeting, ligbt refreshme- were the NDP House Leader, Each representative spoke nts were served. sor- Stanley KnowIes-SuatL __LL-'4-- for 75 minutes after which SETTER HEA RING! COMPLUTE HEARUNG AID EVALUATIOS WILL A HEARING AID HELP? SHÃ"ULD I WEAR A HEARING AID? SEE Aac&meZic Se44Awe 73 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 72341931 BATTERIES- ACCESSORIES - EARMOLDS SOHEDULE #A" EASEMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 0F A SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTEN- ANCES FROM THE NORTHERLY LIMIT OF DUNDAS STREET EAST AS WIDENED, IN LOT 23, CONCESSION 2, OPPOSITE BEVERLEY STREET AS SHOWN ON THORNDYKE'S AMENO- ED PLAN 63 TO THE SOUTH LIMIT 0F THE FORMER TORONTO AND EASTERN RAI LWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY IN LOT 23, CONCESSION 2, ALL IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, FORM- ER LV THE TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY, REGIONAL MUNICIPAL- ITY 0F DURHAM, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Permanent Easements Parts of Lot 23, Concession 2, in the Town of Whitby, Regional Municipaîity of Durham designated as Parts 2 and 3 on a reference plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R-1 030. Temporary Easements Parts of Lot 23, Concession 2, Town of Whitby, Regional Municipaîity of Durham, designated as Part 1 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R-1030. The interest ta be acquired in this property is a temp- orary easement or a right in the nature of an easement ta enter upon, cut into, break Up, f !Il in, use and occupy the property for and during construction of a sanitary ýewer and appurtenances. For the purpose of and during the construction of a sanitary sewer and-appurtenances, the property is ta remain undisturbed by any work which might interfere with such construction, and clear of and unencumbered by buildings or structures other than those erected at the date of acquisition of the easemnent. Upon completion of the construction of the sanitary sewer and appurtenances, the surface of the property wilbe restored as nearly as reasonabîy possible to its previous condition and the temporarv easement wiII be extinguished, or expire and the property wIII revert back ta the owner;. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS. (VOUCE 0F 1THE CUN«TY TOWN) Hometown uoper of MWitby, Srooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; &hso sving Ajax end Picksin. &rving total of aipproxkmtely 24,000 readeri. Publîshed emy Thur"uy by Whitby Free Prms Inc. Onino Iirloid, Presksent. Locatod at: FredPros, Suildnq 12t Orock Street North, Whitby li.: Bo 2M, Whi11 Toonto LUne: 282-1004 PERMIT NÃ". 2941 "dtoriGen. Mg.:* Mike Burghss Austant Editor: Jimf Ouil Adv.rtiulng Mgr.:' RoIy Shiith Giphie Arts: Mario Ruttsi Taunton Truck Service ~Mlle Lof FueNints 5764662 Sp.clcallzlng ln... TRUCK & TRAULER, BODY REPAIRS& REFINISHING, SPOCçIaI Design Point jobs. off. hu.,~Il Rp.7257856 Oliver Galea 3. The Expropriating Authority, each owner who notifies the Approving Authority that he desires a hearing in - respect of the lands intended ta be expropriated and any awner added as a party by the Inquiry Off ioer are parties ta the inquiry. This notice was f irst published this 1 st day of November, AD., 1973. 'I 77-7 in aur modemn age tbe television networks have almost taken over the major raie as mediums of entertainment in the famihy home. Radio bas been forced into the sidelines and now plays a second and much less important role. There is one area, tbe automobile, where radio stili holds the main point of interest. It is bere we find the car radio and tbe major strong point for radio networks. Accepting this as fact, we now point a critical 'finger at this medium witb tbe bope constructive criticismn will beip influence some change for the better. Everytime one turns on the car radio ta tune in on good music, wbile driving, tbe sound that blasts forth is enough ta shake the dead. It is quite apparent tbat youtb and tbey're preferred choice of wbat is 'graovy' and wbat is 'square' bas a strange bold on disc jockeys. The youtb market, of course, is massive but there stili is a large segment of the population who desire something else besides cbanging cymbols, pound- ing drums and screaming voices. We refer to the so-calied 'squares' or loyers of Country- Western music. Frankly speaking, there isn't enough of, such programs broadcast onradio and here is where this medium is falling down badly. Country-Western music may flot seem to be of interest ta youth but, it is of great interest to many other radio listeners. It is a musical sound with a heart -something onle can almost reacb out and touch. In many ways, this type of music bas more ta offer than any other and deserves a better share of radio time than wbat it now receives. It is ta b-e boped tbat radio stations will reahize the untapped market they. have before them and rearrange scbedules accordinghy. In actual fact, anyone over 25 who istens continually ta tbe' radio wilh no doubt second the thought that Country-Western music should be brought back. Certainly truck drivers, those Kings of the Road wbo spend almost baif their time travelling and listening ta the radio, would much prefer Country-Western ta the conglamorated junk now pouring out. You're A Good Man Charlie Brown on November l4th, I Stb and i 6th and The Free Press wishes ail those involved the success tbey deserve by putting on sucb a play. Who wouldn't want ta see Charlie Brown?? He isn't bung up 'on sex or war and bis biggest problem is how ta get bis dog, snoopy, ta stop stealing blankets and start fitting in with tbe rest of society. And the bonus is that you can take tbe whole family for a reaily enjoyable nigbt out. Tbeatre in Whitby deserves ta be supported and we urge you ta drap the Free Press and get out for a nigbt and see just bow many taiented people we have in this littie town. We know you'Il have a good time..and that's a promise! Ed itor-la 1