PAGE 4, WEDNLSDAY, APRIL 24, 1974, WHII'13Y F~REE PRESS family page Transcendental Meditation by Alan 1hiips. Just recently 1 returned from Switzerland, where 1 spent two months of advance teacher training with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, on the Science of Creative Intelligence and Transcendental Meditation, which is its practical aspect. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the founder of the Science of Creative Intelligence and has been teaching the technique of Transcendental Meditation throughout the world for the past 15 years. In January 1972 Maharishi formnulated a World Plan which is to have one teacher of SCI per million population throughout the world. Then each teacher will train one thousand and thereby making available one teacher of SCI per thousand population throughout the world. There are already 22 main World Plan Centres across Canada. The purpose of these centres is the training of teachers to accomplish the objectives of the Science of Creative Intelligence which are:' (1) to develop the full potential of the individual (2) to improve governmental achievements (3) to realize the highest ideal of education (4) to 'solve the problems of crime, drub abuse, .and al behaviour that brings unhappiness to the famnily of man. Notice of Application by the Corporation - of the Town of Whitby For approval of a by-law imposîng a special sewer rate. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to charge 'jthe whole of the cost for the construction of a sanitary sewer on Garrard Road from a point 1,200 feet north of Dundas Street East to a point 1,200 feet north of the af oremnentioned point at an rtestimated cost of $84,000.00 as a sewer rate for a period of 10 years u pon the40d ejt will or may derive a benefit therefrom *as described in , Iiftý'A" of this notice. It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual payments by an annual rate estimated at 0.317 mills. The following is an example of the annual charge for an average dwvelling property having an assessment of $5,O000 $1 .58 annually for a period of 10 years being a total of $15.80 The area upon which'such sewer rate is to be levied is described *in Schedule "A" and attached to and forming part of this notice. There wiIl be no exemptions granted. Commencing at a point at the south-vvest angle of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967, where it intersects with the north shore of Lake Ontario; Thence northerly along the west limit of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967, to its north point in Lot 31, ,Concession 2; Thence east parallel to Dundas Street (No. 2 Highway> to a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; Thence north paà rallel to Cochrane Street to a point 200 feet north of Rossland Road; Thence east parallel to Rossland Road to the east lîmit of the Township of Whity as itexisted on the 3l1st day of December, 1967; Thence south along the east limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967' where it intersects with the n -Çth shore of Lake Ontario, Thon v.terly along the narth lmt of Lake Ontario to the (5) to niaximize the intelligent use of the environment. (6) to bring fulfilîment to the economic aspirations of individuals. and society. (7) to, achieve the. spiritual goals of mankind'in this generation. Myself and another teacher Helen Ridley are establish- ing a World Plan Centre in Oshawa where we will be teach- ing Transcendential Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence. We have already instructed a number of people ini the practice of T.M. and hold weekly public lectures. th rougho ut the area. WHAT 15 T.M.? Transcendental Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless technique that in practised 15 - 20 minutes, twice a day,, sitting comfortably- with eyes closed. During this time, the individual gains a very profound state of rest, known as "restful alertness", where the body is in a deep state of rest while the mind remains awake or alert on a very quiet level. Scientific research hias shown that the level of rest that a person gains inf just 15 - 20 minutes of Transcendental Meditation is twice as deep as that of the deepest level of sleep. The value of this deep state of rest that a p erson gets in T.M., is that it allows-stresses and fatigue f0 be released from the nervous system and thereby allowing it to func- tion more efficiently. As a resuit of this, individuals find they have more energy, greater calrnness and clarity in their thinking.i T.M. is a very practîcal technique and suited to the active person in life; it's like a preparation for our activities. We don't Meditate for the sake of meditation itself, although it's a very enjoyable experience, but we medîtate to improve upon our active life. Transcendental Meditation enrichies ail aspects of life. What we do when we mieditafe is just turn the attention of the mînd within, and