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Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1974, p. 1

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l'le Wiîitby Free Press' edfitoriai poiicy lias resiraied us 1'roncouiffigout and backing a hxart icular party in the tupcoming election as other nexspapers have doue, because xve believe good jour-, nalisinîistrîfu nfip artial. However, like any good back-seat prognosticator xve iike lu pondcr about howv the ciection xvii bru tioui. A Fi-ee Press offlice survey inicaîzies(NMAYBE!) (lia t NDIP Ed Broadbenit xviiigel re- eiected ini the Oshaxvawý-Whiiî)y riding wxvi h ieaithy îuargiîî. Anîd ini Ontario Riding il's a 1055-ou beîween Progressive Couservative Joyce Bower- man, and Liberai incurrben t Pre ecinsuds or Norm C'a 1k. B3ut l3oweru lias becui wor-kiug liard and il' -she doest 't Win (xvhicil xve îiîink site iii) slic xvontl iose bY Inîuclî. W'e did a mini sLurVey 10 go t area residen is' recac tions and commen Is on the ciect ion xvhich foiioxv, but regaridiess of' your poi itical bciiefs gel out and vote l'or the candi- Vol. 4, No. 26. date of* youir citoice Monday, iuly 8. Mrs. L. lisey oe dale Dr.. Whîby said d'con'î tiniicïîy shouid even biave one. 'I don't tiîink any ol' diîem are doiiîg anlyïhinig for our country. Thîey 're ilot worth v oting ltor." Mrs. S. Gibson., 140 Keiit St.. Wiîby said "'I îinki xve sioid 'have an electioji. i think there shiouid bc a change. " Mr-S.1B. Martin. i OS'Coi- ston Ave., Brooklin said thaï slie îliîîuks "'the Liberals xviii get back in, but Ed Broad- bent xvili xvin in' this district" Mrs. O. Lenderson. 16 Hiiey Ave.. Pic kering said Norrn Cal'i-k viii gel reciecýted M .ai thoughi "thie Conservatives i ii xviii ove rail ,'buit thinks it xvii le close because "p1eo- pie wanl a cliîag. Mrs. Stanley Aidcrsoi-, 1R.R. i Brookiin says that "TruLdean xviii win overail, 1)11t Norni Cafik xvil ii x in i Ontarjo Riding. TO ADVERTISE IN YOUR WHITBY NEWSPAPER CALL 668 -6111 10 CENTS a eefe elîher. Actualiy these lursday niglîl at Heniry St. that the Whitby Recreation lst Annual Dance Recital. sweethecarts were puîtîing on iiligh Sclhool. This lst priim. Depar*tirienit iad "'siow their Free Press Photo a Ballet Dernonistrationi last ary ciass was one of* rnanvy stufr' aI the Departmenîp's The new Board et' Dirce- tors ai Whîitbv Arts 'Station" Gallery' l'or 1974-75 arc: Ian Caîniipbcll. president: Al1la MacEberece. vice-pres.; Jolin Pritchard, secrctatry:aind Alice Evaîns. ireasuror. Direct ors: Liiida Pat i. ocik, prograîn chaîinian: iim Paget. art consultanit; Kay [lare. Station staiter; Atm Synie. publicitv chairtîjan: Thumb Nu Candildatt On election day next Mon- day. iuly 8, tliere xviii be flve naines le choose front oni tue Osiîaxa-Wlitby riding ballet forrm. The present incomnbent Ed Broadbent is the NDP Candidate. Mr. Broadbent woni aitute polis ini this riding in 1968 iiid agaiîî in 1972. Born and raisèd ini Oshawa. Mr. Broadbent earn- cd his BA and Masters' de- grecs in Phiiesophy and thieî a doctorale in iolîîicai Scicence ai the University et' Toronto. The yotingcst of the eau- 0ve Bad Boy Store More No Arts' For Whiutby Ceti1 Arts ~C 000<il gave approvai tfor e t * S elle Hiltonl, imenisiiîp (,) ranid Union iHoldings t1(1 Bonke. maintenance'. ercecla cnncca shoppinîg Wit by couincil passed by- fline Butler, social; and cen Itre on fie inertlh-xvest cor- iaxvs ast Moîîday nigh t ban- ~~~~~e .of ~ù îre' Thic kson Roaid and ning pai kiîîg in four areas onorary cliairnin oetlie previni >~,7~ h a sbccto Ille approvauiof -d is Mayor Des Newvnan. ' îre Plyoride L. îd and c heiiiisyoîuîniains.ottii Toxv ot iîiby r P~ Agostino an d Onorina Viola'. No parking viii be aiioxved itai ive is ('ounicilior Joy 'lic centIre xviii be opera t. on tuie cast side of' Green ipsonl. Anld 11 Special cd and inanaged by Bad Boy St reet bcîxvecni Dunidas and isor l th