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Whitby Free Press, 17 Jul 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2. WEDNESDAY, JLJLY 17, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Talking about corporate rip'offs a good (or sad) example came to lght recently witza distasteful experience with t/he local Qzble TV company. A recent su bscri ber to cable TV decided to move across Town. He informed the cable company prior to fils move and made arrangements for the cable to be reconnecîed at his new address provided the installer called hlm at work first to allow fili to go to fils new home and let the inîstaller in. After moving, t/w customerfound that cable was already installed and operative and fiad been in use by the former resident So need-less-to-say he informed the cable company on the first working day following of the situation, an-d that installation would noi' be necessarv. Despite (fis, a cable installer wvent to fils home (without noftfylng hlm) and leit a note on tfie door sayi-g he had been fi ere. The next day a person called t/ils customer identifyîng fimself only as "an installer" w/zo ivorks for the cable company, and wanted to know w/zen he could corne and pick up five dollars. T/is person, who for some unknown reason refused to give fils uane, said it dldh't i-atter that cable was already l nstalled, the five dollars would have to Ouest Editoriail Remember the good old days /usz 20 y'cars ago wfien $6, 000.00 per 3/Car ivas a jéllows good income, w/zen $1 0,000. boug/ vou t/he best fiouse on t/he block, ivhen, l1ôr t/uc price of todays cheapest ftiur-banger, seats i'wo coinfortably, you could buy a fuli-size C'/evy eig/zt, w/zen your wzfeé was able 10 save a litie for extras out of t/he $15. OC yoîî gave her for groceries and w/zen you grumibled about payiîzg a few flundred dollars wt/lte governmnent for taxes? Wow you 're sitting reading t/ils is your average $50, 000. flouse wlt/î fts better t/ian 10% inorîgage wvorrying about w/zeîher you 're going to gei' that overtime to pay for (lie work you need on your car. You filed your 1973 twx retum 5 mont/is ago and were s/uocked w/zien you saw hoiv mue/z money t/he income lax boys took, but 1*' had been a good year, you did get a couple of hundred back (with/out interestj and w/zat 's (fie sense of complainuîzg anyhoiv. You 've thoughi' about ît a couple of iimes since w/zen your paycheque included a couple of overtrne s/ifts, but that" life. Well, I've just about had it. It s îîoi just income taxes, it's the myriad of others I'm paying also - the 71% provincial sales tax, (the royalties and taxes on gasoline, the 11% federal sales tax (whlch is included ln the cost of (fiat dining room suite on which 15 calculated tfie provinzcial Carnival PreVIew WHITBY ARTS A games night and arts festival are the evenîs happ- ening at the Whitby Arts Station ai the County Town Carnival ibis yeýr. The games nighi, witb games of chance, pizzas for sale, and entertainment by the Whitby Greenhorns will be held starting at 8 p.rn. July 26. Throughout carnival week from July 29 to Aug. 2, the Station wiIl be open io the public from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a special meînbers' art exhibit. The gifi shop will also be open at ihis lime. On Aug. 3 and 4, beginn- ing ai noon there will be an arts festival with arts and crafts for sale in a tent. The sale is open to any artist who wants îo sel! bis works. To register caîl Linda Paul- THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitîby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published every Wednesday by Whitby Frec Press mec. Bruno Harilaicl, Presiden t. i-tiec tthe Frec Press Building 12 1 Brock St. North Whîtby. SUBSCRIPTION (BY MAIL) $1O.OO YEAllLY MAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668-6111 TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MAILING PERMIT NO. 2941 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jim Quail CLASSIFIED ADS - Kathy Martin GRAPHIC ARTS Marie Burgess ADVERTISING- Robin Lyon -.