PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1974, WHITBV FREE PRESS Free Press.- CLASSIFIED - ADVERTISING FOR SALE - 8 year oîd' bay show Pony and saddie. 12 Hands. Cood withi chitd- re.ENGLISH AND WEST- ERN TRAINED. CANJUMP. $250.00. Phione 668-2203 before 9 p.m. emp. FOR SALE - Frigidaire dryer, Frigidaire 30" stove, $50. Must be sotd before August 4. CatI 668-3889. emp. FOR SALE - electric lawn mower and grass catcher,, excetlent condition, $65-00. Inglis Cas Dryer, excellent condition, $98.00. Ampli- fier in mahogany cabinet, excellent condition. $45.00. TY(PIST-RECEPTIONIST NEEDELD FULL TIME Wiliing to work hard for peanuts (tike everyone else here) in a creative, satisfying position that invoîves typing, secretar- ial and oter ffice du ties. Although flot a fuli-tirne typing position, yo u must be able to type quickly and accuratefy. Experience on I.B.M. Composer or Vani-typer desirabie. Eg. working on1 sehoot yearbook etc. Phone: Mr. Burgess Whi tby Free Press 668-6111. CARPENTRY Home Repairs and ti ments. Ceramnic wa and floor tiliig. 668-4686. Improve- ali tiiing Cal] - emp. FOR SALE - Alouette, 14 horsepower snowmobile in brand new condition, witt inctude seat cover, hielmet, and mitts. Cost, liew, $800., witl seli for $400. Cati 668-67,44. emnp- FOR SALE i Stanite deep weti pump wîthi 20 galton tank, gauges and fît- tings. $80.00. Cati 94-- 2569. emp. FO R SALE -- crib, $20., mieshi playpen. $15., baby carrier, $8.00. Caît 668-6093. emip. FOR SALE onme 7.piece Diniing room set (lighit oak). Cosî .$950.00. Selling price S325.00. Aiso 3-piece Easy washier set, one Easy spiro- tator xvashier, one Easy ctryer, one Easy trouier. Prîce $225. Cati 942-2569. emp. FOR SALE Black reg- istered tlion uglibred poodle, mai~le, 7 or 8 miffnlis.spayed. att stiots, S1t00J. Desk lamp, $65ý0. Basketbatt. 52.00. Kitchien ltighî fixture. S$3.00. Ladies whiite biat, $3.00. ('lean plastic slioe splashers, sîze 8, $SI1.00. Batlhroom taps, S53.00. Traiter Iiiïch for sinall traiter, S35.00. Cali 6 68 -4 225.einp FOR SALE - 2184 four plate Jacobsen lawn mower. OnIy 2 years oid. $565-00. Phone 668-8675. ---------emp. FOR SALE - .38 Iver Revotver, antique. S560.00. CalI 655-~3505. emp. FOR SALE - 66 Pontîace Convertible, power brakes, power steering, automatic, bucket scats, low milage. $600. or best offer. Caît, à ft er 6 p.m., 655-3090. em p. FOR SALE - Lloyd baby carniage - verygood condition. S30. flinkscraft bottle ster- itizer, 'V2 lrice. $8. Car seat $8. Catt 608-9720. l. WE LCOME SERVICE would tike to caîl ou you with 'tîousewarming gifts' anid information about your new location. The Hostèss wiil be gtad to arrange your subseniption to- the WHITBY FREE PRESS. - Cali her nt 655-3790 ___________________- -I q SALE *FOR SALE -50 -8 foot gfence posts, $1 .25 eachi, 50 board feet. Cherrywood, 50 cents a foot. Cali 723-1220. Emporium Fridge, good worki $25.00. Please cati any time after 6 p.r FOR SALE - tires with rins, S$ 15" tires, S10.0 655-3167. FOR SA LE-1 Biscayne, 4 door S( V8 motor. automa runs daily. As is. Cati 668-4294. FOR SALE - chen cupboard doc each. Seli very re Cati 655-3534. FOR SALE -- ycle, almnost brand tires. Asking $35 668-3995. FOR SALE -"SI ing order, 942-4656g cm p. 2 DodgeI 15.00, i -1 )0. Cati emlp.I 965 Chevg edan, 2-38 tic, radio,I $250.00. emip. new kit- ors, Si1.50 easonably. emp. boys bic- new, 26"I 5.oo. CatI em I )imi Line" rhi -fà rr tieit