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Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~Wornt's AROUND THE HOME with Sandra Joy Don't let your jewel become a mflistone Ftirnittire constiniers today are better cd ncaled tha n eser liefore and they are sel y conseiot'ç of qualit y. style. andi price. lhey planl careftily and tiny wiscly. Buit what happenls tluItle' frnÎttîit-e when il is placed ii t lie home and linme passes lîy*? Tee efen it k t a ken tiforanpftCd tifl il tîccoiles ani evesore a nd yen wuonde r wh 'it doiil ret a in t he original q naît jes thlmiade yoî i luiy il. One ftrnituire îaîuatrrthit k trsing tI e'oîîetii probteniiîî 51< c hlir. 't lîi r s 'e see peplii.iaCncests ' for ail falirices come ic ti a ftit one-s'ear wtai 1v sfi oui [lie day of saie, laCh li phsc iîiiat pi ilteiii.iicut' IN C' (if long-ter t steCa,'tests smidih;as scarit tholdling, tÇai iiiî<. cOotur tu ;nslei . lre.iîîg t1fIi t' ll tîlîg andt puliIng. în<t stretchi. Bt îcscîhces. îness the liiirut icic cîetilducî loe aut c.irc, siaiwîs. oit, and I stai S1115 iii teti ait trujithe icixc. and ý ouij1iliilvîiî îlseî e'înî'î ti ou . Cstallsti a,î (I'< tiile ;v' icitilii 'as soit a <tiit sou I l \s. h s uItti tt cjîeiid îîpoiî Ilw tise su'îIî titiiret c els, buit 5ui t (iNt't\ci' thtit ai cd l 1t l l iii ulic S 'is ii 'iip'tshonte ;ipci a ý.. i uCs gieatirCi mtoit. .îiit gises y( l pcasire and taiisft. tul. Avoid exposure In an arîiut.- s uruîr nilirîe. lis t p Io îuieach icce se .1% tu uittîd lelnt.ti tpsi' [)ituiitiandtai .nttîat i.Ahgt Il Ilisis îlo psstînit raw :Noui tii .pes duir utc tIticpcak periesis of sunshinc e cis t nsiecolouit utfta t'uic Stil fade. Aise reuumeuuîr lu kecp tpheistcred and St eitpcecs astas frein r.iaiurs het .mise cy hc llst ii coute îr:.and LUphe1stcereti picces; shouild lie s acuîmnud on a teeuiir busis. once a stcek if you hase pets or yuung chiidicn (ushnt Nheuîid li iuirned ailic;ist once a St ek tee. ani.J if tilîc are ,'îpper-,on [the ctishiens,. ic sire theN adc eckdor i~ the m.inta iii îdi-,holes ie ofalirnîc. 'ndneei ci hifi h tu faliric Svt ih a su îff fibîre oti eci brwîh. «It icse st illstcakenl or es en leur the fit':et.ý etsk vo'ur fJurtiin i,i' calcr lU (1 r 3'I i'î1< pit s r'jer v pc t/z <r alai.() r nitipi'tr ('aua l î lu n<5rs nitil/i < lic<it'I, îc' faériiijeri','c tirs <and i ias' tt tti C r tr'ý A hîumidifier ib.,%a vn idca 'aprî iv e otisi<ttel bene fil. Go(xi polishes are readily asbtu"e uit, donit etdo il, or y euh*l huild uip a heas N iaN er. Read the package dlirection" and ask youir furnitie deale r. I ifur ss oeilpeCcesrqur anriou t reat ment and dica n ing. i rectîuiîend a ii s. [(ire et [55 e parts lemon ou andi une part s inear -- s ci l îîscd The vineugar acts as a cleaner :-nd the temen muit til eest the ssoed and nmake t igost. For scratches or gouges i cain sueLesitss e cuires. Onc imetlîe-t is [o open a section tof alss ai ntit anti gentis r(il' the uteai into t he trouied irca. T[he second is îIo place a piece of rind frein a cheese suich as St. Pauiin Iuily oser the scar for fifucen minutes. ln hoîh cases. the ou st iiîi lightI\ stain the wood andi these treatients can lie repeated as efien ius necessars'. Stain removal Stains on tiphoisi crs shoti l e haiiled ss lit h eatcare. Pre-rest ii eir cica nîne! illeit hiti on a i difiitin a--rdzuf th.