PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHAT HAS HAPPENED O9S Iéve aîcout- /î'îu treiîu t rIroquisPark<, t/lt'sivinîîfnîg, poit> s utiter cturc'Itfi, tantd utve're îvc'/ oit oui wuIo a rt'trea t/o nl'tl mlui' /Illte re'Nlc/tls of lI/îitbl'et/Il bc' proud of' Uîaîks tote lt or/c(mlei />iN u f /îttll' eol (ou nuinîrous lIonamît. It ilist 5t't'îllsa s/lel' ti eouiiî'l/ 15 /ttl'l/lg ilîlslie' Local Scout WiBl Travel to B.C. Dax'id 1 of*er 1.03 1 ('harles St., Wiiîby îs a îîîeml- ber eotf ile iy Scouwt s ef Canada. This wcc k lie icax c- te take Ipart iii Ille ?nd lBî it- ishi ('lunlibLîJailîîhec uî V/ancouve r Isliand. FIlic "Jamîboecft ('hall- elige \VilliJ 1ivc ;eiboi I3.000 Scouts agcd tIroîn dcx cîî km sevcîiteeil. anid îieîîiicî us C1 ders. Neienbers ai îcîîdiigthe ten)-dax even I. xvi ihbegiiis Augusîi 1. xiii bc [rein cveî v prevince anid terri tory ii Cain- ada. an d partss ef* tlie Liii ted States. David is part ef I lle Qîi - ta rie celingllent te hIle B .(' Jainboece. xhich cenisissef* sixteen Scouts and six leaders. Thecy fly Iri alteîî ir-Peit te) Victoria onilJ uly 30. aiid xviii speîid e)lie day iuuî muo iliat city' helere thie Jambere 5 a ris. Seie eof, Ille acliv il jes fca- îured a t Ibis evei iii ke arcliery. f*ield sports. sxvin- ring. canee races. skin-d iv iig anîd t rail-bike iidilig. Vei- turers (age 14 - 17) xiii bc abie to try inieuntain lîmlilb- iing, bac k-packing t rips. aind h ikiîg un the xvesi ceasi efI Vatncouver Island. Why de beys travel frin ail over tire counîtry te attenid a Scout Jamboree'? Aniswer: te make f'riends. anid second- ly, te have funl! In plaYiig gilles, siniginig songs, anid shiaring experiences tugeilier. the Scouts are mnaking friends - ufteîî ife-long f'riends - xvti boys fromn other places. The 211d B.C. Jamrboree represents another ini the multitude of evenis in xviiicli today's Boy Scouts are part- icipatiîig. A'ct4ditig te Bey Scout records, the xvrld's first jamboree was lieid ai London, England in 1920. Loi-L dBadlen-l>ewýeli . tetînder if tIle sce)nLI tIevemleill ceiîîed the wmici*jîîbmre and large inîteîrational rallies )f Scots caiîpiny întgeîhîcr hiave hiccmîînce me ()tIlle iliesi escl iîît- 'ez [calItues m Itlte TII iB.(. ilîiboicc was lîcld inIilte stilinierc ()mît 96i anid il a îî iacicd ()er 3.000 beyVs Iîe ias fla aaxas "llice >xScmits u (aîada 1 973 cenlisus reperied _216 thiiunsanîd hbey hiC iii rs anîd .3«' tliersand leaders across t le coui try. s(rtî~ç/ f6rutîc etuîîil t/vî, snnîult'c/ il 11/) l'ery liIîl'/al tt'e Iloiele/t/1' //glt c'oillîî e'l îctingg iulîeîs/l' st/Ii "I ca'l' Sc li î', iliaiit//illi'ip/iitl' ae/ ie)5t'/l'Itii t/N t)ourN, /î or A/la l'or )ces ,Velunît//î t/tl1/lt'sait,/Ie' eetlg'xprt'sste/ /115 k'éeiîg t/ut dtl', 11r îc'îlittul 'aî/'i otUe Mayor Des Newmnan siovel ini lîand ) efficially bruke the sud for (lie nexv Iroquois Park sxvwînig pool Friday afternuen. Frem left te riglit aie: ('en i ni Gartsheore, chairninof' Rec- reation; Maiyor Newman;:al ter Beaili. IDurhîam Rcgieîîal Cha.irriant; and Dr. ('barlie NMcllvcîîi. M.P.1>. S Free Press Plioto s ~'-"A ,4'y J1> squ/ez c' tt he 111/eiîlor îl 1'-'..... th/linwgroîîp w/île/i/lats bt'cil alrl'ig lo gc't i/irt>t'/i>us ot*f ice (lit' e k/. Belorc'.e %l ; lue nc"%ou/d like lu niukt'il perl:ftt/l' t/et/rd/ut tht' JV/ibv lPr'c' Presvs