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Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1974, p. 12

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PAGE1,WEDN AY, JULY 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS URI wE Twn carniviai ,Preve Driving SkiII Test If you îhink you are a Ten classes are open lu' good driver, you wilI have a anyone whose car is con- chance to prove it in the sidcrcd road worthy by lte Oshawa Motor Sport Club's scrulineers and who has a driving skill lest at the County vaîid driver's licence. At Town Carnivai. the lime of scruîtineering the The test, which takes the cars wiIl be assigned to the form of a slalom course ah various classes according ho the Iroquois Park Arena park- type. There wiIl also be a inig lot, gels under way with special ladies' class. registration and scrutîneering Drivers will reccive une at 9:30 a.m. July 28, follow- point per second of limne ed by the first run atIl11:30 taken, two points for knock- a.m. ing down pylons, and 50 points for going off course, The dr iver with the lcast nuruber of points wins as.he is pitted against: tie clock and everyone else, in lis class. Trophies will -go to the best novice in each class (a driver who has entered three or fewer of these events) and there wül be a -trophy for, the top maie and top femnale competitor. Last year the club. had 55 entries and is hoping for a bigger turnout this year. The Whitby Jaycees wfll be on hand throughout the day- long event to provide rcfresh- ments. The Whitby Kiwanis Club is back again at this year's County Town Carnival with its thrcc- popular events - the soap box derby, beef barbe- que, and . Saturday night dance. The civic holiday wcekend opens with the beef barbeque ai Heydcnshore Pavilion, Aug. 2 from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., followcd by an informfai dance wilth music by a disc' jockey. Tickets are available fromn any Kiwanis mnember or at * Kokes ShelI station, Brock St. S.'for the beef barbeque, and a dance with 'a live band at- 9 p.mn. Aug. 3 at Heyden- shore Pavilion. Tickets 'are, available also at Jury and Loveli' Drug Store 'in the Whitby Plaza. The scventh annual soap box derby will, be held at the Durham Regional Court House parking lot on Ross- land Rd. Aug. 4, starting at Bon Vioyage Concert Entry forms for this pop., ular fathier-arid-son event are available only at Koke's Sheli Station until July '15., A lirniîcd flmber of applica- tions is -available, 50 thiose intercstcd are àdvised t oget theirs as ýsoon- as possible.,. The derby is open to thre classes, standard,> delux and super. with 'roomn for about, 30 entries. For further informn- aition on the soap box derby caîl Jan Koke at 668-U622, or Doug Lawrie ut 668-9230 YMCA The Heber Down Conserv- ation area wilI be the scene of a special famihy and fiends night for the three YMCA camps duning the Coainty Town Carnival. Guests will be welcomed at "î p.mn. Juhy _25, when tiîey will have uni opportun- itv to sec and bc part of the Kni*ghts of Columibus Rides, bingo games, and tèstivities hosted by the Knights ut' Columbus ah the Counîy Town Carnîval will be movîng t0 Iroquois Park this year. The rides wdl be ini op- cration at the new park from program put on by the day camp, sports camp and crea- tive arts camp. "The campers wiIl host a campfire festival made up of The Whitby Recreation Departrnerît and the Whitby YMCA are tearning up again this year for the Couintv Town Carnival swirn mccle. Children six to 15 are invited ru register for the rneet, which wvilI be lield at the Kinsmen Park 1ool1ALIg. 3at 1 p.m. Compelti tors wil swim ag- ainst the dock., virlî red rnb- bonis awarded to those xvi July 29 to Aug. addition the Kiîghi umibus will hiave house and western 5. Irn is of Col- an open dance ut Waste Mortgages by Bill Newman MPP The Task Force on the Human Environmnientlias pre- sented a sweeping report on problems of natural resources, prosperity, hunger, traffic, heaîîh, garbage, pollution -- al the factors which add up to qualiiy of life. As Minister of the Envirunment il was my rcsponsibility tu table the report in the Legisîature. We will be studying ils recummendations carefulIy and to the extent that they are acccpîed as a basis uf future policy, il wll be une of the first attempts anywhere tu delineate the limitations uf our