- Don*t Hise lîoîîcluliciaîsnsthuit cuntainin ao<ilvs s)il.;,itruici i n e resitiuc. 1his s'.i I 1resut iIn r;<pi soiliing a fier thle spt has heen reniotcd. If N dii rfai nc lias tleccîît i i mtatlic s arnis. uise a sN iihet ic deteregent or tirs clicujng sOiseiit. Othlirss is,.e.ilinctiiîc \s <ms stiii heî'oiiîc dinaigLed l's stronuîg acisis. a ik alies andnil a iiiaiidiu. i>îe-îcst 'v<ii i ca er firî't on an area of t he faliric iliat îlcesîî'tsh . Viti 'i fitai t*t<îea'e' 5/itE ai <ire'. Dii t-tt /I 'ri<' an libe îîeiei/ jttlis le /îtv [<Et//(t/t 'j/i dtl t(t1t ttîaieaiiae't Kroehler Nlfg. Co. i 1,titcd lhuis prodticeît an excellent con- miiers guîte te furnîitîr&. Besides the ftirnittre care section that contains det ils(nrithe reines <i of coiiîuon st;iins. there ire sett iuns tht i.dsctiss goutl luy iig haits uand what te look f or i n tisftî in it <ire pieces. Yoti ca 'n smî'ite for a copy' hy senilinge 25 for postage and handiine tIo the F-rnituire Informa t ion ('centre. 1.0, Box' 370, Straifonti. Ontario MA 6T4. On 'Thu rsday cverinig, Juie 17, Wbihy ('apter No. 248 Order ofl the ELasterti Star ccleiîratcd its Silver Atn- iiiversaiy. ('hapler eI'Icers were inilte receivitig lîie' aind ail pc rsî ns ctetcrit g I11w ('hipter Ruent werc givetil a silver qualrter tutjîed tîî a Souven ir P ut t ii Nits. i tile c Rehistti, W(,'u't l î iatrui, ti jrsîdcd ;tit1 in at gracin'iîs tîaititsci, e- eui,îicd ill visihît s utit titi 1Il bci s. (;icetittgs wcu-e giveti by Mirs. lýIcdtai D)bs. W ;,M. ais sseii as itiei ritiigisti glnests iii tle G(uaIii('at'. luiaîîivis <iof titt i f trlîi Most people bave tried to preserve flcwers, eiîher to prolong that summer feeling or to, retain a seniï'--tental souvenir. Jtere's a method wbich works weii. Recreation De partment Tennis A t"ter a sîîccsslul st ar toh a surmeter I'llcd svitb terinis. tlie XViitby Recrea t înetl)- par~t'uien Iis iugilinef l'euing ie'ssitit5 ftr lite rîoîîtlits it JIIy . A\uguIsi.:and sepitmbeu. Tlie J)ruîg-:iic iiie w e ltcld auItl) Piei>el PartklTenis ('ourts Iuti'iiiictiaîc.uîtdadîîits. i0 00 >a.tîtil Il:1) .. Adît i s 'lucsdaiy-l iiday. (-): 15 - 8: 3 0 1 n- .and CIhiîi1d iîi Wdesuy-r 4:0(0 1).11.- f0:00 jri "lite iutIruîeI srs xvii l x lteuided up iîy NI r. I rv. Skinî- ner tliteftrer cini> ni k' one rarikcd playerin ratîked player intlite Baibadtt's For mole iîîinfr taion plituti: I roquois Park Arena (608- 5803, Lxi. 66, betweetî 8:31) a.îîî. - 1:00 p.rn. or 2-:0(0 - 4:3(0 p.m. Registrationî--Jrîly i1i, i1974 6:00 p.nî.-- 8:30 p.in. Irogucois Park Arca 'Whitney 1ial * e * e e.. * e e. esece ~ al tltîdari ce. l)irtring lte meetinîg, 27 ('itaer einh rs:Ms. Aima Riicy, Miss Saiiy Julites. Miss i3ealrice Joltes, Mu s, Mauy Akey, Mis. Ana Pal ici sitti Mrs. VerotuIica Mutilliîg, Mis, Luilite RfîusiMis. 1icr» flîuî Meiielui Mis. Niaiet ie Stcjulieulsuitt, Nirs. jîu lite tulas, Mr. Latuies Marine, N'isý K utthlîei i3îi vt Mi , <a (lysM('it uli Mi s. ,ieai Wicket t, Mis. Ka tluicct'i lair- iaiMis, 1 ialie ("Met uIc- iusMis. May L.(oticr Misý Myrîle ie'e',Mrs, Matide Mi iwiîiuy M rs Del- phliie (mtibetir. Mus ttte SitIIIII, Nirs.i utteila (ek Mis. PeIcri e ciMis. Niti ccii l)t iiet , Mis. l1'lllict i3ca r. Mis. Olive Mcr(')y. Mrs.