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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1974, WH-ITBY FREE PRESS EVE -JIM QUAIL. Teguy who wrote, 'Life Is Just a Bowl of ('biernîes' obviously did not have Io cope with ail the idiosyncrasies of the 20th century. And, iin the sarne vein, anybody advo- cating immiortality must bc a brute for punishmcint. lt's not that 1 rhink we have a real struggle in tlhese modern limes but the day-to-day problems soon add uip and on any given day Mien I encounler enoughi of' tbcrn 1 curse miyseif for flot staying iin bcd and sleeping away an- other day ofmry life. A 'for instance' is wien you finally, after weeks of' procrastinalion, decide lu sut down and write a dlistan t relative and you can find a pen but no suitable paper. By the timie youi locate the paper y'ou cani't remember wlhere you put the pen and by the rime you gel îlîem both rugether the whiole question is academnic anyway because the kids are home frorn schoul dernanding yet anuther mneal. Or huow aboutr the nigh r voni finally gel a chance tu sîay uip lare and watch the 'Carson' show and that particular night lie decides to stav' off sick and the g uest host is Mr. staple-in-the-navel Burt Reynolds who spends the whole nigbit relling you hiow ai the last minute lie xvas caîled lu do the show and is nul really prepared. You would cornsîder sending off a nasty' Icîter t thie Carson show but that depends on gerîing the pen and the paper together again and tbe lhassle isn't worth it. Or maybe, out of' desperation because youi can'l sleep, you stay rip 10 atch the late show and flhc late-lare show and after that signs off you still can't sleep. But, hiaîf an hour before you have to geltrp you faîl inro a beautiful sleep only to be awakened shortly by the blaring of' hie alarm. And how is it that on your way ro work sonie joker decides to attempt redecorating your fender by cutting you off wirh his old clunker and as you swerve to gain control, you look around but, narurally. tbere's neyer a cop in sight. Scarcely a few minutes later because you're lare for work you make a 'îolling stop' ar an intersection and gel caught by the cop you were looking for earlier. And isn't it strange how your TV can act up ail night with outîde interference and statie al îhrough your fav- ourite suspense program but as soon as the commercial comes on the picture looks better than the day you bougbt the set. Or, even worse, the reception is perfect and the program is great but just as the plot is coming 10 the wind- up where you dîscover if thre butler really did it, your doorbeli rings and in troops some long.îost relatives. Have you ever noticed how frequently you look at your watch - that is until you park at a 30 minute metre and go shopping and forget completely about the time until you gel back to the car t0 fînd a yellow slip stuck in thc windshield. Rcfrigerators can be strange complications at limes 100 when you reacb in t0 grab a rray of ice cubes and splashi yoursclf with coîd water. The freezer comparîmient is lined with ice and frost but the rrays are still full of water and the ice creamn looks like cottage cheese. uT frE~ ADVICE BUREAU .- Corinne Gaudet models a washable dress from Canadlan Desig~ner Showcase. a fashion sbow sponsored by hleach sub- stitute Borateemi-PIus which is touring Canada Ibis summer. The show features easy-care garmients from seven of Canada's best-known designers. The garnient Corinne shows is a washablc polyester haîter dress with stitcbed pîcats by Pat McDonagb. Designers beat rising E VERYONE bas an opinion on new fashions but litîle is controversial about the new fabrics designers are giving us. Theyre deiniteîy "in", Poly- esters with the look of expen- sive slub inens or homespun cotton, dacron doubling for fine Swiss cotton, nylon knits draping and feeling ike French silk knits - aIl these and more show more than a touch of elegance hiding down-to-earth practicahity - This year, bleach substitute Borateem-Phus sponsored a louning fashion show featuring washables by major Canadian designers. The show pîayed cities from Vancouver 10 St. John's. CaIled "Canadian Designer Showcase" the show featured interviews with designers Marilyn Brooks, Pat McDonagh, Tom d'Aurio, Linda Verdoni, Hugh Garber, Toby Klein and Claire Had- dad. The designers spoke about fashions' current trends, and models showed a boutique col- lection from each designer's summer line. te/i how to c/o thes cost A central theme of ail the interviews is that designers to- day have practicality in mind. Tom d'Aurio, for instance, be- ieves that women now look for a dress that can be washed out and hung up 10 dry overnîght. Designers are conscious that clothes that must be dry- cheaned wilI add many dollars 10 your wardrobe costs. Sînce clothes themselves wihl cost more Ibis year, a result of both fabric shortages and increased labor costs, it's onîy sensible 10 try and keep those maintenance costs Iow to avoid bursting your budget, the designers say. The designers advise con- sumers to select garments care- fuîly for basic appeal and multi-occasion use and 10 check out those labels for care instructions before buying. For a free booklet on haun- dry techniques, or if you have a specific Iaundry probhem, Write to: The Washday Advice Bureau, 151I Bloor Street West, Ste. 1100, T1oronto, Ontario MSS 1S8. ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE 401 Reynolds St. Whiltby, Ontario lntcrnationally known residential and day school. Grades VIl ro XIII. Full range of extra-curricular activities: swim- ming, tennis, music, gynnastics, drama. Applications f or Day Pupils Are lnvited Apply to Dr. R.C. Davis, Principal Tceleplsonie:668-3358 Words f rom West Lynde by Norm Mealing Many rhianks tbr readine, the cnlunn. Have-a sale anù happy Sunnmer, and I wiIl heo\vriîing again the first weck in September. rhe Expropriations Act 1970 Notice of Application For Approval to Expropriaite Land IN THE MATTER of'an application by the Corporation of tlic Town of' Whitby for approval to expropriate certain easements in thc Town of Whitby for the purpose of the construction and maintenance ot a storm sewer and appurtenances l'rom tlic casterly lirnit of Garrard Road in Lot I18, Concession 2, easterly a distance of 200 fl. ail in the Town of' Whitby. Regional Municipality of Durham, formerly Town of Whitby, Courity of Ontario. NOTICE IS IIEREBY given that application lias been nmade for approval to expropriate: 1. The casements described in Sclieduîe "A" hereto for the purpose of' the construction and maintenance of a storm scwer and appurtenances from the easterly limit of Garrard Road, in Lot I18, Concession 2, casterly a distance of 200 ft., aIl in the Town of Whitby, Regional Municip- aîity of' Durham, formerly Town of Whitby, County of O n tario. Any owncr of lands ini respect of which notice is given who dcsires an inquiry in to whether the taking of such casements is fair, sound and rcasonably necessary in tlhe achievement of the objectives of the Expropriating Authority shall so notify the approving authorily iniwiig a) In thie case of a registered owner, scrved personally or by registercd mail within thirty days after he is servcd \vith the notice, or, Mien lie is served by publication. sithin thirty days afler the first publication of the notice: b) In thie case of' an owner w~ho k flot a registered owner, wîthin thirty days af'ter the first publication of the n otiîce, 'lle Approving Authori ty ks: THLE'CORP>ORATION OU F111; TOWN OhF WH-ITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 405 D)UNDAS STIRl EU'-T WEST WIT'BY, ONTARIO The L'xpropriating Authority is: THIE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN 0F WHITBY Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.CT., ('lerk, Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, On tario. NOTES 1. The Expropriations Act, 1970 provides that, (a) Whcre an inquiry is requested, il by an inquiry officer appointed1 Justice and Attorney General. shahh be conducted by the Minr of (b)Tlie Inquiry Off icer, 1 ) Sbahh give cvery party to the inquiry an opport- unity 10 present evidence and argument and 10 examine and cross-examine witnesses, either per- sonally or by his Counsel or Agent, and 1l) May recommend to the approving authority that a party to thie inquiry be paid a fixed amount for bis costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200.00 and the approving autlîority may, in ils discretion, order the Expropriating Authority 10 pay such cosîs forthwi lb. 2. "Owner" and "Registercd Owner" arc defined in the Act as fohhows: "Owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entithed to a imiited estatc or interest in land, a committee of the estate of' a mentahly incompetent person or of a person incapable of mianaging bis affairs, and a guardian, executor, adiniistrator or trustee in whom Iland is vested; "*Registered Owiîer" means an owner of land whîosc interest in tbe land is defined and whose namne is specified in an instrument in the proper registry, hand tithes or Slieriff's Office. and inchudes a person shown as a tenant of' land on thie ast revised assessnîen t rolh. 3. T'lie Expropriating Authority. eachi owner wh'o notifies thie Approving Authority that lie desires a liearingv in respect of' the lands intended to be cxpropriated a nc any owner added as a party' by flic Inquiry Officer arIe parties tu thie inquiry. Thîis notice first pubhislied thie l4thi day of August, 1974. SCIIE1--I)ULIF "A" 1-FASIEMNTNIS RELQUIRII) FOR T111It CONSTRUCTION AND MINTENANCE o0V A STORMI SEWIR AND) API>URTENANCES [-ROM 1111 IlýA'sTrLRLY LINIII OF (ARRARD ROAD IN LOT 18, CONCE SSION 2. FASTFRLY A DISTVANCE OF 200 FEET, ALL IN THEII TOWN OFh \VIIIFI3Y, RIGIONAI. NIUNICIPALITY Oh:, )t;.,RIIA\I. hORMI:RLY TOW'N OhFV-l"Y COUNTN' Oh ONIANRIO. ANI) MORE P)ARTICtLARLY DUSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: l'Enactlaseînen t Parts of' Lot 18, Concession 2 formierhy ITown ut'Wbiitb,, ('oun tv of' On tario. nuw ini thie Towsn of Whitby, Regional Municipality of' Durhani. designated as Part 1 on a plan prepared by HorIon and WValhace Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors as Job Nuniber 749766 and dated July 29thi, 1974. Foskett Roofung & Re-roof ing Eavestroughing Alumînum Soffit Facer Trougk & Siding Whitby 668-5906 77M7,7X77777=ý 7 , '7 ý 7 7 7 1,

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