resources and conserve îhemn for future generalions. The report with ils 93 proposais is Onîario's responlse lu the United Nations' Stockholm Conférence of' 1972. Ils principal thrust is impruving our cffrciency in a varieîy of ways - producîs that use Iess power, better public transportation, energy cunscrving building designs, im- proved energy-generating sysîems and the burning of gar- bage lu make eleccriciîy. Farmland, is highlighted as an increasingly important resource. Because of the present wurld shate of foud short- age, growing populations and shrinking of farmn acreage, the report suggesîs Ihat Ontanio nu longer take for granted the availabfiiy of an abundant supply of food for ils population. Recently 1 announced that the Ontario Ministry of the Environmenî and Metropolitan Toronto are investing $7.5 million in an experimental reclamation centre, which wiIl gel undcrway nexî year. This invesîmnent shouîd yield important resuhîs, not just for Metro, but for the entire province. The experimenlal nature of this installation holds a Sreal promise for wasîe management in Ontario. The capa- city of the plant, 200 tons of wastc a day, was sel ai a level thal wiIl produce wurkable quantihies of the separaîed cumponenîs of waste. With these quanhities, we can work out the. separation and trcatment methods, explore lire markets and expeiment with new prucesses tu develop praçtical reclamation. Having eslablished that landfill is nul the final solution, p- we have committed ourselves lu the reclamation of waste. The experimental plant in Nurth York wiîl dcveîop the tçchniqucs we can use lu mccl this goal of reclamation. songs, skits and a marsh- mallow roasi. The public is invîîcd 10 attend these events and sec the Y camps in acton Swirn Meet equal the time posted or exceed that time. Ali cri- trarîts must be able to swim the full distance of the course. Registration forins are av- ailable now uat the YMCA office at thre Cen tennial Buiîld- ing. at the rh ece Y canîps. ai thie recreaitioti departmen t office iii the fire hall anîd a t nie town playgrouind pro- Crarns. En traints are n rged to regîster carly. theiÎr hall on Irock iujly 27 ai 8:.30 p.n.. floai entered ini the Aug. 3. Sti. N. and a parrade Eight days before thcy leave f'or their history.making concert tour of Austria, the County Town Singers will prescrit a "'Bon Voyage Con- cert" ut the new Iroquois Park Arena in conjunction witlh the County Town Carnival. The concert, wliich will For tive ve; Departi' h ila rioui parade, Carnival The this yeý l3uildiî a be held Aug. 1 ut 8: 15 p.m., wi feature many. of' thc numbers to be sang on the Austîan tour, inclad-ing Jes- US Christ Superstar, Bridge O ver Troubled Waters-, the Lord%~ Prayer, Edelweiss, and a Germnan song entitled Hei- tschi Bum Beitschi. For thiis specil occasion, the Whitby Fire I the econ conceu streets ol Whitby at I0,J).111. thesecnd orîec- Prizes will be 'offèred tor the ýar. the Whitby Hire best Costumes of the everîing. lient rwiîl presenr its Tickets are liriiîed and is pyjama darnce and available on a first-conîle. utlhe CoUurtv Tuwn first-serve basis. fromn anv fire fighter. dance will be hield In additîin to the darîce. ar at the Centennial the firefighters wvill be part- ~Aag. 3, at 9 p.m. icipating in the carnival par- parade through the ade the sanie day, wirh a When these techniques are developed and reliable mar- kets cstablîshed, the experiment will give birth to func- tioning reclamation plants. Wc are wurking tuwards the day whien landfill is the solutîip for comnrities tou srîîaîl or scattered t0 produce markctablc quantities of reclaimed waste. We can even hope for the day whcn we canriot meet the demnand for dlean landfill with the discarded material' from urban rec lama tion. My colleague, Labour Minister John MaýcBeth lias in- troduced amendmen ts to the Workmerî's Compensation Act which will beniefit 33,000 injured workers arid about 5.000 wîdows. Pensions which are presetlly in existence wilI be ini- crcased by as mauch as 6W(;, in sorie cases. based on a formula related to the year irn wich an irîdividual pension co minue nced - Sever.al uther chanrges iri pension benefits are deaili xithi. in the legislatio.n including îincreased pension beriefits ru widows and dependents of deceased injured workinen. 