ý Mac Phair, werc iiirstduiccd and presecd witlit a îwott y-f'ive ycaî, O.1li.S. pin. "lite Werthiy Mai roui tiiantk- cd al l'or iteir excelliti Iwork il t r parîiîîg for 'titis wcty. I ifli bit'iîiday puirty. lit a hi-ici' cerenmeuty I'tui i ewilîg hIl ei'gtuiar tmeetinîg flite oiflcrs e' 1949) Wcrc cetîdtied te ilueir respective Citaitrs. Mis. Alilla Ridley W.M. ud fltc roill caiied Ie wliuideihiriteri (>licers re- sp cri dc d A ff Icllte cl(ocf' tlle ilciitg ;a draw (ltcee 1.38742) waiji ade. Severail of flite (rand Of.ficcrs weîe 'asýkcul lo drass'Itle ictîiulii tickefs,W (îi lrs Ile dîaw were flite f<ilt> 4'iîig: i sif Oi ft f'iletî noii î.861, H AVE' yrnî riofice<l(o't cf oiu iehorg pe tr j where, wehri et a2 gaîrden,ai'rnkrif î, hack yrfio ît a cople à wirîdow/-boxet <man tup,rtrrtcr<i bai1con Yl'e r ha P'; if) C r;citt 10 do wiîh hIie ese-og new lîybrids, or (Itr hcighiencdJ awareness of the natural sserid around us. But whaies'er the' reasoru, cveryone ik mb ogarderi- îng this year. Most of us have, at onet ime or anothcr, tricd îo preserve flowers, eîther to proiong that summer feeling mbt winîer. or t0 relain' a sentimental souve- nir. Here's a method which realiy works very weIl. First of ail, try to use fresh- iy cut or picked flowers -- those cul at mid-nîorning are best, before the heat of midday has dried the bloom. Petais should be dry. Cul the blossom from the stem jusl beiow the calyx (where the stem sweilis 1 becomne the flower's base). There are two mixtures, both of which are equaily effective: 2 parts 20 Mule Team Borax 1 pat fine white siic anît (approxîmateiy 60 mesh if you're lechnical> OR 2 parts corn meai (grocery relail grade) i part 20 Mule Team Borax After combining the ingre.. W-.Alkins, 3 I'oliingîen Rd., Wesîot, Oni. 2îd: I3ieîdei no. 1296, Mrs. Florenice Magcc, i127 Prrîy Si 1., WI)ilîbY. -3rd: $ 25.00 ne. 1.384, M rs. I huiluer l3eake, 1 03 Reynolds S I., Wliîit1hy. 401î: Melal ('oei'e Taublc & Traýys ne. 13 78, Miss Marilyn I4eake, 103 Rcyonilds Si.., Wilitby. 511j: $ 10.00 certif'icate no. 856, Aîn n cGovern, 21 Garnock Ave., Toronto. A delicities bift l unch was servcd in lte Chuper t ll ssiiicli had heen beauth- hIuliy dectîratcd by Nirs. Lyn Sceit wiliî baskets and vases eJf pnîîg fliers. wt'the îîi£ Xuh uepNt a epîthe cotinr and stor.ke it sru>- ki" mpcrtîure 'r/ 3 aref7ty Th lngth for riirttt th dfacrus storrunpoit e ctasicc y e, thei temr e fi oltbend o ecsh he uith t ind ofi' oro'f d esîep k b cveraythke mcntainer nd store mairoe dempeaturpea frt3ebc7rdatio.. Tht' loa engîhfor t"curight difficuoft 1 inpoin exacnly, as horeausvary ih wicnitures youn ue, rit emetre and espt, ealy rwiîh the kindof "floer yourer ing.Ticoer pueas. uchas thfoe o lip ora orchis, Thwintrll eyoutae -hauc logervtha he mrore deiattpelaIs of therion- Bucatr fwtre you wilI aeacooru dresvedp a elfr he crighl wieghof time nededain your hoes parclrcodtos Whitby Chapter 248, O.E. S. I. i THE âNe as.;ADVICE BUREAU Keep your memories ,fresh with borax qZ~attr' ut onb 'trett iLUI. SUMMER CLEARANCE Ladies' Wear Sportswear, Dresses, Gowns, Coats, Pantsuits. up to OFF 44 Bond St. W. 576-7152 Bond Towers Mal Oshawa ki f ai /00 qýp (garttr's of e%"% und ý$trttt

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