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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1974, p. 9

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OR' Wh*itby Fre ePress Player. of the Week Dave McWhirter Dave is one oi the srnallest members of the Big Macs but has surprising stamina for his size. Quite versatile he has won several important games on -the mound for the Big Maces, fis in at first base. and does. a good job patrolling the outfieid. As a pit- cher he relies mainly on his fast bail and throws the bail surprisingly hard for bis size. Dave can also be a threat at the plate and is a fine base- runner, and is a hustier whenever he's in the game. He bats and throws left and was a member of the 1970 Knights of Columbus club, Ontario Tyke "A" Champions. Dave, who lives at 937 Donovan Crese., is a st udent at Henry St. Hiýh Schoo1. Ani ail-round athlete, lOâve pi ddiC 73I'- with the Big Macs Ban Dave McWhirter We take great pleasure in saluting the "Player of the Week" in this sp~ot O0URTESY OF THEr STAIFFF THE: Whiltby Free. Press Hailaid Al-uStars scored i goal, 3 assists, Randy Taylor scoreci 1 goal,1 assist, Biliy Eyre 3 assists, Tod Cotton 2. assists, PauJ Jacobs 2 assists, Leo Burns 1 assist, and John Kweil,1 assist. Ail the boys will receive a gold rned ai. The GRMLA wouid like *to thank ail parents and sup. porters, and Mr. Bruno Hiarilaid for sponsoring the teair and, of course, aIl the boys, of whorn we are very prouc WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESIYAY, AUGUST 14, 1974, PAGE 9 Whitby Minor Basebali Assoc,. Tyke House League Final Standings Won Lost Tied Pts. 1 27 1 21 1 21 0 20 Whitby Legion K-Mari Browns Foodmaster J-C Gulf Garrard Rd. Firefighters Consume ns Gas Rae Jones & Son I.O.O.F. Rotary Pal-O-Pak Going away ? Don't forget to be a(f3 Bood Donor before you go!1 (Ail Clubs Compete in Round Robin Playoff Se ries) ce TwoTeamcis Eliitel io; (~W ~>fiWhi~sdhi~~vc~ in' iiEasîern (Jntario *î $Q~a~ r 1piyif~ »~rU~1inintedthis past week in their quest for the righit to represent Eastern Ontario in provincial play-downs. The Legionaire Pee-Wees were dropped by Peterborough while the Canadian Tire club went down to Cobourg ini a bitteriy coniested series which went the three gaine lirnit. At Cobourg's Donegan Park the Tiremen lost the opener 6 - 3 on Tuesday. The action carne ight back to Whitby the next nighit with Steve Sarg- inson performing an "iron man" pitching chore going to the rnound for the second successive night and he came up wiîh a solid performance as hc hcid Cobourg in check as Whitby won 6 - 2 to tie the senies and force a third game in Cobourg on Sunday. The Whitby contest was marred by an ugly outbursi in the eighth inning when the Cobourg club became incensed when a solid hit to right field which roiied onto Cochrane St. was ruied, correctly, a ground rule double. The ruling is made dlear to ail clubs visiting the park, and there is not a fragment of douht the cail by the umpîre was the correct one, but it îriggered feelings which had been brewing ail evening. Aiîhough it "takes two" to make any argument, the Cobourg club in this in- stance has to take complete responsibîlity for initiating the mdcce which followed. The scene was set for the series final in Cobourg on Sunday and again coach Gord Forrester cailed on Sarginson who came up with anoîher fine performance. Fie held Cobourg to five hits, but two of these were tor extra bases and drove in runs. le struck oui eight, while his mates got eighit hits. Steve Sarginson, Steve Tutton, Kevin Roche, Dave Allen, John Jeffer, Doug Shecarer, Ian Gillis and Ford Definney were the Whiitby hitters. The Tirernen werc oui in lron t 4 - i at one point buit cuuldn't lbang on. AI îhougfi disappoinited ai being knocked oui the lTire- men were in trouble withli olidays and xvurk commriti- ments havinig deinilishcd uheiir lineup in recent weeks. ln Suinday's contest tîve positions were fillcd by Bantamis brouighî up frorn the B3ig Macs Mho arc about to get uinder- xvay in their own playotfs. Gord Forrester has been doi.ng a yeomian job ati ng as coach, manager. scorekecper, grotund- keeper and bas been umnpiring in oilher ganues, which is jusi too much l'or one maritolu andie. althouigh ass't AI Hiovlaîid xvii soon returiu frorn vacation. 