is lîelher pro, /tl)i-tigatiisl tuijuor hoeke i', /ïgîre s/«/tiilg Jifflor A /îocetY, Sîir /totke *il, or011t//le / 'ft'îîisilîiig ice lt'e. t'iattiutve c*o groîîps îluiîlg lo tîutil lh/ellse/v'es o/ oîw /uie'i/iis. A / %il(l,' tgrec 'l //tt'/of' colil iii voîingir nu/cng a w/îohi lîrce h/urs o/.f jc et'(iu',/uh/e et/ai e/iîek Wr sr«. il. hoeke I.. Il seeînýs lîcrd 1/() e/ie'e rt/aI onegroîîp li/i 01er t60 hoîîrs ofi/ elee cadit , w/îîîeL. tnîd (tino/er îuit/î sonie'-" Iltrs tolit/lrt/l'gel soi/t1 tI/J aoliltI/t 'r o11it/J lll- ilig a metre 3 iîoiîrs t'c'/î î't'tk. Ile'eiboigot cîcr'/ Ilgi/e,, Ialtehief. lite/t Ive cai i /Ipît'Iurc' a uel//pro/no(c'c/orgt//IiZttioi c'oni1g aioiîg inii uirc'e *î'eurs tandisa -Vilig î' u'gui 4,.;25 lutcali lîeibers so lt i/iveI it't'cd D.200/îurs îucck/î' St)o/I t giî'c A N YJOD Y 1:SI t/Il vinle,î'c'uuse WC iwl/i îîecd 110Tf! urmtas." ùre t/ils nitig/îtsolitîc/ridci'ais a;l t'e momnti, but il luis nigh (lit/ppc/i.t/iciret//il' isn 'i l s îu/aî s /appe'ning /iuw oit/v/i tnîas;îu/er seale ') lx i ,be/fer Iol /îut'as îmail' grtoups us possible ai:i- ing TIJI:'IR C) IVNJVà ciities anJdit>t gtIti/zg us ;îî,îic' e' (ime as I/îeî' iouidvis/z, ral/t' liert//I ét "ugroiips gelthte ite tin thei/alit a/idiol/îtrs get jV0AIE' Andc/irOfficieuin l te case of*S. A. /îoe'ke' ic et'het//es eati be /ugg/eJ vo t/lut tuîunc ofiet>orgalli:u(iuuis osc' tiil lie utail, î'er heî' oppose' bitter/vI te e'/trl' of«Sr. A htockey. lias IV/iii/jbetonîc No "big ulît' - t/it 1; "og eal Jug" so flai ive t'a/it s/lare our fâii/ies or uist our sehiedît/es t> hlcp twcoolaic' ol/ers? Il04 harwood, Ajax Plza, Ajax, Ontario 942,6611 THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) 11oniow~n paper uf Whiibv, Brouklin, Mvrtlc and Ashiburn aise ser'.ing Ajax and Pickering. Serving cwcr Publishced everv W'cdnesdamy by WiiFrecePressic. Bruno iiaffIaic, Presideni. to,ited aI fiie re Press Bujilçding 12 1 Brock St. North Whiîby. SUBSCRIPTION (BY MAIL) $10.00 YEARLY ivAIL: Box 206, Whitbv MAILING PHONE. 668-6111 PERMIT NO. TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 2941 E-DITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - jimQuail CLASSIFIED ADS - Kathy Martin GR/.\-PH.l-ART- Ma' t-;orie Bu zes FailhikqML%1 WChurel 419 Brock Sreet North Whitby, Oetario Telephore <416) 668-2508 SUNDAY SERVICES BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE - il a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p.. BUS SERVICE PROVIDED NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES [VOICE OF FAITH - Cabie 6 Jlst& 3rd Sunday each ot TUESAY: Christian Service Brigade Io 7:45 p.m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:00 P.rn MINISTER 0F OUTREACH REV. RALPH DUNN DRIVE-IN EVENING SERVICE Aug. 4th. Corne as you are and sit in your car. PLACE . Th. le A & P parking lot, on Broc k St. N., Whitby. TIME..6.52 p.rn. Gospel Music and message. CUIRIS CATERING AND FOOD SERVICEi WITH CATERING FACILITIES 415 MacKENZUE AJAX, BOX 113 Phone 942-7891 or 839-874 Weddngs, Stogs, Office or House Parties, Banquets, Conventions, Dances, Receptions, of Ail Types Oa/Jte GRAZYNA HOTELS ITIJ. )71 BROCH ~'i1I'INO{I'l'WIIITB, ONv.rARIO Live Entertainment "ALABAMA"" 6 days a week Saturday Af ternoon Blue Grass Matinee Men's Room FuIIy Licensed D*ining Roo-'m -Tavern Air Conditioned