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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1974, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS family page Flower Show A large crowd was on hand to view the Sth Annual County Town Flower Show in the Whitby Council Chamn- bers. The show was sponsored by the Brooklin Horticultural Society with entry open to any resident of Durham Re- gion. Two hundred and seventy (270) entries were placed in 45 classes. Fifty people participated as entrants - from Whitby, Oshawa, Brooklin, Ajax, Pick- S ering Beach. When the show was opened to the public at 3 p.m., ir-nmediately after the juctg- ing. just over 100 people were on hiand to view the en tries. Duî ing the afternoon and evening a ýIsteady streainiof v'sitors were in evidence withi the total crowd estirnated ai over 500. Three special awards were presented. Mrs. Janice Mit- chell of Pickering Beach was awarded Possession for 1 yr. of the Silver Serving Tray for the Best Decorative of the show. Her "Best of Show" entry was the 1lst place win- ner from Class 43 "Indian Love CalI" featurmng red flowe rs. The Decorative Class en- tries aIl called for Interpreta- tion of narnes following the overaîl Carnival Therne "Sal- ute To Iroquois Park" . Janice Mitchell also re- ceived the award for the Best Speciîren of the show with her entry of Sweet Peas. Miss Edith Qrnierod of Albert St., Brooklini, received the award for The Best Glad ot' the show. She received a beautiful glass vase doniated 1w Woolco Dept. Store iii Wýhitbv. Fo0-od Sensé in Canada- NO NONSENSE Withisn Reach - Health at the Start Within reach of practicaiiy ail babies is good health and a wel developed body one of the most preclous endowments Cana- dian parents can give. Such a start in life isa family affair. The babys health at birth is affected by food habits - its family's food habits. The mother's iong-time food likes and dislikes, in her parent's home and how she cooks to please her husband, ail affect her and her unborn child, although possibly differently. The Bakery Foods Foundation of Canada's nutrition con-. sultant, Joan Fielden, says, "science holds out a bright hope for parents. Mothers who have excellent or good diets during pregnancy - and before pregnancy - have good prospects for a bouncing, healthy baby, one that is weii developed." Getting ready for baby - particuiariy the flrst one -- is a big event. A most important part is to choose an adequate diet, one which supplies enough of each needed nutrierit. Science is finding that diet in the first months of pregnancy - and even before - may have a profound effect on the developiflg chlld. Says Joan Filden, "A rnother-in-waiting. adjusts her food needs under the direction of her doctor. Whiie her demarids for calories willi ncrease only moderately, her need for protein, calcium and iron* wiii rise sharply. Requir ements for, vitamin C and the B vitamins - >thiamine, riboflavin and niacili - also increase. To take care of these chan~ges, eat plerity of meats, eggs and dairy produots, fruits and vegetables'. Fortunatei 'y, inexpensive foods, such as P.E.i. potatoes and enriched bread are protective ones. According ta studies made at various universities of diets of expectant motheis from modest income groups* enriched bread prevented deficiericies of twa B vitamins - ribofiavin and niacin - and iron, a nd supplied substantial quantities of protein and calcium. Thé studies also revealeci that potatoees, popular wlth'this groLJp, furnished sufficient vitamin C and additional iran. 104 harwood, Ajax-Plaza, Ajax, Ontro 94261 ,5ç DISTINCTIVE LUXURY HOMES IN OSHAWA Brooklin Horticultural So- ciety participated at the Trade Fair during the 197-4 -~- CountvTFown Carnivai. The 12 x I0 t)f. dîsplay feaitured photos- and news clippinç's of I1974 projects and events. Best GIad of the County Town Flower Show was en- tered by ,Viss Edith Ormerod. Both the Best Specirnen, a vase <of' sweet peas, and the Social Mrs. Johianna Dekker, 119 Brock St. S, Whitby is heing visited by lier twin-sister Mrs. Mary Vanil)oorn, of Holland. Mrs. VajnDoorn has been kept busv touring WVhitby and ~, neighbouu ng municipalities and vis0îaîg friends of Mrs. if you have any news items lhat would be of in- Ici-est t0 the women of the Whiiby area, please feel fr-e îô eal or write Maije Burgess, Women 'v Editor, Whitby Free m Demonstrations of fiower ar- ranging and a saniple Ligit Gatrdeing iset up Added ho interest the large crowds which viewed the Trade Fair JuIv 29. _30 and 31I. Best Decorative were ente red by idnice Mitchell of Picker- ing Beach. The three top dwdrd winners were selected frorn among the 270 entries. Notes Dekker. Thisîs i er second visit to Canada and she thinks "Canada is fan tastic" and "-khe people arevery friendly." Mrs. VanDoorn wilI stay for three weeks hefore re- turning to Hoîiand. M .ADEEL A1 E RRE N M.G Press, Box .206.,lhiiby, 668-6111., Aews on ilie ac- livilies of local womens or- ganizalio ns, social ne ws, etc., is particularly welcome. The fourteen warmlly CIe- ga,,nt home designis in Wood- stream Mcadows are a harrn- ofliQUS blend of new life-style ideas with proven traditional concepts. The enphasis throughlout is on1 luxury. 0f Prinme importance. is 1oxv. nituch living yspace Vongoe t for- your noney. You will aippreciate the generous di- ieinsiolis and delightful in- div idual ity of each home design. Plus the added plea- sure of a naturally beauti fi set Iing complete with streain. Not often can you find suchi arenmrkable comibination. Beautilul Woodstreain Mead- owsV-- the perfect place to .. DEL RE ALT Y NC iRE ALTO RI Exclusive Sales Agents for information phone: TORONTO DIRECT LINE OSHAWA 7235-71 Women & FamiIly NEWS

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