mas i viaaiitu Lu spot reducing. Cost $125., wilt seti for S60. De-Luxe Projection Screen. Excellent condition. $15. Cali 668- 3727. cmx,. LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS 0 Train with the experts *Tultion fee tax deductibte * Job assistance guaranteed ' Weekend training also availabte Now, speClol 1summer tultion Fees For application and interview write: National Tractai Trailer Training School, 738-361 8 Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Toronto Phone 493-006 WA NT TO RENT 2 bedrooiii apartulellt ini a building near dowutown Whitby for cither Aug. lst or Sept. Ist. Please cati 725 -30 5 1. 7 1 FOR SALIS - Philips Sterco wi th 4 bu il t ini duel- toule speakers. Lxcellent con- dition. $200. 25" Wesîing house B & W T.V., ',35.00. Antique graniaphone. 4½ tl'e t hiigh. Crank m iissing, S225. or best offer. Cail 668-9778. cm p. LOST I pair of jeans in the Centre Street North area on Sunday afternoon. Please eall 668-1006. July 31/74 FOR SALE - Dînette set,, oval table, 4 chairs, ncarlyý new, $ 50.00, single bcd, $35.,' Philco B & W T.V. and stereo compontent set, good cond- ition, $200. Austin jeep with snow plow, $S,100. CatI 668-81 25.« emp. STORES. FOR RENT I I FOR SALE - 4 Mchelin Super X tires (Steel Belted). Size: 180-15-XAS total $40.00. Modemn Art: Moonfish Patron in Frame, green background. Teak- wood (new). H-aif price $25. CatI 668-8527. emp. FOR SALE --l966 Grand Parisienne V8, 327 engiue, power brakes. power stec ring. Lime coloured with black vinyl top. Good condition. $400.00. Phione 668-5105 after 6 p.m. emp. FOR SALE- Ultra-mod- ern Sound Systemn for DJ or rec-roomi, 3 portable sec- t ions, vinyl covercd,tape-deckI controi panel, switches, bog-g en amp., 2 garrard transcrip- tion turu tables, 2 audioI empire toue arms, CE cart- ridges, 15" JB Lansing. Sp-' eaker mouuted in thecatre cabinet. New cost .5,100., witt take $700. or best offer. 1 Cati 668-9746. enp. j FOR SALE-- 14" Radial pty tire, spare, new, neyer used. - 30.00. Caîl after 3:30 p.m. at 6687433. emfp.# FOR SALE - Frigidaire waslîer - working condition. $45.00. 601 Cia rence Dr. in Whitby. emp. I I WHITBY MICHAEL BOULEVARD il1,000 sq. feet, convenient centre among iiew 1 ,500 home sub-division. Al uses. CALL Clovertawn lnivestments Ltd 1.-964-8552 FOR SALE -T-Irim Gymi Exerciser wittî instruction book, New condition. $50. CatI 655-4245. enp. FOR SALE -2smatl toy poodies - t white female, 3 yrs.. I black maIe, I yr. purebred - papcrs - good house pet f'or chiidren. SI125. eachi. Musi seil - inoving to aparrînent. Phione 668-74921. A2 ii FOR SALE- modemn chiestertield and chair, mnush.- roomn colour, like new, asking $100. R.C.A. b/w 211"T.V., floor mode], lu good coud. Selling - want to buy cotour T.V. Asking $50.00. 1 963 Arcadian Beaumont. Just spent over $200 on1 repairs, godnmi.ot or, own-d 'and dniven by lady only. Have receipts for repairs. Asking $350. Cali 668-4435. emp FOR SALE - Cooper lGoalie Pads, uscd once, lu 1good condition, 27" high, $545.00. Also, Cooper face gmask, also in good condition,j $58.00. Cail 655-3211. emp. ý ý tm T.V. REPAIRS SPEC IA L Juty and August Onlý PAINTING & DECORATING SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homnes. Chesterflelds, lamps, dinet. te suites, velvet paintlngs, rugs, AUl in Showroom con-~ dition. ELMER'S FUMNIURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 FOR SALE - "64 Ford Wagon. Needs some work. Runs well, $200. Dune Bug- gy, good condition, $400. Catt 668-6953. jutv 31/74 FOR SALE -i 968 Clev. 6 with radio. Front end dainaged. Asking $1 50.00. Phione 668-3855. Aug. 7/74 BA BYSITT iNG t xill babysit (infants or schoni children) iii mylhomie as)and xviii serve gond nîicats. Located in West Lvnide. xvitii a nice ifeiced in backyard. Cal 668-981t9. jlty 3 1 FOR SALE s 5PUBS, ýStieppard & Husky. 