NOTICE Tf)REAL)ERS Advcrtise FREE' in the FEE PRESS EMPORIUMv, puy O1N4L'Y lîc'îyuen li! Tiiere xvii I net hc any chýarge t e advertisers ;nthic Whithy FREE PRESS unless the advertis- cd item is ol.el Wen te advertised item is setd . yen puy a cominssion hascdl on tHic adve rt iscd price us illtusiti ed bew. Ail advertiscuienîts miust be placed on ani exclusive basis wiCi the Whitby FREE PRESS. RATES (ifarticle is seid>: 5% et'advertised price up te S400.00 2Çý( et'the balance ever S400.00 EX. - I teom scîls for S50.00 - comumissions due - $2.'50 (m1iiiutil Commission is S I1.00). Private advcutising eulv ! Pieuse not ily us if yen flnd ai retailer iisted asa Jrivate adverî iser. Please net ity Ith e Wiîby Froc Press imimediately Mien item is seld se Ille we mua delete it I reni l'ollowîing issUes. Ser-vices. lîelp) wantcd, cleting. reul est aie. and personu I message type adis C.11an c inled oeui a aidbusis. Il' ini dot&bicall: ()08-0 I111 m ail alil ailste: Wîi t by F ree Press i pHnin 13.0. Box 20(1 Miîen dile wiudîd rigliî - whicli is niost of die Hime - tilis is the view tlimat greets t(days traveiler aboard a lritishi Airways (fornierly' BE A jet as it prepures te lanîd iuîniailta afler a fliglît frein Louidoni. lni tlîe foreground k thde islauîd capital, Valletta. sîurrormnded by Granîd Harbor oui one side and Nlarsamlxett Harbor oui the ollier. In the backgrotund is tlemeuodern town of Sliemna. Thie Kniglits ot St. Jolhn (afterwards kuîowuî as tie Kmiglîîs of Malta) founded Valletu ini tie 1 6liî century Mieni tliev were forced hv time Turks to leave Rluades. 1)uriiîg World Xar Il. tiie people1 of tliis little central Niediterramîcan islauîd. smualler tiiaîi Antigua ini the easleriî Caribbean. successfnully witlsteod repeated hîeavy Nazi bonibiuîg and lîelpcd pave die way for die Allies' successfrul iîvasiouî of Italy - For lîeir ieroisun dime wlioîe island was awarded dlie George Cross. - -ULM v - REAL EST-ATE WE ARE THE HOME FOLKS - WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE 4 bedroomis, faiiy rooi - 2 batis. attachied garage. iiiîianctiulte. luas te o e en. Askiuîg price, refflisticzilîv ut S53 .900.00. CuIt Dorug Lîuîb at 668-8865. WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS For homes, farms, vacant land and business properfies. We are big enough to do a good selling job for'you.', Yet smai enough that each transaction is given our personai attention. Call Doug Lamb or Barry Baker 668-8865. C-14 j. C'/î eJ ez 024 100'4 l01 Brock Street S., Wiîb> 668-8865 Torouito-29-27 d lthere ore times wher ALL 579-1121 ,d people The DISTRESS CENTRE volunteers offer their friendship 9:30 a.m. - 1 1:30 p.m. in compl'ete confidence WHITB Y FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDA Y, JAN UARY 23. 1974, PAGE il Fre e Pres&s%37 Emp orium FOR SALE -- 1 baby swing-o-nîlatic S5.00, 1I mo- vie camiera S20.00. Cali 668-3573 ýafter 5:00 p.m. FOR SALE -cliest of drawers. solidi wood bo ttonîi in dra wers, vaniiîy withî rotund nîirror, anîd stool. Good conîditioni, $90. Cali 668-4355. FOR SALE - Germnan Shieppard puppies, eight weeks old.. Two whîite maies, 1 sable femnale, 4 black and tan fernaies. Motiier is white purebred. fatiier sable purebred witli pedigree. S75.00 e,,cd. Cali 668-3164 after 6:30 pm. weekdays. 1 966 Fargo 1/ ton pick-tir 6 siajît. A-I1,mîeds brakes. SI195.002. Also car-traitler S20 suiit suiowiohile. Phonie - 655-3505. Sà betind Saeq>dog, able feinsie. Retistered. $135 Cati after 5 at 668-3820 FOR SALE - Keuimiore stove & coidspot frostfree -refrigerator. I14.6 eibic fe et. avacado green,.i½/2vrs. oid. S400.00 for bothi. 