PIONEER INTERIORS The ultimate in distinctive colonial furnishings. il Dunlop Street West, Whitby 668-4231 1 Vol. 4, No. 18 10 CENTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1974 The St. John Ambulance Brigade annual parade and inspection was hield Sunday afternoon in Brooklin. The parade started ai the Brook- liii Firehiait and proceeded 10 the Brookîjui Arena wvhere the inspectîli and awards presen talion was inade. --- Frc Prcss Phioto Ambulance" Corps Inspection The St. John Ambulance Corps parade Sunday after- noon in Brooklin to the Brooklin Arena was led by the Whitby Brass Band. In the parade were the Whitby amibulance and nursing cad- ets, Ajax, Pickering, and Oshiawa divisions. The corps was inspected by Col. A.R. Ritchie. Central Area Coin. mander. Lt. Col. J.M. Suth- erland. provincial chief staff officer. and Cooncillor Gerry Lmîri. d ie nîayor's represent- ative. Achievement awards were presented 10 idie follow- iin embers of tlhe Whitby (omibîned Division for more ilian _300 hours of service: Superintendant Peter Elmnan- skie. Officer ohin Visser, CpI. Hlarold R. Sinipson. Private Larry Nobbs, and Acting CpI. Nvhs. Constance Seaver. Off- icer Richard Scott was aw- arded his second service bar for six years of efficient ser- vice. Nursing Cadet Katlhy Waller was awarded the Edith BedeIl Cup, and the T.R Scott Plaque for outstanding service wvas awarded t0 Susan Waller. Rossland Rd. Locatiîon For Municipal Bldg.b After four years of con- excecd lhaif a million dollar%, troversy and indecision Whit- and that the town hiad a]- by council ai a special ready considered 24 possible meeting Thursday gave the locations. Couincillors Ed- 'go-ahead' for the new mun- wards and Gerry Emmn felt icipal building on Rossland that commercial develop- Road East. ment wo'uld better stimulate Prior 10 reaching this de- downtown growth than a cision council had met with municipal building which mnembers of the downtown wouldn't be paying taxes. action committee headed by Coun. Jim Gartshore was Gord Hanna, who suggested the only councillor who sup- a study be made int locating ported the downtown loca- downtown. - ion. He said tliat the down- But Coun. Tom Edwards town is the heart and business pointed out that the cosi of centre of the town and that downtown location would having the municipal build- H. Down Swim Pool Not Available to 'Y' The Y Day Campers will have swimming each day this summer though the Whitby Y Day Camp wilI not be opcrating the Swirn Pool at Herber Down Conservation Park at this summer's Day Camp program due to the new provincial regulations es- tablished this year concerning public swimming pools. The Y does not own the Pool - il is officially the property of CLOCA who c quired the former Lynbrook Park four yeais ago but the Y has been operating the pool as a major part of their sumnmer Day Camp Program. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re- ceived a letter fromn the Dur. ham Regional Health Unit, Mardi I 8th outlining a nom- ber of additional require- ments that would have to be done before approval could be granted t0 operate the pool in 1974. ing downîown would draw outside money necessary for downtown developmnent. The nine acre site is locat- cd on the north side of Rossland Road (3rd Conice- ssion), cast of Brock Street before the Police Station. Mayor Des Newman said that at least haif the cosi of the new municipal building would come fromn the profits derived from the sale of town lands ( estimated at $700,000) and not f'rom taxes. The next step is 10 chioose an architect. Representatives froin the Y Board of* Directors met with die CLOCA Advisory Board and withi the CLOCA Execulive Commiittee to dis. cuss the situation. Thec YMCA could not possibly afford to finance the additional require- mnents estimated ai a cost of approximaiteIy $1 20,000. CLOCA cannot use any founds for swim pools as this type of expenditure is flot approv- ed by tlhe provincial regula- lions. Bob Attersley. President of the Witby District Fam.- ily YMCA stated that the Conservation Authority was I INSIDE READERS WRITE ............................«.AGE .2 EDITOR BE*fIND BARS .............-...PAGE' 3 BIRD'S EYE VIEW .......................PAGE 4 GARDENING.............................. PAGE FAMILY PAGE ............................. PAGE 6 SPORTS ................................. .......PAGE 8 GIRL 0F THE~ WEEK ................... PAGE 9 WORDS FROM WEST LYNDE .......... PAGE 11 Whiltby Chilldren W'iIBe, Operation Cleana swings mb ooperation 14 10 18 ai Rossland1 Free Methiodist CChurchi. Whitby cldren, witi uIt supervisors, will bc for thiree hours eachi cleaning up garbage and froin the streets and gt e tc. Tlie chiildren are soli concerned with three things, approval froni the Depari- ment of lealth, Liability and Supervision. The Y lias thie necessary, liability insurance Cleaning athlon spoiisor5 tonale a specific May anioulit of rnoney for each Road hour worked. AIl moneys raised will go h ad- towards Sunday school pro- C out jecîs and scnding, children iday to, sommer camp. litter Aniybody înterested in ,utters sponisoring these children are asked to caîl Rev. R. H. James iciuinlg at 725-1280.adcolarng thfu- limie supervision rcquired. Con't Pge. 6 Stop Sign For Corner Beech & Fairview A couple "near misses" at the corner of Beech and Fairview Drive resulted in Whitby council voting 10 erect a stop sign at this localtion. Coun. Jirn Gartshiore re- quested the stop sign saying thiat lie lad almnost been hit by a car ai thiis intersection, as did Recreation Director Gerry Gelette. 18 Students Partici pate Mock Council Eighteen Whitby students part icipated in a mock coun- cil meeting last Monday night playing the parts of councillors and town staff. Rosanne Ferren, played the part of mayor;John Houston, regional mayor; Janice Att- ersley, clcrk; Janine Milian, depuly clerk, Derriarine Thompson, Mike Skea, Jirr Barclay, and Debbie May, couneillors. CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. 668-6666G 24 HRSI