7 weeks onId. Mý-ates $20., fenates $15. Plhone betweeil 6 and 10 p.ui. 668-9772. July 31/74 LEGAL F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 15 Coibornie Street East Oshawa, Ontario LIG ]MI Telephone: (416) 723-3800 FOR SALE - 196f Triumphi Spitfîre. Goot condition but needs some repair. Caît 985-2583 after 6 p. . uly 3 1/74 PREVIEW OPENINO wLsoodstream 41medows LUXURY( HOMES IN OSHAWA The fourteen warmly ellegant designs in Woodstreamn Meadows are a harmonious. blend of new lite-style ideas with proven traditionat concepts. The empha5is'thr- f oughout lis on luxury. 0f prime import- ance, lis how much living space you get for your money. You wili apprleciate *the generous dimensions and 'delightful indi- viduality of each home design. Plus the added pleasure of a naturally* beautiful setting complete with stream.* Not often can you find such a remarkable« combina- ' tion. Beautiful Woodstream Meadows- the perfect place to caîl "home". for information phone: mui HELP WANTED SUPER VISORS INSPECTORS SETTERS MAINTENANCE MECHANICS MACHINE OPERATORS FOR PRESS & MACHINE PLANT CANADA METAL CO. LTD FORGING DIVISION 755-5247 IN BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedrooîn bungal ow, attrac- tiveiy decorated. Near shop- ping, schools and churches. Plione Jack Ricard - 623-2503 Sec it and mnake an offer. Juy114 I WANTED- ,'ping at home. '668-8426. FREE - concrete stairs, 6 feet wide, 4 stairs high. You take them away. Cal 655-3813. Juiy 31/74 FOR SALE - 4, 20 gaI- on, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover tights, acces- ories about 50 tropical fish with a red fin shark included (3 inches long) $ 130.00. CalI 668-9288 after 5 p.m. emp. OPEN LETTER TO~ DATING CLUB SUBSCRIBERS You've seen ads about dating services. But what is a dating service? At Durham D atîng we be- iîeve that our match making is the most succ- essful 111 the Region. Our clientele are happy and satisfied. If you wish to have a happy date an enjo yable eveiiing, then piease feel free to discuss it with our counsellor. Hoping you have a happy day. DURHAM DATING 35 King St. W. 576-7400 FOR SALE- Walker Fox- hounds, 9 months otd. Ready to start hiunting. Cati 655-3560. JuIy 1 FOR SALEE -- fitt, app- roximatety 800 sq. ft., $5.00 or offer. Cati 668-3189. emp. If you are NEW.TO.TOWN or have just mnoved into a ,-uew homne g WHITBY'S OWN 13 - - m Service Cali Black and White - $5.00. Colour - $8.00 723-0065 LIONS CLUB Meet ail your friends ai Whitby's Iroquois Park on August 2nd, 3rd and Sth, in conjuniction with the Whitby County Town Carnival. Bav- arian Baud nightty, continen- tal food, Saturday afternoon entertainment by the Whitby Brass Band. Open from 12:00 noon to 1:00 a.m. Hope to sec you there on behaif of the Whitby Lions Club. Admission is $1 .00 for one fuît day of your choice. PICK YOUR OWN biack/red currants, goose- bernies. Pickering/Whitby Townline, 6th house N. of Baseline. Phone 668-8307. Aue. 7/74 -... il - q ------------- - 1 1 1 31/74 July