WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th, 17,PG Tips f ro'm 0O.S.eL. Trapped By Safety Beits? Entrapment by seat beits is a very real- phobia for many people. During 1972, 35,787 belted drivers were involved in collisions in On- tario (200,742 unbelted drivers were involved in coll- isions during th e same period.) Ony40 belted'drîivers. were kiled as compared to 450 unbleted drivers., Not a single. case of entrapment by safety beits was reported _by acci- dent investigators, states the, Ontario Safety League., Road ,Slickness With summer finally here, the Ontario Safety League warns drivers to SLOW DOWN when it rains. Vehicles drop oil on the roads and in dry weather the oul accumiates. Add to this the accumula- tion of tire dust and dirt and you have a hazard building Up comparable to any winter ice condition. Even a light shower will turn this residue into a fine slippery film. In a heavy downpour it miay take only about 30 minutes [o flush the filmn off the highway. A slow. gentie ramn may take as long as two hours or more. What's your peratLlre, asks Safety League? ing point can ternper temn- the Ontario A low boil- get you in plenty of hot water! Keep a cool head during hot wea- ther driving. According to the Ontario Safety., League, a lotof fric- tion onthe highways is caus- ed by .one group of drivers trying to go fast enough to thrill their girl friends and the other group trying to go slow, enough to pacify their wives. Fun and safety go to- gether, because without safe- ty you have nothing but trouble. The Ontario Sa fe ty League would like to men- tion some sum mer boating programs that will help to make your boating safer and more pleasurable: The Canadian Red Cross Society lias firally made the plunge into small boat safety. Prograrns are expected to be inaugurated in aIl Canadian Provinces involving canoes, row boats and smiall ouit- boards. For information, contact the Red Cross Safety Service at Jarvis and Welseley Streets in Toronto. The Ontario Safety Lea- gue's Canoe/Camping Pro- grains will be headed uip this summer by Rob Dawson and his wife, Jan, who are expert campers and canoeists. Dailv demnonstrations and instruc- tion sessions will be held in the camipgrounds of Algon- quin Park from July .I to August 6 and continued on weekends in Killarney and Grundy Lake Provincial Parks to the middle of August. For fun afloat combi ned with safety, sign up for the Lamb's Treasure Hunt in Toronto harbour, organized by the Canadian Boating Fed- eration. Contact the Can- adian. Boating Federation office, 97 Yonge St,,, Tor- onto, Phone (416) 364-7923 for entry forms and. inform- ation 'sheets. There is a fée of $2.00 for non-mnembers of CBF and July 1, 1974 is the cut off date. July 1 to 7 is Safe Boating Week throughout the whole North American continent. Like any, other activity in life, the best way to get maximum pleasure from your boating is through know- ledge and the confidence which knowledge brings. .The Ontario Safety League urges every pleasure boat skipper to know his respon- sibilities for [he operation of his boat and the safety of his passengers. A good place to start is by rcading the Ministry of Transport's Safe Boating Guide which can be obtained from mnost miarinas or Write or cal lie Ontario Safety League in Toronto. The Safe Boating Guide tells you such import- ant things as what equip- men t you should -have on known TV personality, on your particular boat, the boating safety: rules of the road and rights '"Don't go off lialf cocked, of way afloat, the importance when you buy a boat, or of navigation lights for night rent one' for an outing be operation and how to use sure you know what it is al and take care of your life- about. At least, have a good jackets. basic undé 'rstanding ofwhat Through cour >tesy of the makes the darned thing tick, St. Catharinie's Standard,. OSL so you will be, able to, cope quotes Lloyd, Bridges, 'well with the u nexpected. when it rears up." "16By all boating, but DICONT w Om%- u m- aM flfl I0Là - 'Ef= One of the ehwgru N~XXX 4DAY- SUMMER SAVING SPECIALS Hines e ~Crest ZoH- Assorted Fiavours 'Toothpaste Bubble Bath 100 mi. ~ Serviettes, ~~,/ ~ 180"s 77: Hy-Style Gardon Tools Shampoo Trowel, or Creme Fork or < Rinse 17 oz. Cultivator m3c88 44 MAINXSTREETX18XMAIN4 OT ICTON -RAMPTO 2 ANS :-. - s ST -ýîïîtîîîîîET Esr 1 . U5. STEE means, let's go let's do it right" s 1 1974, PAGE 5