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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1974, WUIITBY FRET PRESS Free Press...- Emporium, I FOR SALE FOR SALE - 8 year oîd bay show Pony and saddle. l'd Hands. Good witli child- ren. ENGLISH AND WEST- ERN TRAINED. CAN JUMP. $1250.00. Phone 668-22-03 before 9 p.m. FOR SALE - crib, $20.,- mleshi tlaypen, $ 15., baby carrier. $S)0. (Xîli 668-6093. FOR SALE new kit- eheti cupboard doors, S I.50 cadi. Seli verv reasonably. Cati 655-3534. ep FOR SALE -etectric tawn I nower and rascth, jexcellnt conIdition. S(15.00. Ingilis Gas Dry er. excellent condition. S9,S. 00. Ampli- fier in mahiosany cabinIet. excetlent condLitÎi. S45.00.I Frige.goo \\orking twe '7.0.Pise cait 4.45 .nfv tie attcî o . .I 17OR SAILI ' oe FOR SALI 4 -,< ail- tiin aquritmnis. 4 bcuci es. .ries atti ') roîc l . itii a ed Ib l'i a i tci nded i liclies hottng) 0.0.(ahi FOR 5-StALE av di ! (enceri Etci siose..io et nocf to rl' tif '-it or [lie nair. t)inef tc ,etCit551f'our c:hairs. S40.00 .Aýl In um-od I coditin. (aIt 28-'S. FOR SALE - bovs bic- x'cle. unost brand new.ýý 26" tires. Asking S35.00. CuIt 668-3995. eii - FOR SALE - Slimi Line- Belt Massage Machine for spot reducing. Cost S1t25., will selI for $60. De-Luxe Projection Sereen. Excellent condition. $15. CatI 668- 3727. ednip. FOR SALE-- power lawn) mnower, $23.. large White fridge and stove. $2-10. for both, Hloor potisher, $,20. Playpen. $5.. coffee taibles, S5.00 each. Cati 655-3144. emp. FOR SALE- 1966 Granid Parisienne V8, 327 engirte. powver brukes. p)ower steeriuig. Lime coloured with black vinyt top. Good cotnditlion. S400.00. Phone 668-5 105 a fter 6 p.rn. e nip. FOR SALE Ultra-iood- cmn Sound Systero l'or Di or rec-room, -3 portable sec- tiens, vinyl ct)vered,tup)e-deck control panel. switches. beg. en amp.. 2 gurrard transcrip- tion tomn tables. 2 utîdio empire tone armis. GE cart- ridges. t15" lB [Lansing. Sp- eaker mounted in theutre cabine t. New cost S t . t 0., witî take S700. or best ufler. ('a1 66()i-9)7 4 6. Cita JJ. FOR SALE Dimette set, u)Val tabte. 4 chairs. rtcarly necw, S 50.00. sîingle bcd. S-)'5.. Ptîilco 1B & W T.V. und stereu di)uiipttef)t set. oodco- ition 8.2"00. Auîstinticc2p xvith f VpI(15. 'i - h100. Cailh cuir). I -I I *FOR SALE-- 50 - 8foot telice posts, $ 1 .2-5 ech. 50 board feet. Chierrywood, 50 Ocents a foot. Cali 723-12220. emp. FOR SALE - Aloueitte. 14 hiorsepower snowinobile in brand new condition, will include seat cover, lhelmnet, and miitts. C'ost, new, $800., will seil'ofr $400. Cati 668-6744. dp FOR SALE Frigidaire waslier - workiinn conditiofî. S45.00. 601 ClareniceDr. ini Xli tbv. FOR SALE Frigidaire drver. Frigidaire 3(P stove. $5>")0. "llst be sold bef'ore FOR ALI .3ý8 Johin- -don i\oveî, .00 .('all t(JI< SALE,1:i>ilîp)s lou 5. E\Ceilefî :on di- t i. 'c 200.00 or l'eNt of er. A nf i iLe -rmafaî7lome. 4 ut*ee I-oR SLE Bic r ".ced t.uieîbed poodlc. Ladiîes sh ite tat t'ei pi .ot ic soc ~l s sf/ ~-. ti). Bath ru ni 'Lps. -3o.. Iuie lfil )or mîlal 'aahi.\5).il FOR SAL E 27,"l'ou r plate Jacobsen tuwn fflower. Oniv _' vears (Ad. S65.00. Phone (668-8675. FOR SALE -haiIt-aru registered col t. S 250.00. ('al 655-3'493. FOR SALE- 4 Michetin Super X Tires (Steel Belted), Size 180 - 15X - AS. Total S25.00. Cuit 668-8527. Crnp. FOR SALE-- Lloyd baby carnage - verygood conditionî. $30. Hankscrat't botule ster- ilizer, '/- price. $8. Car seat $'S. ('ail 668-9720. ep FOR SALE --Trim Gym Exerciser witlî instructio)n boo0k. Ncw condition. $50. ('all 655-4245. emnp. FOR SALE -- 2 small toý, poodles - t white lèmule,. 