r -w I %GE 6, WENESDAYJL ,17, 'HiTBY FREE PRES DAILY ATTRACTIONS WEDNESDAY. JULY 24th, 1974 8:00 p.ni. 1974 Carnlival Queenl Contest Heydenshore Pavilion THURSDAY, JULY 2Sthi, 1974 6:30 p.rn. "Y" Camlp Farnily Night. camp Displays, Coulîcil Risng Prograni Heber Downl Conservation Park - Jttdginig Finals SATURDAY. JULY 27th. 1974 8:00 a.rII. Minior Lacrosse Pee Wee Tournatiient for Andrew Anltennia Trophiy Peel -Pa-rk (to 9:00 p.ii.) 7:30 p.mi. "Talent Silowecase". A variety concert Direct- ed by Mr. Bert Heaver (2 hours). lroquois Pa,ýrk Areîia - Admission - Fre 9: 00 P.rn. Dance - Live Music. SnmalI admission fee. Royal Canadian Legion - Byron St. Southi. SUNDAY. JULY 28t1i, 1974 8:30 arn. to 5:00 p.în. Driving SI Test. Openi class amateur -eveilt. Iroquois Park Parking Lot 2: 00 p.rn. ULcrosse Twitiuing Tottrnamienit. Whit by vs. Lonigveî Peel Park - Lacrosse Box 6: 00 p. to 9:.00 p.In. RoIler Skating Demonstration with audience participation. Iroquois Park Arenla MONDAY, JULY 29th, 1974 Ail cvening Happyland Carnlival Rides Iroquois Park Congratulations TOWN 0F'WHITBY A the heipful bank We Can HeIp Make It Happen 307 Brock St. Se Whitby 668-9358 WELCOME from GRAZYNA HOTE LS L1TD. 6:30 p.m. Whitby Trade Fair - Admission Free to 10: 30 p.m. Iroquois Park Arena 6:30 p.m. Minor Soccer Tousrnamnents - Squirts (Cochranle St.), Atorns (Henry Street), 7: 00 p. m. (o 9:00 P.m. Members' Art Exhibit and Open -Hotîse Whitby Arts Station, Henry St. S. at Victoria. TUESDAY, JLJLY 3Oth, 1974 Ail eveninig t<> 11: 30 p. in. Flappyland Carival Rides and Gaines lroquois Park 6: 00 P.m. OFFICIAL CARNIVAL OPENING DINNER AND DANCE - Fleydenlshore Paviion - Peter Perry Award to 'Witby's Outstanding Citien of 1973, - Tickets - Il 7 Greeni St. 668-4506 -.S6.00 per person -Presentation of Carnival Queen Liîcky Draw for Busnper Stickers D)ance Io Live Mutsic 1w Bev Sîiîh lianîd the 6:30) p. n Xhithv Trade [air Admissioni Fre t> 10:.30) p*m.Irouios iark Arena 6:30 p.mi. \linor Soccer'Tottriilmeni'ts losiiito-s ( ('chjranje Stret). iiior Bauifains t Heirv- Street)1. Junior Girls (Gardeni Street ). 7:00 p.m. ho 9:00 p.nl. Memibers Art Exhihit Whiitby Arts Sttation - Henîry St. S. to victoria Lm Q11ILf@ýl 7:30 p.ml. Jr. '"B**La,,crosse League Gaine. Whitby B & R's vs. Braînpton Brooklin Meinloriai Arena WEDNESDAY. JULY 3 1st. 1974 Alil evening Hap pyklid Carnival Rides Iroquois Park 6:30 p.m. Whitby Trade Fair - Admission Free t(> 10:30 p.m. Iroquîois Park Arena 6:30 p.m. Mlinor Soccer Tourmnments - Squiirts (Cochrane Street), Atoîns (Henry Street) Juiffor Girls (Gardeni Street). 7:00 p. s. Members' Art Exhibit Whitby Arts Station - Henry Street S. at Victoria 8: 00 ). M. Dog Obedience Demnonstratio.ii - Contact L. Miller - 623-7382 Iroquois Park Arena THURSDAY, AUGUST 1Ist, 1974 Ail evening to 1.1:30 p.in. Happyland Carnival Rides and Gaines Iroquois Park STEAK HOUSE AND TAVERI THE STORY OF OUR STEAKS Alil ur steaks ore oged to perfection. When your steak% ore %ervedi, you wîll be awore of our original touches. The steak board or, which your steak i s servedi, belps ta retain cll the ,uices and flaoou. Ali steaks cre prepored wiha touch of gorlic, and our famcj.s ,Alit Bab seosoring, unless youi speci ly 918 Brock St. Ne Whltby 668-9369 CONGRATULATIONS &Welcome To The Whitby County Town Carnival Congratulations f rom TEL. (416> 668-9391 BUILDING SUPPLIES & HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE 244 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY, ONT. 171 BROCE STRtEETNOIl JITYOTA Live Entertainment Modern Country Rock ""THE CRYSTALS" FuIIy Licensed Dining Room m Tavern Air Conditioned 401 King St. W. Oshawa 728.-4641 t t ~ ~ -IVHITBY, ONTARIO