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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WE DNESDAY, AUGUIST 14, 1974, WIIITBY F~REE1PRESS Vis ftors oW hlîiîh 'ti re greeted i' Sign1S 011 (a/i theîmaui hlig/îwayvs and tl t/ig/lîclle)populatio)n sigliS (101i 't Sa» eWvLckoine ",' the'i do te/llie îisitors t/ici' aire conli g ilto) servi. e 'groups lhavte a iveicoine sig aand a listing of lic',e serice groups îvor/iig ~i/iin t/le (01v/iaund(lie rest of' t/le weicomîn up (o us - tlie residents o.!' ltliithy,. A visitor coîning to IV/itb vb» î vater is Jàced witli a diffèrenlt sort of îî'elconhe - or ratdier iack of (t. Thiere (s A Fishy Story i'dewtn inai n<t/ling tt()lld Ctute> larb.>iw1(ote/i the.' îisih)r eorning 1il ihîçtcl't i îslri ce.wthnsgsadafïh'Y hell f /l ta/ei s (o>ii ilalto tIl>ePort of 1lh,ith'or i. aî,r u , hei <>1/s ' is the s(ciie partitIiiarl' tippeatiig on/ce t/he jjsj(0r is (/osel iter iîîî<c hîIo)atizg pee f vodadoh debris. Io dock ' lai"> >11<? og /le' c'à/RXt ia tîîsi izrbour isial eraftt(ire crude ai id difficuit he'tteeîîIJ<iviiaiea ndiiit Toroito iliere >is losigi, i l~, gtji îîîaîîîer ive, fthe peipie' of W1litb/ivsailv-'Weicon coi/iL or otiherwise - saviiigg Toit lVili -, cie/il t/ouigi to visitors 1<> our /arb<nîr. A4aior Newiv.man and the' peopie iit>re are sone iraltier iairge ou storaget' taks ai elocksic/e o*wih, istflý'vtPr on ic iit/îi $.iivud ble (as."I i i t() the,, ofFVîihv U rdjm vee'IVIuduiti<a a Pr m-y-. writ To the Editor: Every year since 've play- cd baseball in Whitby. the question of parental support for their boys, lias corne up for discussion. This year, as an assistant coach of a Pee- Wee basebal iani, 1 have noîiced the lack of parental support ai regular seasori gaines. Throughout the season, few parents have attended the basebaîl gaines 10 give their moral and/or vocal sup- port. 1 realize that nîarîy parents go out1 of thlir way to gel their boy ready for the gaines but sureiy if a parent goes to that nîuich trouble, they niit as wcell attend the gaine. The playoffs bcgin îlîis week for rnaîîy of the nîinor basebaîl teanîs VieeIn Whitby. Ail the teains ini the îown have played a fairly lengthy regular scason and now iha t vie arc ini the playotis, al the coaches and players hope thai thcir team cari pcakat the righ t momenrt atid go righit 10 the fitnals. Perhaps wuîh parental nioral support. the kids anîd the coachies couid play better and this îvould inake the garnes even nmore intercstîîg. Wc aren't askîng for parents to corne and to shout ai thecir kid al througlî the ganle, as the coachlvil do enough shioot- inig. 1 realize that niany parents can't attend the gaines buit surely a nighit out to watch a son play basebail on a basebali teani would strengtiien the famiily teami. 1 an flot prornising pro- fessional bail gamles but 1 do assure ail parents thai the gaines are inhteresting and your moral support would be ap- prcciated at the park. You can sec the sanie boys play basebali on the al-star teamis year in and year out but you can'i sec your son play on thie sanie teami every year if hie is only anl average player. Please think about this next time you atch your son head out to the park ili [lits bail glove. ail by hinîself. I hope that parentîs that rcad th is realize tiai Ilni writirîg on bolialf of your son. Sec 'vou ait te park! Sîncerclv. George hwaites 307 Frederick St. Wlitby. Ont.. ADVERTISE WEEKLY 668-6l11 1974 Carnival, RaIIy The 1974 Whitby Cariiival Rally, despite pouring raiîî, attracted .39 cnt ries. Thîis antiual even t, lîcld Sunday, Aug. 4 as part of thie wcck-long Whitby Cotin- îy Town Carnival and organ- ized by Britislî Empire Motor Club, vias run in a profession- ai manner sinîilar to National Championship rallies miinus the highi spceds and bad roads, and iacked the navi- gatiouiai gimnnicks cmploycd in Regional Chîanîpionship events. It was bîlied as a novice rally "with cîîpiîasis on fun and enjoynicnt".vihicl iti mias. Most of ilie entrants vicre 'is-tnrsasindicatcd by thie veth ides wlîiclî rangcd frotu a luli -SizC Pon tiac to a liîev Blazer. Special rally ecîuîpm[1enit wVds Uni-rlCcessZIiV as iliosi route instructions wvere clar- iCied wiere ariY