3 yrs., i black male, 1 yr. purebred - papers - good house pet f'or children. S I125. each. Must selI - movifig to apartiment. Phione 668-749-2. I I I I I I I I g' FOR SALE - modern chcestertfieid artd chair.,rmushi- roorn colour, tike inew. asking $100. R.C.A. hý/% 2t"T.V., floor model. iin good cond. ScIling - want te boy cototîr T. V. Asking $50.00. t963 A readian Beaumon t. Just spent tîver S20 onrepairs, good motor. (owued anîd driven by lady oiîhv. Have receipts l'or repaîjrs. Aýskiiig -350 ('att 668-4435ý. - lir). - FOR SALE 7<77(Mür I jtle Pads. îised uttce. îuî 45(AO.AlIso. 'ucr-1c Intîask. ause Itlgoouiriîî -0-).(alit 655--"" 1 I IEAIRN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAIERS *Train wît.h the experts *Tultion fee tax deductible *Job assistance guarant.eed *Weekend training also available Now, speClal summer tultion Fees For application and interview write: National Tractor Traiter Training School, 738-3618 Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Toronto Phone 493-6068 F, 1LP 'WA\NT EL) Reliable [pcî son to 1 bb\sf1 S«Iliiltciidt'î t- w k . ateirîiotis. Rl<t)ftfofi OC t.a\ ,s F'OR SALI 111. 'all DONl"SIC( PUMP SERVIC- STORES_ FOR_ REN WHITB Y MICHAEL BOULEVARD1 11 .000 sq. feet. conveflient cenître arng new I1.5001 home sub-division. Ail uses. CALL Cloverlawn lnvestments Lt. 1 - 964-8552) LE G AL F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. FR USTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 15 Go/bornie Streei Fýasi Oshawa, Ontario LIC iMJ Telephone: (416) 723-3800 SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. Chesterfields, lamps, dinet- te suites, velvet paintings, rugs, AIl in Showroom con- dition. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 PAIN'TING & DECORATING Pain ting and decoratîng ;,ce estinuaies. No obti- gto. Eernles in il IeJ gi [ove I tgda-p t 'AR I iferes t)rnifffi.t t POO0L I~4 ijj JOE VA LYEA R à--SON DECORATORS Paper I-anging a specialty. Serving Whitby and surround- ing areas for over 20 years. Let experience bc your guide. 668-8426 WE LOOME SERVICE Wvotld like to cahil ot vi tii 'h tîise\va rîni f ci I fs' anid ini mui ouia ti icw% loca tbni. 'Filc i Itsteýss (ahi lier itîurnîiies af 5- f FlOUSE OF A good incotili Work 1t1lt or j home. Axerauc S,4.00 pe rli otir1 lionf cuit 1-1.11). 23-0 CLASS Il1 MOVING LICENCE Toroto,-Pickeriig zarea, good opportunity l'or righit person, reasonaffly priced. tiiiaîciiig cUf1 he arraîîged wiîlî low dowvflpayiYfen1t. Write: Box 206 Wil iî1 1). Ol a rio DAY(CA RE For t wo veai ut ds anid over a t homie -ot hotisew teé. I:x-,perîericed '.vtlî chlidreîi. t p f-Iti iiS t ree t are a. ('.ît 51\LL 011,fie ( !îî:dia11 andt (aLuoei tO il4 - Black BelitInsarLicîn 'n nl ioe.Jni-.I jîst. Self' Deftense. F, nîeil. xvoîulei n ùn Jcîlrlen. 15-4,Bmce St. C'AR I-NI RýY IHoume Repaîî ,nd Impi o e- ifilins. ( 'ranli c'A l i f anid f1ou i T he. (ait LOST -- lf iller phioto case cofitaining phlotos. pc'rsonat pîpers. and moricy. Don 't cure about the tnoney, buti wt>utd like flie personal cff-' ects hack. Losî In area of H1armony Rd. and Bond St.ý E. Call068-7294. d Aug. 14/74 0. 1. 