begin to experience increasingly finer and finer levels of thought, until the finest level of thought is transcended and we arrive at the source of thought or the pure field of creative intelligence, deep wîthin the mind. This process of opening our awareness to the source of thoughf during TM, expands our awareness and gradually unfolds the full mental potenfial of the in- dividual in a very simple, nafural, and easy way. TM also lias very greaf beneflits in thc area of health. Scientific investigation hias found that during the period of Transcendental Medifation, 'the metabolîc rate is reduc- cd by an average of 20 percent. Also, oxygen consumrption. carbon dioxide elimination, cardiac output, hcarf rate and respiratory rate significantly decrease. LEVELS 0F REST change in metabolic rate + -4% 1 12% CLo 19 Cu 1 F F r~HYPNOSIS Reference: Scientîfic American February 1972 Wallace, Benson - USA SLEEP LeTranscendental Meditation 0 Time (Hours) 2 3 4 5 6 7 This physiological evîdence, together with measurements, of skin resistance, blood chemlîstry and brain wave patterns, shows thaf an individual gains a profoundly deep state of rest while the mind romains awake and able to respond to stimuli. These natural effeets clearly distinguish Trans- cendental Meditation from all other techniques which in- volve effort, control, hypnosis or auto-suggestion. Those practising T.M. find this deep state of "restful alertncss" profoundly refreshing, both physically and' mcntally. Affer mediating, an individual naturally engages in activity more effectively without accumulating stress and strain. With expanded awareness, greater energy, and in- creased clarity of perception, we begin to act in a more loving and creatively intelligent manner. Transcendental Meditation unfolds the full potential of ones mmnd and heart, making life a joy both for oneseif and others. Studies also show an improvement of memnory and learning abiity. - Students who practice T.M. find their grades improve and they do better on *examinations than before. Subjeets practising Transcendental Meditation also show a marked decrease in the use,-of non-prescribed drugs. REDUCED USE 0F NON-PRESCRIBED DRLJGS A STUDY 0F 1862 SUBJECTS- rnPERCENT USING DRUOS BEFORE STARTING TM HALLUCi- MARI - LSD NARCO- NOGENS JUANA TICS MPERCENT STILL USINO DRUGS AFTER PRACTICING TM FOR OVER 21 MONTHS REFERENCE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ORUG ABUSE FOR PHYSICIANS 1970 BENSON AND WALLACEUSA Transcendental Meditation improves well-being, streng- thcns mental health and thereby dircctly reinoves the need for drugs. As you hiave seen, the benefits of Transcendental Mcd- itation arc in ail areas of life; from the most intimate aspect of thinking and experience to the most far reaching aspect of our behiaviour. For something to do as much as what 1 have said,- you may think it must be very hard to learn Transcendental Meditation, but the most beautiful part of our programi is that it is so simple and natural, and anyone can practice it and gain maximum benefit from it. In fact there is only one requirement for one to be able to practice T.M. and that is the ability to think a thought._ So, anyonc who can think can meditate; it's that easy. Even if you are a very skeptieal person and don't believe that T.M. would work for you, it would, because if is purely a inechanical technique and one just simply hias to practice the, technique as they are instructed and the benefits-wiIl be gained. Transcendental Meditation is flot a religion and doesn't require any belief or change in diet or life style. It is a very simple and natural technique, which is practised and en- joyed by thousands of people throughout the world from ail walks of life. 1 will be holding a frce public lecture on Transcendental Meditation in two parts: Wednesday April 24thi and Thursday April 25th at 8:00 p.m. at the Whitby Centennial Centre, 416 Centre St. S., in Rm. 203. EVERYONE WELCOME. Recipe Edam,-stuffed toma toes A light luncheon or supper, or an elegant company tvegetable? These cheese and rice stuffed tomnatoes are so versatile and look as if you spent hours in prepara- tion. But they're really quick and easy, especially if you happen to have a littie leftover cooked rice. Holland imported Edam has a mild, nutty flavour which provides a perfect foil for the tasty tomato. 4 large tomatocs ½cube beef bouillon ½cup boiling water 1 cup one-third inch cubes imported Holland Edam cheese 1 cup cooked rice Preheat aven ta 350 Wash tomatoes, cut suice off top of each; scoop out the pulp; sieve pulp. Dissolve beef -.bouillon in- boiling water, add tomato pulp; simmer for 5 minutes. Remove. from heat, add cooked rice and Holland Edam cubes. Stuff tomato shelîs., Bale'in shallow pan for 15 to 20 minutes. Nakes 4 servings. Go TransiltI Grey Coach Ticket A gency Whýitby NOW OPEN Nieuwendyk's Sports, Centre 106 Coiborne St. E., Whitby Telephone 668M3746,