'Fle bill provides for full compensation for parUAhly injured workmen who are utiable to find suitable eruploy- men t. Overaîl, the earnîigs ceiling for calculation of benefits will be increased from $ 10,000 tu $ 12,000. The Ontarîo H-ousing Action programi (OHAP) wilI now be extended tu Ontario's middle income carners, those whose wages amount tu, beîwecn $14,500 and $20,000 annually. This program was instituted by the Davis govern- ment tu make immediate hom-e purchasing possible ho an ever wider range of income carners through casier availab- ility of mortgage funds. Onlario's Housing Minister, Sidney Handieman, ann- ounced details of the plan. The action program is a partnership învolving the provincial, local and regional governmcnîs and developers. The murîgages will provide about 3,600 families with up to $35,000 morîgages at 10%% intcresL- At present the cunventional first mortgage rate chargcd by chartercd ban ks ns 1. 5%. In addition the Action Program wilî provide 12,000 housing units more than would othcrwisc be bultby the erid of' the ycar. Thirty percent of these are cxpected to cost betwecn $37,000 and $48,000 and are planned for peuple carning $20,000 a year. The province is alrcady providing $75 million in mort- gage funds for those carning beîween $8,000 and $ 14,500 tu purchase units under the Home Ownership Made Easy prog ram. A poten liai of 175,000 housing units are currently awaiting approval by municipalities. YMCA Registration forms arc now available for the Whitby YM CA tennis tourriament at the County Town Carnival, which will bc held Aug. 3, 4 and 5 at Peel Park. The three-day lournament, which begins ut I10 a.m. each day, is organized by the Y tennis group at Henry Streei Highi School and the Whitby Last Meeting Carnival Commttee rnost popalar hit, Aquarius.. SAt the concert the Singers will also' recognize peopl'e who have supported them ir .i preparîng for. their Aust- rian Tour in August. Tickets are available'from mcem bers ofthe.Coun ty Town Singers and at Schatzrnarnn >ept coIlur Party, the Busy Bea. ver Iloat , ail an tique tlire truck anrd the aerial ladder t ruck. At 10 P.1. Aug. 5 the l'ïref'ightcrs, viii be ini charge ot the l'îreworks display wli ich can be seen at Iroquois Park* this year. instead of* at. the gover.mient docks. as a wind- tUp to the carnival events. Tennis. junior aind intermedjate stu- .den t' doubles, adult mixed doubles, ladies' doubles and Ilenl'ýs sinigles. A copy of the sehedule and entry formrs arc available at the YMCA office in the Cen tennial Building or from he cWhitby Tennis Club.. Tro- phies wiIl be awarded to ail win.ners, and the tournament Jack Woodward, 'Generul Chairman of the Whitby Cournty Town Carnival, ad- vises that the last General Meeting of the Carnival Com- milIce wili. be held this Wed- nesday (July 10) at the Iroquois Park Arena. Mr. Woodward says the meeting is being held at the arena "lu permit an_ inspec- udvised tu send a represent- tion of ail the facilities and Pharmalcy On July l7th aI 2 p.m. in *the Conférence Room at .Whiîby Psychiatric Hospital, Ho spital Administrator MIl ton J. Fisher wil present.a collection of pharmacy relics to the Niagara Apothecary Museum at Niagara-on-the- Lake. Dr. E. Sîieb, Professor of History of Pharmacy aI the [Jniversity of Toronto wiIl accept the donation on behalf of the Niagara Apoth- ecary Museum. Chief Pharmacist Albert Chaiet who chose the items feels thal they are of interest because ut their quaintness. Many have flot been in gen- erai use for. ycars and it is enable ail participants ýt make known their reqaire- mns for services."ý flh notice of thé Gen- eral Meeting Mr. Woodward says. that members 'of tue Whîitby Recrealionai Depî. will be ,un. liand. to assist with plan tinalization. AIll groups involvcd arc ative. Relics d oubtful -if a% recent me dical gradua te lias ever seen any of îhem un a pharmacy« shelf. The collection includes Anîacids in powder form, double-headed ampoules of Dextrose uscd lu ceunteract Insulin reaction, Novucaine crystals, an unusual prepara- lion uiniqaely packcd,. Atro- pine used in treaîing Parkin- son's disease, a botile of Nitroglycenin tables packed ini an1 unusual -bottle, hand made anmpoules of "Gyner- gen" a boule uf Ethly Chior- ide spray and ampou les uf "Anistine" are in the collc- lion. Whitby Kiwanis club

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