2SI B 0 Ten ers%. il h 1 ut ot. i t h Jýuju u the above titiil 12:00 nooni E--D.S. AtîýLgLPSt 21. 1974 by ite Ontarjio îig('o rpolr- affon. 10(1 Biooi Street %Wcst. Touito 01f11,Offtari. ms1118, C,'o)the (l j 'PtIrchaiîie 0<1i icer. 1l thi loor. trotuî svheuîî de tails and speciftications ulîav bc obtained or tehephone 966-3'600,ex tetisioi294. que- ting reference nunîber as above. The lowest or any tender niot necessuriiy accepted. F FL'LLERý ELIMINATE THE NEGATIVE If wrinkles are a prob- c cutii be VOUS. lem. avoid heavy use of face par.ric narpowder. It will only accen- e earniiutgs ar-e tuate the ânes. For i-oirima-- 156) .i1*cr o:00 SIIAItP POINT When (cieaning linger- '74 nafis avoid using anything .harp or mnetallic. that will scratch the underside of f 1.102 the nal. This 'vili only cause dirt ro accu.mulate fîuu more quîckly. BODY BEAU TIFIL When utsing cosmetic F LAIT 1ON creanis con't forget about fi. i. WIIITB'Y our elbows. hands and WMANVILLE nreck. It's sale Vo say that whatever you use on your T. S.12 4 lace can be of equal advan- [.5.124) _tage to otiier parts of your )rbody. NA11LING THE PROBLEM For brittie, split nails try massaging them with olive oil. t'AKE 'IEA AND "ýSEE" For tîred eyes try thit trick. Steep ordinary tea bags in warm water for about a minute, cool and then apply to closed eyelids. LAS'iNG UPLIFT A surgical face lift should last anywhere from five to ten years. Williiîg to work hard for pealîtits (like cveryone else bei-e) in a creative, satisfYiîîg position that iîivoives typî ng secretar- ial1 and o ther office du ties. Aîthough îlot a fuli-tiîne typing positionî, yo u must be able to type qtiickly and accurately. Experience on 1.B. M. Composer or Vari-typer desirabte. Eg. working on sehool yearbook etc.. Phone: Mr. BurgessPrs MUSICAL CROUPS TOP BANDS & DISC JOCKEYS For ail occasions. Now accepting bookings at Sun Music Enterprises Cati Mike Tomlinson 725-1379 S68.0)00. attractive 's roonî hume o)ft\v two years old. Featutres hrc Yîhc .îOevotdpaîIetef lîitV reon xvi ti wut k outf o Ccd ar S mdeck. B r-oad tos niflr)fil tf I itifs. V'( ,C I--0) RFAI. ISATE 11111IM - -CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ý qý dm TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST PULL TIME CALL 668-6111 m NOTFI ET'O READ1IýRS AdvertiseIRL in the l" PElRESS FMPORILIM, pay ONLY when you scil! There wvilI not bc any charge to ad- vertisers in the I'REL .PR1j.SS 1ElMPORIIM unIe'sflhe item advcrtised is sold. When the advertîsed item is sold. you puy a commission based on TFif ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated bc- low. Ali advertisements must bc placed on an exclusive basis withl the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month il*flot solcl RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of the balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised tur $50. 00- commision due $2.50J (minimum commission is S 1.00> Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notit'y the Whitby'Fre Press imniediately when item is sold so that wc may delete it from foîlowin-,, issues. Services. heîp wanted, clothinti, real estafe and personat message type u(is can nlv hb' handlcd on a prepaid basis. I ti n doubt,. euh 668>-0 111 M AIL î - ALDMS TO: I RIE PI<LSS EMPORIUtM P«O. 13OX 206, WIIITBY emp. »... 1 C.or!' 1 -,

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