PAGE 10, WVEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BURGESS GIRL 0OF THE WEEK This sweet smile came from pretty Joan Trafford 4 whcn our Free Press shutter bug cauglit her sunbathing at Whitby park Sunday. Joan is a brown haried, brown eyed beauty who enjoys camping, swimitning, and bowling. -- Photo by Mike Burgess by Marie Rutter for perlod of July 13 - 20 CANCER (June 21 - July 22) The. home is very important this wveek. Good period for entertaining - you are a marvýouüshost. LEO (July 23- Aug. 22) You have an opportunity to increase when you start a new energy1 cycle. VIRGO (Aug. 23.- Sept. 22) The ninteenth is your significant day1 be a propitious time to negotiate a Joan. your income this week, this month. This would LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Don'ý make mounitains out of molehilis. Settie down more to routine. Look at the world with more confidence. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) You think of travel with glamorous and exciting overtones. Plan a vacation, preferably one in the very near future. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) Even though your problems are not completely solved yet, try to be more cheerful. You want to get away from your present environment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) You're thinking of ecology - there are beautification projects that should be done while vveather permits. MiId speculation s favoured. AQUAR 1lUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Intellectual nterests are stimulated on the weekend- you are a leader rat her than a follower. PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) Tread carefully where legal affaîrs are concerned. You have to, mature, otherwise You will develop a persecution complex. ARIES (Mar. 21 - Aprîl 19) This is a-quiet period for you, Aries. Be careful not to let your personal if e interfere vith your business. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)» Any arrangements or decisions made n0W can't be considered final. Try to remain as flexible as possible. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) Popularity soars and social life improves midweek. Watch your pets carefully at the end of the vveek. SALe 6601777LT *We urgently require listings on farm. commercial, and ?esidential propert.. For further information on these and other proper- lics cal] 668-7777 or Toronto uine, 282- 1004. S65 .900. 4l3edroom sicle spîjî level, fulllv hroadlooumed. L-sbaped I iviug-d iiiinîg roomn. Wal kLuî toluarden Iroin Faily rom ii a i lias h wbu rîîi ug(i replace. Ga rage lbas en trancc b blouse. Cusîom btî mil t kitclbeîî.Vendor lias 121, S5U.00. 4 Bcdroonm, 2 storey bomne. Fulvy broad- loonied. Combinaîjon living-diniîîg rooi, 1IV2 battis. Walk ou)t Io patio and gardon froîn largTe kitclien. Owner lias boLîgh t- needs qtuick sale.< BROCK STmREET lrNORTH WVHITBY 66877-77 MtJTIPtE LISNG SERVICI k ---- f- - . -,