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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Sidecar Championship At Mosport August 25 Inches from the pavement while leaning into a corner on two wheels or shifing weight in unison with a sidecar and partner, motorcycle competitors will be providing the action when the North Amnerican Sidecar Championship and the winner of the Confederation Cup, the third and final race in the Canadian Road Racing Championship are decided at Mosport Park August 24 and 25. Finals for aIl events will begin at 11:00 a.mi.-Sunday, August 25, the feature race during Mosport's oniy A motorcycle weekend being the North American Sidecar Championship. A strong U.S. contingent is expected to appear in a competition where perfect harrnony is essential as both men (womnen) wind around the track in a classic ex ample o f precision team wo rk. The Confederation Cup plus the righit to wear the prest- igious plate numnber one will be decided as Mosport hosts the third and final round of the Canadian Motorcycle Road Racing Championship. Unlimited expert, 500 cc expert and 250cc expert are the three classes in contention for the Canadian Motorcycle Road Racing Chamnpionship. The highcest point total, from the Mosport rneet plus two earlier events at Sanair, Quebec and Westwood, B.C., in any one of the threc categories will be selected as the winner of* the ail important plate number one. Presently leading it each of the three divisions and heav- GOOD GAS MILEAGE TIP NUMBER 10 ily f'avored to capture the Canadian Motorcycle Road Rac- ing Chamnpiotiship is Steve Baker, a '-I year-old Yarnaha factory rider frotn Bellinghiain, Washington who won the Motorcycle Grand Prix of Canada held at Mosport's Domi- inion to Independence Day Sprints. Riding a privately entered Yamaha 1973 winner Jim Allen a native of'Val Court, Quebec and un-t Dunn of Washington riding, a Harley-Davidson are both stili in contention., Allen nmay have an a,.dded incentive for wanting to recapture the nurm- ber one plate by defeating Yaniaha sponsored Baker having been dismissed frorn the Yamnaha factory team cearlier tliis season. Practice for ail competitors will be held Sziturday, August 24 from 8: 00 a.m. tilI 12 noon and Sunday, August 25 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Ail heats will take place Saturday afternoon cornmencing at 12:45 p.m. Despite the faci the weekend is being devoted entirely to the two whecel enthusiasts the 10:00 p.rn. curfew on motorcycles and dunebuggys wilI still be in effect. The price of admission which includes free camping on Mosport's 630 acres plus firewood is three dollars a day for adults with chlidren Linder twelve admnit ted frec.' TODAY'S HEALTH Alert parents keep poisons ,under key and out of reach by David Woods What's the ççnnection betwveen ASA taiblelts and'floor polish? Wei!, if you said houisewvork's a heaidache, ,ou're probably right. But there's another, more serious, link: they're the two commonest causes of accidentai poisonings in In fact, drugs and household chemicals are each responsibie for est neariy haîf of ail home poisonings -and children aefradaa REGUL.AR the most susceptible. Latest avail- able statistics show that youingsters are especiaiiy vuinerable: nine tumes as many cases of accidentai poisoning occur in the one to four age group than in the second most affected age bracket - five to 14. Obviousiy, the sensible precau- tion is to keep potentiaily harmful items out of children's reach, and " IL .SÉLECTION prefcrabiy under lock and key. Check to see if your car ean use unleaded or low-lead Another precautionary measure is gasoline. Use of this type of fuel will reduce lead deposi to ensure that the phone number of -your local poison control centre is and the possibility of spark plug fouling which can dra8t isted with other ernergency num- ical1y reduce economny. bers somewhere near the phone. If there is no poison control centre in y4ur locality, y our tarniîy doctor is the best person to ask -, in advance - where yclz should Cali in'an emergency. But what do you do if you suspect that a child mnay have swal]owed potentialiy dangerous amounts of drugs or household products? The imniediate thing, according to a Ministry of Health spokesman, is to stay caim: try to determine what's been swaliowed - and how rnuch. Take the container with you when going for treatment - it wiii facili- tate quick identification of w/wr the victini swallowed from7 it. A naturai reaction, if you suspect, sorneone's eaten or drunk a harm- fui substance, is to induce vomiting. This shouid be done in the case of drugs--but nei'er in the case of ingested objects (such as pins and thumb tacks), or househoid cleaners. The cleaners, especiaiiy the corrosive or petroieurn-based ones, may do much more harîn on the way up than they did on the wvay down. I egisiation on the iaheiing and packaging- of possibly dangerous products is eiiminating some of the hazards. But rernernbcr that the chiid-resistant caps on prescription drug hotules are oniy child-resistant if vtou put rhem back on - and properly. Simuiariv, you shoîtld en- Sure that products st:îy in their original containers: inany poison- ings occur bec.tuse gasoline, paint or chenîicals ar e transferred to niilk or soft drink houles. 'l'le rhing to kecp in mmid ik that kids h ave an insatialae cliiriosits - especialix for tasting things: riot only t hat. but the fact that sorte- thing tastes revoiring doesn't seini to detier thcrn. So kcep drugs, cheniicai cleaners. paint, turpentine and even cosmetics out of the way of tots. And, if vou do suspect that any of these suib- stances has heen consumed, don't wait - take immediate action. FREE PRESSADS PAY TO ADVERTISE IN YOUR WHITBY NEWSPAPER CAL L 668 -6111 Golfing hazards found in Bahama Islands actually welcomed by most golf enthusiasts THfE BAI-lAMAS - Water hazards arc one of those ltte deviccs invcnted to make your average golfer lose bis temper - not to mention golf halls. llowever, in the semi-tropicat Bahamas, such obstacles are sometimes actually welcomed. Many of the golf courses here are surroundcd by a natural water hazard - the ocean. And while this niakes golf in the Bahiamas clialicnging, the courses are cooied hy sea breezes from tce watcr. ln addition, alter a brisk 18-lioles, golfers can even go for a rcfreshing swinî after the game. Sccnic and even spectacular palin-fringcd Iayouts in the Bahamats cati bc found in Nassau, Frceport and the Out Islands of Abaco, Eleuthera and the Berry Islands. Of course, golf is avallable ail ycar rounrd dite to warn, suinny weathcr - good news for Canadlans wonderlng how fo gct 1n a few gpuits during hoth sunirner and wlntcr vacations. IS IN YOUR HANDS M Opinion need ed - 4, Uo yureaa the îoiiowing '4 Birdseye View Uni Quail> Kaininis On ....(Alex Kalnins) Starscope (Marje Rutter) l3rookliin Bylines ( Liz) Words From, Westr Lynide (Nor'rn Meaiing') CLASSIFIED: Do you read the Classified Section? 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