doui niay have e.xisted (eg. h um irighit at Flw'. I12 etc.), and t[ie e lapsed tîmie me thlu d 4 sco r. ing enabled early arrivais tb sit atnd viait for ilicir correct tîmes. The rally startcd arid lfin- îshied at the tîcw Vliiby rec- reat ion c< )riilex, I roqulois lark. and travellctl sorte 75 rmiles over pavcd and urpaved roads in ithe strrndn Nortîtern rural -area, îvith tliree chieck poinîts and a toitaI ruîiînm-,imîe ot2 hoursé 45 minutes,. Local Employment Conditio The nutuîber of* clients reg- isîcred for enîployrncnt ati lIe Canada Manpower Centres ini Oshawa and Ajax dropped to 5,247. This total included 2,233 maie and -3024 fernale clients. The rnajority of reg- istrations occurrcd irn the cIcr- ical, sales, services, produci fabricating, construction anîd material handling occuIpa- tions, as welIl as a considerable nurnber Of students seeking summer enîployment. Tliere vias a moderate de- inanîd t'or workers as a nurns- ber o' local industries coin- inenced anirmal vacation sdli- edules. Several irîdustrial disputes still reiiîainied unset- tled by thenontli end. A total of' 673 persoits wcre placed in emiploynicni during the ninîîh. The nîajority of placemnentis vire miade ini ag- riculture, transportation equ- ipmnlt nauatrn.con- struction, re tail t rade. Coin- inuîîi y and persoinal services, arnd public admniist ration. 'l'lie supply of' cîuaiti'ed applicaru ts vas adequate in iiost ()Cc tp a t unis .aIthouLigli soine sshortages were noîed îi i tlî ollo\v)inlg naaer tranees. accoutantzits, drafts- inien/vionien , regisîered murs- iiig assist arnts, sailespersonis, cooks. waite rýVwaitiresses, liair- dressers, 'machine pressers, bakers, niacinisîs, welders, uphiolsierers, inotor veicele ruiecliaies, electricianîs, car- peiitei's, bricklayers, painiers, plasterers and t ruck drivers.1 SUNDA' >SERVICES BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICt - l'a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 pm BUS SERVICE PROVIDE!) NURSERY PRO VIDED FOR ALL SERVICES TUSDY: Pionaeer Girls and 6:-*15 pi.,. Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.m ible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:0 0 pm MfINISTER 0F OUTREACH PLEV. RALPH-DUNN To add sorne challenge and cnjoynuent, not 10 meni- lion. avoiding tics for' firsi place, the organize rs includ- cd 65 route questions taxirîg tuic crntrants powers of ob- servation about the raily ro ute. Comipetitors were penal- ized ýone point for every min- utc early or late at each check point, and -one point for every incorrect answer 10 a equestion. The final resulîs were close. The wînning car, a rnixed, crew, losi onîly four points. The second piaced crew lost five, and the tlîird crew six. Tlue rernairiing finishiers, only onie car did not finish, rarîged iromi seven points 10 72. Jimî Peter arnd Brain I hils of B.E.M.C. have to be coni- îîîcnded ltor tlîeir efforts in organizing a t ruly enjoyaible novice r ally whiichi no doubt will attraict even miore cri- t rantss nexi ycar. CHRUS CATERINO r~i)FOODUSRVICE VITH CATERING FACILITIES 415 MacKINZIE AJAX, BOX 113 Phone 942-7891 or 839-874' Weddi ngs, Stags, Office or House Parties, Banquets, Conventions, Dances, Receptions, of AlTypes THE WHITBY FREE1 (Voioe of the County« PRESS Town) Homietown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie .and Ashburn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published every Wednesday by Whitby Free Press tnc. Bruno Hanilaici, PresidenL L»cauied ai the Free Press Building 121 Brock St. Norti- whitbv. SUBSCRIPTION <BY MAIL> $10.00OYEAR LV mmAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668-6111 TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR Jim Qluail CLASSIFIED ADS - Kathy Martin GRAPHIC ARTS- Marie Burgess ADVERTISING- Robin Lyon ~y~é' ~ s '~i~ Starting August 17, ail phone numbers in AJAX-PICKERI.NG wiIl stant with "68355 The last four digits of the nu Mber will remain the same. This number change'is a preparatoîy step for. providing extended local calling with Torointo in 1976 (5) Bell Canada i MAI LING PERMIT NO. 2941 VICE OF FAITHI- cStie 6 lstà 3ed Sunday each month ý %--., ý 1

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