1 portabile spn drver & waslier S75.00'. Al tiI-e niew. Culit 668-690C. FOR SALE - 1 latin- dry tub, S10.00. 1 hîiglî chair. S5.00, crib and spr- inigs S5.00. Cati 668-9165. FOR SALE- - 1954 /tont pick-up truck, Clîev. powered. As is. Pionîe 655-3933. FOR SALE --Uitra-mod- eru Sounid Systelîî for Di or rec-roiii. .3 portabel sections, vinyl covered. tape-deck, co- itr(>l pariel, switclies, bogemi amp. - 2 garrurd tranîscription îurii tables, 2 audio emipire toile arms, GE cartridges. i15" J1B Lansinig, Speaker nionit- ed ini tIeatre cabiinet. New cost SI .100 willaV S 700 or best offer. Culi 668-9746. FOR SALE -I large Kelvitiator refrigerator S50., 1 Heavy Duty stove S40., bothii ingood ,vorkinig con- ditioni. 1 baby crib with mattress, good condition SI 5., assorted cha irs- from îS 2.50 and up. Cai 668-3664. FOR SALE --used. lie avv Iutv steve, stiitle for cot- luge. S15.00 or hest offer. LalU 655-3844. FOR SALE - bathroomn vauiity with beige sink, light wood stain on cabinet, 2 slidiuig doors. 30" x 23", S40.00. Cali 668-9746. FOR SALE - 3/4 wood- en bed, springs, dresser $35. Cali 668-2-843 after 4:00. One registered 7/8 Arab- ian weanling colt for sale. Chestnut \vith white biaie Excellent disposition and breeding. Askin'g $400.0 Cali 668-4368. FOR SALE - General Electric tape recorder with iieroplioiue anîd adapter, S22.00. Also a Ieft lîanded guitar S8.00. Cati after 6:00, anîd week-ends, at 655- 4462. FOR SALE - nmodernu cli esterf ield set S 100.00. Fridge and lieavy duty stove like uîew S140. for both, also iîew ciîest of silver S45.00. Plhone - 668-4435. FOR SALE - 1 Dalma- lion. tenl months old, maIe, lias liad aIl sliots. beauti fulty sP11 stitd, good witliclîitdreil. S50.00. Cati 728-5497. FOR SALE - 1973 V'ega Hatctîback, silver- grey willî black customn imterior. 4 on the floor, r-adio, rear-wiîîdow defog- ger, mag wiîeeis. Excellent condition,. S2,400. Cati 65î-4109 DAYCARE - Reliable daycare in my home ini the Wiiîby area. Auîy age welconme. Cali 723-6183. PAPER BOYS Brookiiu. Myrtie, Whitby Free Press columuîist Alex Kaliuîis lias done quite weii for hiînseff in thie recent CP photo contest. His wiinîig photo carne second wit i 16 points awarded froii thie judges across Canada. The Decenmber entry was wvon by a Montreal Gazette photo- grapher whose picture received 18- points. The above photo shows a mani trapped imside his car in Toronto. Alex lieard ttîe accident caîl ou i s police radio and ruslîed 10 the scene - to walk uway with this hligimly drainalic siot. The picture was taken at 25011î of a second at f 8, wilh tri-X rated ut I1200 ASA. AND) GIRLS Asliburni, Ajax, NEEDED for lime Pickerinîg anîd somne Whitby areas. If you are iiterested iii delivering papers cati 668-6000 or 668-6111. HELP WANTED - we require a salespersoni to selI advertising for our local paper. Previous sales experience liel1ifut. Cail 668-6000 or 668-6111. 2nd &3rd MORTGAGE- MONEY AVAULABLE 0 5 yeor term " Open Mortgages " No payment for three months " No bonuses " No credit checks " No inquiry f rom neighbours " Confidentiai arrangements mode in your home " Brrow aslow as $1,600 " Fast service - CaIi Mr. Wllks 942-2611 (Local) 699-1121 (Toronto) 130 BsmyIy S.By Rldges ¶ Is your lIair ralliîîg out? Do you hiave scalp disorders? Does your liair liave no0 botn uce? Caîl B/T REDKEN CLINIC forai appointment 576-5771.