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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1974, p. 7

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KALNINS ON.. Crime& Terror It secns, there is no end lu world-widc tcrrorisrn. Att- acks on innocent people in Vietnamn. Helarst kidnapping in California. Tire-bibings in Northern lreland. Anid brutal gunl bat tics in the Middle East. Every day ncwspapers are filleci witli horror stories. Lv- ery day people are killcd - righit on our doorsteps. And, as sooni as onc violent incident is over. anotiier une tiares up with an eveni greater force. The govertnoients of' the world idly stand by and watch the cndless and scnscless killings. The situation gels wurse when the saine people wvlfl condune crime and violenlce, indircctly lend a hielping baiud to hiard-core crininals. kili: ers and luna tics. Words from West Lynde' by Norm Mealing This weck we lfeature two of tlhe four Directurs ut'ilhe West Lynde Comniuniîy Association. Buîb Jack NicM illan and Dan Pelletier werc clectcd to ýlwo-vear* terns ut utlice. and botb were given those-areas ut' rcsponsibility wbich they wanîed when standing f*or lectioîi. Dan Pelletier. Director ( Recreatî-in) Dan Pelletier. bis wife Patît'. and tiheir 2½,, year old daughter live on Calais Street. Tbecy are frumi Edmonton originally. and mioved tu Whtby frum Scarburouug. Dan works for Ontario Hyd ru. Dan's chief interest in our commiunity lies iin the area of recreation. Before bis elecî ion lie sîarîed îu orgyanize a men's hockey league f'or those mîen iin thi cummnunity. and Whihby. wlio want the fun and exercise of a nul very serions brand of hockey. This typifies bis inîcrest. and bis conviction that there are ways of' geîîingi îinvlved for any on9. fin bis plans for 1974-75, Dan foresees a variety of' athletic and recreational programs. As,,,Dan puIs its, "Wc would like 10 start somne summer programis as soon as possible. but we are really planning for next faîl and winter". For flic sumimer. Dan liopes to bave a field day witb races and prizes for tbe kids. and a tennis club. The town of Whitby bias prornised îwo tennis courts l'or Central Park, and be hopes a club can be formied. The winîer activities Dan is planning include tlic already mentioned hockey league. as well as bowvling and curlin g. The biggesî challenge that Dan secs is nul tlhc provision of these activities. It is. iin bis words. "thc organizing ot things like a tennis club by flhc people wbo are interested". "I hope", he says. 'îbat eacbi programn will have ils own commitîce whicb will mun il conplelcly. AIl the Executive should do is help establish tbese conirnittees. anid then the community itself sbould take uver". Jack McMillan, Director (Menbership) Jack MeMillan, bis wife Sandy, and their threc cbildren, live on Nordic Court. Jack was born and raised iin Vancon- vér, and moved to Whitby froîn the far west with only a brief stay in Toronto. Jack says lie chose Whitby becatiLse he likes small cities. Jack works for Cascade Music Corpor- ation and he and bis wife run the ý'Wordsand Music Store" on Dundas Street. Jack was une of tlhe peuple who called the first meeting of the West Lynde Community Associa- tion. The turnout at flic meeting, and flhc interest sliown prompted himn lu volunteer ho serve on the Steering Cornmittee. He, and îwu others. worked long and bard drafting the Constitution and By-Laws of the W.L.C.A. On Election night, Jack was quihe open about wanting the Membership Director's job. He now bias and is aiming for one membership for each of the 800 homes in West Lynde. 0f the nexh year, Jack says. "The muost important job I have is lu increase our membership. Even allowing for a small number of homes tbat selI and families tbat move, I think we can do il. I plan tu work through the street representatives. to involve tbem more., and open a cuncen- trated membership drive in the very near future". In Jack's view, there are other areas demanding the Executives attention, and these involve the town of Whitby. Jack feels that Central Park should be cleaned up and made ready as quickly as possible, and that the tuwn of Whitby should start paying attention to the needs of unr commun- ity and co-operate with the W.L.C.A- in meeting those needs. HAPPENINGS: The men's Hockey League still necds players. It is for nyf ma-I, rega1rdless- of age, who wants to pflay hockey for A case in point is the recent kidnapping of Patricia Hea- rst by the Symbionese Liberation Army.ý When Randoipli Hearst learned of his daughiters tragie plight , he immediate-, ly gave in to thc kidnappers' demands and offered 4 mill- ion dollars in food to free his 20-ycar-old 'university coed. But, somnehow, the sehemne backfired. Somte people fear that'Patty is already dead. Mmnd you, Randolph Hearst did what any Ioving father would have donc in a hcart-breaking situation like this. Howcvcr,. unwittingly hce has strengthened the terror ismi miovernent across the Urnited States, and pcrhiaps, around the world. Il mieans:nio longer a wealthy citizen in tic U,S. or elsewhcere is safe from the kidnappcrs - ýpeople who arc fanatics and who have nothing to lose - except ttheir uwn lives. But, life to thcmn is checap. Dcath has no rncaning. And violence and terrorismi is the only language they und- crst a nd. So, whiat is the answcr? How cati we deal with tlhese mad lunatics? Whiat mecasuires cani bc taken? These arc, of course. îough questions. For once, 1 don't hiavc Uic answ- crs mither. But, liere are a fcw ideas of my own which may puti a sligit damper on hiijackings. skyjackings, bornbings andI kidnappings. First, 1 suggeslthaut a universal agrecilierit bc rcaclicd anmng the richi no ransorn wiIl bc paid to any- body untderanity conditions. If a kidnapper knows that hie's nul going lu gel motncy or duit no-one wiIl comly with biis dcniands, wvhat wvill bethie point of taking away sonie- bodys life. A second alternative rnit be lu strike back - WHY PAY MORE? SAVE!! On PrernuiumOuolily FUEL OUL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVrCE CAIL 668-3381 TO B Save in the old fashione way e may be old fashioned ut we believe in paying nterest - a generous 4 %~ n regular savings ecounts with chequing rivileges. Higher interest n long term savings, too o put your money w herel t earns good pay- in a avings account- t Victoria and Grey. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTRL4 and TRUST COMPANY SINCr 188 Lorne D. Reid Maaer 308 DUNDAS W. WHUTBY WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24,1974, PAGE 7 wîth an equally devastating force, using guns and other weapons. Force must be met with force. Basically, violent unrests of people are caused by world-, wide injustices \vhich are carried out by'power-hungry gov- riments en masse. There is a tenedency to take uway mo-, re these days-and give less and lcss in return. The Hearst kidnapping, for instance, 1 suspect might be a budding sy- mpto m of more drastic things to corne - eventually a fuli- scale war between the rich and the poor. In a nutshell: the present inept economie system breeds contempt for those who hiold the trump cards - mnoney and power. EDITOR'S NOTE: »Mis columnl was written last week bef- ore the latest turn of events in flie Hearst case. CARE's nutritious meals help 25 million children to a healthier* future. TWo dollars provides food for 180 hungry children in, the world's de- veloping nations. Send youdollars to: CARE Canada Dept. 4 Iïk 63 Sparks St. e Ottawa Kl PSA6 "

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