'Fwlic gionaires bowed oi of the Pee-Wce pic turc for 74 Whitby Men's Athletic Association The Whitby Men's Atl eiic.Éoo;ibaIl. Garnes wiii be play- IIAssociation's Siow-Pitch s$oft-.4.ý, on Saturday mornings be- baflt~idàe finishedlast'Tlursý- !'",ining on Saturday, Sept. 7, day with the championship 1974. Registration forms are game at Centennial Park. A fier available from Jack Thomnson, finishing low in league stand- 325 Kent St., Whitby and ings after the regular season, should be returned to Jack Team No. 3 rallied for a by Aug. 19. r Cinderelia performance in the For members of the WM piayoffs, winning the final AA registration is $5.00. egame by a score of 15 - 8. Membership fee for the WMAA Members of the winning is $2.00, these fee's payable n team included Bob Dion, John to the captains at the first d Plue, Pat Brown, Pat Crow- gamne. X ley, Bob Smith, loin Fitz- Ail registrants will be con- simmons, Ray John, Bill Bird, sidered on a firsi-corne, first- n Jeff Nobes and Starr Shar- served basis and will be not- t, man. ified as to which teamn they n have been assigned to . For any further informa- Th e Whitby Mùn's Aithetic tion you can call Jack Thom- Association is gearing up for son 668-8639 or Bill Haugh- is second season of touch ton 668-8245. le t r - d t r iosing a tense 5 - 4 battie to Peterboroughi in extra innings in the second game of the two out of three set after Peter- borough had taken the opener in the Liftlock City, 3 - 1. In the second game, played at Peel Park, the Whitby club, fought to corne from. behind a 4 - 1 deficit to tie the score in the sixth inning. A turning point in the game was a squeeze play that went sour. The squeeze, where the man on third runs with the pitch, demands perfect execu- tion and the batter must make contact with the bail at al costs, but sometimes even with major leaguers it doesn't turn out that way, the batter misses the bail and the catcher is waiting at the plate with the bail to tag the runner who has committed himseif. Larry Chizen and Mike Welling, who 'shared pitching duties in this last game for the Legionai res this season, struck out 14 batters and yielded six hits. For Whitby, Greg Puchalski, Larry Chizen and Paul Jeffer each had a pair of safeties, while Gary Shearer, Murray McCorkell and Greg Rich icked up singles. Aithough the season has corne to, an early close for the Legionaires they had a fine showing in 74 despite several obstacles. Thcy ended up in third place in the E.O.B.A. Pee-Wee race with 16 wins, 5 losses and a tie game. The club was affected by the very serious problem confronting local basebail, the difficuiîy in getting wiiling and know- iedgeable coaches and the season was neanly underway before tiis problemn was resolved by Bill Puchaiski and Gord Hanna who took over the club to provide excellent coaching and managing. The E.0.B.A. Pee-Wee schedule this seaSon was a strange concoction, with such things as the L-egionaires playing five ganies in their first sixteen days, and going at one point nearly three we eks without a home date, and this schiedule coupled withi the atrocious weather earlier on, got the club off to a slow start as il did others no doubt. llowever Puchaiski and Hanna did a greai job with the boys and gided thern b a good showing. 'Fhi Legionaires were a '"first yeai" club this season with aimios the coinplete rosierrmade up of boys just oout of the Tyke raîîks, su witli the experience they've gained this year, nexi scason should be a banner year for the club. The Big Macs who finishied in the top spot ini the E.O.B.A. lîantarn series were awarded a bye in the first playoff round and will micci the winners of Oshawva and Peterborough. lu the otiier round Belleville is meeting Kingston. 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