-- -1 1Lm 8K Thle Gret CaOble Rip-Off be pald. Tiat 's rigfit! No bill, no involce, lus>' "w heu can Jplck up your money' On a subsequent (rip >'q the local cable office the cusi'omer was lnformed by the lady in (fie office (fiat if the money wasn 't paid 1in two days the cable would'be disconneeted. The money wvasn't paid and the cable was disconnected. THEN a letter arrived saying (fiat (fie cable would be re-coînected only if tic five dollars (and eighty cents for five days of service) was paid. So ln o ther ivords, jusi' to get an extra five dollars from a customner t/he cable coinpany actually diseonneced (fie cable to fie able to/zook 1>' up agalîz and charge (fie flve dollars! Somefiow you woti/dn 't du înk it would be wortfl five dollars to seizd an enzploye w a place thfree times, wflen it really wasnz t necessary to send fili even (fie firsi' tiîne. But apparenzdy the cable company feel it is.or is it (fiat business is so slow (fie i,îstallers hiave i-oi'fing better to do? Afier a/I $4. 95 per moîntf fr cable service doesn't sowîid like muc/z bu it does add up to $59.40 per year. Not cowftng z/you fiappen tow inove aînd get fit witfi t'/ese extra surcharges, or are /ziz vith an lîîiial installationz charge rigflt off (fie ba t. And tfiere are no dlscoun ts given for (fie inconvience wflen (fie cable goes off (fie air w/zlihflappens frequenz'ly. And t/zen you wind up hooking-up your roof antenna anyýway. Now on (fie othferhfand, if you warnt to pull ini everytfling calle fias to offer (ex ccpiing their so-ca/led "local program- ming") wfienever you wautit i, instead of (hem glvlng 1>' (o you part-trne suefi as chaîzuel 29, you can have a good 40 foot tower wii'h a co/our flead and rot'or including in- stallation for about 200 dollaes. This migfli sound like a lot of money, but youl'a spend (fiat muef inl a little over t/urec years on cable (ln five years you wil/ spend close to $300. at $4. 95 per mont/z), and keep rzgflz on paying. A ctually, you eau install a tower for a lot less, especlally if you do (fie installation yourself. ft's like buying a flouse compared to renzdng. You ca- pay more now and evcntu- a//y OW1? your flouse, or pay /css ren-t now and pay a lot more over a pcriod of time and own nofluing. T/uc choice is yours. We've made ours. And it appears from wflat wcflear a dozen or so W/itby aparz'ment build- ings mig/zi also fie saving their tenants money by switcfling back to the good o/d reliable roof an tenna. Remember, the g.ooýd old days sales tax), tize municipal property tax, t/le amzusei-ei-t tax, tobacco tax (I smoke tc niuc/i), t/le liquor tax (I drinzk (00 'Illchz î'o), th/e import diu lles, laud transfier lax, capital gainus tax anudi'ni sure Ifiere are othfers. Wflaz makes il WOrse 15 t/zat as ai> ultimate consumer, I amn paymzg as part of (fie cost of t/uc produet t/lai' Iarn buying, t/le taxes thiat t/le producer, îniddlenzan and rez'ailer have f0 pay. A lot of t/uc îax (fiat tfiev pay 15 takeniz nto consideratioz ini (fi cosi' of ther product anzd t/zen they add on th/eir nzarkup. I read somewflere t/zat t(fe distiller of t/le fiîîest Scotch hnectar receiî'es less i'han a dollar a boule but a dollars wort'fiai' tic LCBO store woulduu t gel your budgie tipsy. T'he beaîay of il all îs w/za we gel' for oui- crus/îing tax /oad: increasing goverznenzt in terferemîce iniour dally lives. You want w bufid an- addiionzon your Izouse - you hlave wo get a buildinzg permit, but vou caîl t get one until you have a survey - sorry, the surî'e> shows you don't fhave t/le proper side-yard but fi/I outi'fis application anzd leave your $50. for au applicat'ionz to (fie ('omi-nni'ee of Ad/ust- ment for a minor variance. You want to go into business, - you have wo get a federal sales rax licence, a provincial sales ='a licence, a munuicipal licence - the Labour Stand- ards bran-ci> wants Io ùzspeci' your premises, so does (fie local Medical Officer oýfllea/z - do you /have your employee déduction renuluaîîce nutuber?