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Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1974, p. 10

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I-Y P>AGE 10, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1974, WHITBY FRE PRESS Big9 Macs Down K*ingston 9m-1 The Whitby Big Macs had the formula for basebal success in the opening gai-e of the E.O.B.-A. Bantam "'A" basebaîl finals playcd at E.A. Fairmnan Park on Sunday whcn îhcy downcd Kingston 9 - 1. The Whitby club put it ail together with the inbeatable comibination of top-notch pitching, sparkling play iii the field and lusly bats to completely dominate the gaine. It was a teamn effort whicli produced resulîs and it was a welcomne sighit to sec the Whitby bats finally corne to life. Cam Murkar was on the rnound for the opener against the Kingston Club which ail reports indlicaîed wcre a powerful hiîting club, but the Big Macs lefî.hander, who is now 9 - 1, threw a standout game, striking out 14, giving ~. up seven hits, ail except one single,5 and pîchied a heady bail game only giving up two walks while not giving the Kingston club îoo rnuch to hit. His battery-niate, catcher Doug Shearer came up with a fine game behind the plate and showed signs he has regained his batting stroke. Judy Turner and Brett Hoffman came up with key plays in the infield while Fred Petryshyn played flawlessly ini centre field to inake several catches. It was a teani effort that produced the victory and was a great boost to the Whitby players who were considered the undcrdugs, but there are occasions when the boys froni t1e small town can give a lesson or two to their rivais from the "big city". Dave McWhirîer who came up with a triple to break open the first game of the semni-finals against Peterborough again carne Up with the big blow, a shot to right field for a home run. He also had a pair of singles, while Jody Turner, Brett Hoffmnan and Tim Twining added sinîgles. The Big Macs jumped mbt a 2 - 0 lead in the bot tomn of and first, added single runs in the third and fourth and broke the game open in the fîfth with Tim Twining con- tribu ing a single which produced two runs, 10 give Whitby a big four run inning. Kingston got their lone run in tie seventh. The series was 10 continue in Kingston on Monday nighit with a third game if necessary in Belleville, the mid-way point on Tuesday. The Big Macs swept their semni-final series wiîh Peter- borough îwo straîght. I1O - I and I13 - 1. In tic opener played at E.A. Fairman, the Whîby club was slow getîing started, "giving" away a run in the third inning and 1 - 0 was the score uintil the bota of the seventh. It looked as if feeble Whitby bats xvere going lu be the Big Mac's downfall, but in the seventh John Parrott wenî in as a pinch hitter. drew a walk and Dave McWhirier hit a triple tu put Whitby on the scureboard. Before the îining was over Whiîby hiad scured three limnes and Kevin Lefebre, the - Peterborough righî-hander. wvas gune fromi the game. This lnning wvas the turning point of the garne. and probably of the series because neyer again did Peterborough îhreaîen. Along with McWhirter's triple which gui the club muving, other Whiîby hits wenîtu Brett Hoffian and Fred Peîry- shyn each with a pair of singles, and Doug Shearer with a single. The ouîsîanding fielding play of the game was a diving catch by Judy Turner in the top of the nin 1h. Caîn Murkar piîched a standout game for the Big Macs, yielding only two hits, striking oui 14 and giving up only lwo walks, in sharp contrasi 10 Peterborough's pitching staff whu sent a parade of hurlers to the mound trying bu find the strike zone. In the eighîh Whitby scored seven runs tu make the Murkar'iF firsi and Breit Hoffman at shorîstop came up with fine plays tu rob Peterboruugh baîters of hits. Cam Murkar hîad a perfect night ai the plate, going Iu bat six times. with a triple. a double, three singles and a walk. Doug Shîcarer had a triple and two singles, Judy Turner and Fred Petryshyn each had a pair, while singles went lu Breti Hoffrnan, John Heffer and Dave McWhirter. ADVERTISE WEEKLY Coll: 668461'il, FREEPRS DPA Ford Definney We take great pleasure in saluting the "Player of the Week" in this spot COLIRTESY 01- THE STAFFO<iFTHE: Whiltby Free Press_ Whiltby Free Press Player of the Week Ford Definney Although only in his first year in the Bantarn bracket, Ford has played several gaines with the Canadian Tire club in both league and tournament play at the rnidget level and has not looked out of place. He has been with the Big Macs in the E.O.B.A. Bantam group for most of their garnes where he has corne through several times with timely hits. Ford is prir«narily an outfielder but can also play in the infield. In the outfield he possesses good range and lias a strong, accurate arm getting the bail back into the infield quickly after any fly bails which corne his way. Although in- terested in other sports, basebail is Ford's first love and he is willing to play anytirne, anywhere when asked by his coaches. Ford attended St. John Sch- ool and this Sept. enters Higli School. ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS USED BOATS Whitby Marine Hwy. 12 at Myrtle Station 655-4117 CHRIS CATERUNO AND WITH CATERUNG FACILITIES 415 MocKENZIE AJAX# BOX 113 Phono 942-7891 or 839-874 Ieddings, Stags, Office or House Parties, r4a-ue.,Con-ton,- %--Dans, R % ýeos W.M.B.A. Pee-Wee House League Standings Won Losi Tied Red Wing Orchards 10 2 2 B and R Transport 10 3 1 Lions 9 3 1 Mercantile Dept Store 8 5 Dodd and Souter 5 7 2 Brooklin Legion 4 8 2 Kiwanis 3 7 4 Seaway Motors 1 12 1 Pis. 22 21 19 17 12 10 10 3 First Round Playoffs Lions defeatedKiwanis. B and R defeated Brooklin Legion. Mercantile defeated Seaway Motors. Dodd and Souter defeated Red Wing. Second Round (Semi-finals) Wedncsday, August 21 - 6:00 p.m. - Blair Park - B and R vs. Mercantile Wednesday, August 21 - 6:00 p.m. - Centennial Park Dodd and Souter Sattirday. August 24 - 1:00 p.m. - Centennial Park - B and R vs. Mercantile Saturday, August 24 - 1 :00 p.rn. - Peel Park - Lions vs. Dodd and Souter If necessary a third game will be played Mon. Aug. 26. Centennial Park - Lions - Dodd and Souter - -Blair Park - B and R - Mercantile - TYKE HOUSE LEAGUE PLAYOFFS Series "A" Whitby Legion defcated Consumers Gas. J-C Gulf defeated Rotary. Garrard Rd. Firefighters defeated Pal-O-Pak. Rae Joncs Son - K-Mart tied (each club has won one game). I.O.O.F. - Brown's Foodmaster tied (ecd club has won one gamne). YMCA Winners Rick Harding, a native of Oshawa and currently a ten- nis director and instructor for the Whitby YMCA, found the Whiîby County Town Carnival Tennis Tournament to his liking. Harding cap- îured the Men's Singles, and shared the Men's Doubles and Mixed Doubles laurels with hiis parmniers Ralph McKendry and Cathy Stead, also playing out of the Oshawa Tennis Cl ub. In t1h e nt's singles final. Hiarding defeated his men's doubles partner McKendry by the scores of 6 - 2, 7 - 5. The îen's doubles final pit- ted îwo Oshawa based teamns against each other with the teami of Harding and McKen- dry winning a close miatch over Tom O'Donnell and Charlie Morison by a 6 - 4, 6 - 4 margin. The mixed doubles teani of Harding and CathyStead defeated the team of McKendry and Nancy Jackman of Bowmianville in the finals by the scores of 6-2,6-1. The very sirong ladies doubles team of Cathy Stead and Vicki BaIl of Oshawa provcd to be no match for a pair of Oshawa juniors in the ladies finals a s îhey defeated the teai of Sandra Bouckley and Patti Comerford by a 6 - 0, 6 - O score. Spectators waîching the ladies compete remarked on the sîrong play and steady pressure that was placed upon the opponients by the Bal-Stcad combin'a tion. The adult'evénts al îook place ai Peel Park while the Junior and Interniediate ev- ents. uip lu the finals, were hield ai Henry St. Highi Schiool. Johin G. Forbes of Whitby defeated Mark Oliver of Osh- awa in the Junior Boys finals by the score of 10 - _î in a ten game pro set competition. ln the Intermediate Girls Sin- gles final. Sandra Bouckley of Oshawa defeaîed Susan Hajdu also from Oshawa by a 7 - 5, 6 - 2! set of scores. Kiin Taylor of Oshawa was awarded the trophy as the winner of the consolation round of the Iniermedùite Girls Singles event. The In- termediate Boys Singles final maîched' Craig Andrews of Oshawa againsi Stephen Th- waites of Whitby. Andrews, a sîeadily improving 14 year old playing out of the Oshawa Tennis Club defeated his old- er opponeni by the scores of 6-4,6-4. 2nd &3rd MORTOGAGE MONET AVAILABLE " Nb poyment for 0w.. mooths " No bouses " No cmedit checks " No inquiry from n..ghbours " Confidef*i rrangements moe sn your home " s.rrow asulow osS 1,600 * atse rvice Mortages Brblnht and Sold ce@ #r. WUkS 942»2611 (L.ed> *9111(Tm -.9e) 1308 BUVIV Ste MeV Rida..

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