le Boa rd is ASSIS- Appi ianccs atnd F[n roithileC a poin t 125 lcet 500 ti. and rcre*at (in director Fred Ltd. anîd access xviilhe pro- on hotu sides of' Dunlop St. ýett. vided trein Elii,abetb Cres. Sketches of Your Election in Oshawa/Whiltby & Ont. es, ai 23, is Dennis De- seat ini this ridinig. Unilike tIve candidate is Martin Wea- hIle Marxisî-Leinist Ille othier commuîîLllist canId- theral. a 30-year-old Music date. ' A truick driver idate DcninisDeveau., Mr. Rak teachier wliîo perates a stuIdio i0shwa Mlk ompaly. feels a commilunlisl state canl in Oshawa for îthe Canadian Oshaa MilkCrnpnsucsfly. b rLgli.10i 11- Conservatory Of MLîSic. A i972 eiectioîîil' or- violeilt mcails. eintoOsaaf-fLr aiso s a cnruiist L i brlcndidate Margaî'et ea rs, M r. Weaîiîerail is a ýdate. [le moved te Siîaw is anl Oshtawa regional ncv o niics e ttune xvold of wa about a year age couinci1llr and xife of' WHi- oiis Heatddlîg cals Iiiisel' afIL117ille iiii Shw aGM mlciiii ,si. scl in iiHanmilton, and later ttiotîa-ry, a;id behieves Mrs. Shaw is xvcll seasunied t'rrmie CO Insicîor llanuhe tIi rouli violen t ini local poli tics wui h soin rn le osraoy i5 ycars, ot't and ei, iînîîîîic- ipal exporience. Slue is a strong supporter ef ' lir cld- criy and wold like . sec themn given a lax break t0 lighiten thecir burden. Thie Progressive Conserva. Voters iin On haio Riding have a choice of îhree cand- idates: Joyce Bowermiat, Progressive Conservative; Ne- rut Cafik, Liberal; 'and Bill Lishmian, Newv Dei'nocratic Party. uipheaval. Russell Rak. 42.thie canid- idate rcpresenititîg the Coin1- inuîîist Party of' Caniada. is an Oshawa resideu t, GM wor- ker, and is trying l'or the second time for the federai Parking t4reets betxveen i3rock and iHenry stret s. And duriîîg thie Courty Towvn Carnivai Juiv 26 lu Atîgust 5 no parkingg xvil 1e perniit ted on Heinry St. be- lween I ixy. 401 anid Victoriaý, Street. aind oin Victoria St. bctxvcct Brock St. anîd Jeft'rey. Approvai %vas aIse given l'or a yield sign on Dunlop St. ait Mason Drive. Maonning Road Seems Best For Adelaide Extension Says Report 1 A\bout 10'0 residents of' thie corridor area, aitcnding a public meeting Thursday nîgli t ai Dr. Roberit Thoro ton Schooi, , ere bold thiat Man- iig Road secins îo bethie bcsi possible rouIte 'or- the Adelaide Ave, extension. The report byTotten Simis Hutbicki Associates was pre- senîed by Whîîby Town Counicii's Adnministrative Co- nîrnilite. Usinig Manniing iRoad would atffect the tèwesî number of hlome's. 22, and onily six would havet bc beremovcd. It is foi î that the nlew road xvouidn'î bc butlfor aI Ieast live years and possibly as far away as 15 years de- pen ding on t ral'fic ineeds. The estimaîcd cosl of the total p-.roiect is about tliree million dollars xvili the Toxvn paying a qualrterf' a mnillÎin and developers paying a good share o't hie rest. lu any case the area residenits xviii niot be biiied under local improvernien t assessrnenits. a Mdmmb CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST.- N. WHITBY, ONT. 24 HRS. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1974 New Execut For Whiltby Benî Jean i Dont- liq Boz ari 'Flic resci' Tiioc Advi! tant Beck didat( veau candii l'or an Mr. D iii tii< O ilt o candii Oshiai andc revoli iii Ci IlNSIDE THE DISEASE INFLATION .................PAGE 2 PETER PERRY AWARD ......................PAGE 3 TO A ' E L H......................PAGE 3 SAFE BOATING..................................... PAGE 4 FAMILY PAGE..................................... PAGE 5 BIRD'S EYE VIEW/GARDENING.............. PAGE 6 COURT REPORT.................................. PAGE 7 SPORTS ............................................ PAGE 8 WEST LYNDE ...................................... PAGE 9 GIRL OF THE WEEK ............................ PAGE 10 EM O I M............................PAGE Il 1 Noq X-Y 2 -1mï

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