- are you remittiîzg your ocik at 725-9645. DANCING Good old.fashioned squre dancing is offered ai ibis year's Coutity Town Carnival by the Brooklin Squares. The dance which is open to ail, wiIl be held ai the Green Street Parking loi ai 7:30 p.rn., Aug. 4. GO KARTS Go-Kariers in both junior and senior classes will have an opportunity 10 partici- paie in this year's County Town Carnival. coninued on Page 3 [ e d r wit Dear Sir: Just a short' note ta tell you about the re- sponse we got fromn the ad we ran for HeIp Wanted in your paper Iast week (July 10). We received over 30 cais in Iess than three days and had no trouble filling thé position. 1 would like to thank the Whîtby Free Press for your co-operation in this matter. 1 must say that the response 1 got from this littie ad really proves the good readership that the Whitby Free Press has. Thanks again, Yours very truly, K & M Cleaners, 112 Coiborne St. W., Whîtby. Town of Whiiby Civic Recepti*on Ontario Ladies College Take notice that the Town wiIl be holding a Civic Reception at the Ontario Ladies' College in commemnoration of the lOOîh Annivcrsary of the founding of the Ontario Ladies' College in Whitby on Sunday, August 4th, 1974 commen- cing ai 2:00 p.m. The citizens of the Town of Whitby are cordially invitcd to attend this reception. The school is to be open for public viewing on ibis occasion. Dated at Whitby ibis i 7th day ofiJuly, A.D., 1974. Wni. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., taxes quarz'erly? - have you paid your Workmen's Com- pensation Board levy? - fley 'ie all eoming next week to audit your books! No left tlun, îuo rigflt turu, no turns, no parking, no, stoppffng, your hedge is (00 c/ose i'o t/uc strei', (fiat base- ment apartment is illegal, yes you are golng to, have an airpor', a four-/anc highway ln frount of your flouse. J'm paying 50 rnany people i'o look out for me, I eau t afford i'o gei into trouble. J'd jus>' as sooîz pay fia/f as muefi for fia/f(fie mol/y - eoddling - Big Brothfer fias gotten too fig. Retraîz i a/f ithe civil service for productive rat/uer (flan obst'rucuive enzployrnen. It înay t'ake 5 years but (heu wtcf (fis couzn'ry go. ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE 401 Reynolds St. Whitby, Ontario Internationally known residential and day school. Grades VII to XIHI. Full range of extra-curricular activities: swim- ming, tennis, mnusic, gymnastics, drama. dl Applicati*ons for Day Pupils Are Invited Apply to Dr. R.C. Davis, Principal Telephione: 668-3358 TOP GEAR Ltd. 841I Dtudas St, W. '~"i ALL CARS WILL BE CERTIFIED 1973 TOYOTA -2 door, yellow fini, black interior, radit owner car wiili 6,001 Like new, sîill Linde ran ty. Lic. EAZ 811 1972 TRIUMPH CONVERTIBI f'inish ini Ange! Blue.1 miles, showrooin con Lic. C5B 757 OnIy 1970 LOTUS CONVERTIBI - AM/FM 8 track Radial tires plus all equipment. Yellow Lic. HBC 278 1970 AUSTIN AMI - 43,000 miles, rad gas saver. Lic. AZK 481 Onîy 1600 1970 TRI SPITFIRE sh witbl CONVERTIBLE ý, oneC - recent valve job, finish in 0 miles. brown with tan interior. er war- 56,000 miles. Priced to go. $235 Lie. FTX 671 $1,495 1969 MGB MK4 - orange finish, black leather LE seats, full reconditioning 19,000 wiih radio, 56,000 miles. iidition. Lic. FBS 875 Asking $ 1,845 $2,495 1970 DATSIJN 510 ELAN - blue, good shape through- LE oui with radio and new tires. siereo. Priced to sel!. 1 Lotus Lic. FKT 770 $ 1,295 finish. $3,695 SUMMER SPECIAL [ERICA 1967 BUICK WILDCAT hio.- A - red, al bower seats, brakes, windows, plus air condition- $105ing. $l05Li. FBM 358 $1,195

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