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Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1974, WIIITBY FRET PRESS Further to our A ug. 7 editorial, 'the littie guy' vs. the corporation (Korsianje being refused a permit for a green- house), we're hlappy to report that Mr. Korsian/e inally received an explanation of why he was refùsed a building permit... "the size of this building being 5S feet ini lengt/z and 25 /èei in widlt/ and also considering the coin- merciai design of t/le building (t/he town solicitor) reached thle conclusion that i/lis wvas tiot a type of structure t/lai should be alloxved in a Residential Zone unider Bv-law 1 784 as a proper accessory use. " So said -the leiter daied Council is o n theright track, but. A ug. 14 fromi senior building inspector FVJ. Tripp. BUT what size is proper? Nobody knows. Town council have to be commended Jôr taking t/le 'bull hy t/le hornis' anzd introduciîîg two amendmenîs îo by-laws I1784 anîd 2585 specifically allowing greenhouses, but regulaiing the size to a heiglut of 15 feet and nîaximurn loor area of 200 sq. ft. As C'otin. Johin Goodwin put ii "flic building inspector lias issued building perînits lô)r greenhouses ini the pasi, but lias refiesed mite. T/le building inspector s/ol/du 'i be ab/e Io arbitrari/y decide-. " Well said John! The only problem now is deciding on the spécifie size. Two hundred square feet wont' even enclose a swim 'miflg pool much /ess a pool, a sitting area, and a greenhouse sec- tion such as w/lai Mr. Korsian/e wants. ('ouncil is on t/le righî îrack, but while amendnîents are being made iv ihese by-/aws, paiio-enclosures and pool. eue/osures s/zou/d also be taken mbt consideratioin and inc/u(ded before t/le probleni arises again ...w/lic/ itiwil/ if ii's not ta/oei care of now. t'he energy crisis ii ite United States broug/lt about speed limnits of 50 miles per hour. T/he nierits of /lavîng the limit ai t/t speed are sîil/ being debated. Sonte i/iings are- knoivni for sure - cars use less gas at 50 mph than t/ley do ai 70, tires ivear better, damages in the instance of an accident are izoi as great and i/le pass- Jigers c/lances of dying ini an accident are less. Very often wve rush home ai speeds of 70 mph or ï-reater anîd as soon as ive get /lome ive flop on ite couch Many Paintings WiII1 Fail Apartl1 A LOCAL ART CONSULTANT, who deals in fine art, says that many artists today produce paintings that xviii "fail apart in ten years". GAYLE GREEN, 605 Anderson St., Whiîby. says "a lot of' artists use driers xvhicii cause their painrings lu eventuaiiy bubbie-up, xvrinkle, and/or crack." Suie pointrs otit that the average 'arlist' paints on very liit cu.,ttoni canvas and doesn't prepare the canvas properiy. -If rhey're serionS i'd like lu se thetu paint on unibieachied linen attd properiy prepare il xviîh animai glue and g sso" ie said. She hias lier uxvn recipe for gesso: 1,/3 gi ue sî/.ing; i /3' calciumi carbonate (muarbie dust): and i1!3 tiake whte ( icad oxide powder). As for the glue. sFic recontnends F~rencht rabbit skin glue, but says anintai glue car i e used if it is soaked in waler t'irst itn a 7(î1 glue mnixture. If this is dune lthe canivas xviii be proîecîed against lte elemerits. Ms. Green doesn't titink driers siiould bc used aI ail. "Ift a p)ainting is worth Fiaxing it 's xvorîh xvairing t'or (for il lu dry properiy)"., site said. "l'o mie it's flawed wiîh the use of driers." Ms. Green lias been seiiing painlings silice sFic xas tn high schooi atnd preseîtiy represents sumne nuîed Toronto artists inciudirrg Zsuit Nagy who specializes irn fine pain tirtgs oniy. Speaking of Nagy. site says "hie wvuid rather starve than do anyîhitîg cise." Top Architect WE'FRE 5 For WhitbyON Wiiby courteil unanini-O N ousiy approved the appoinnt- rmetnt of the archîitec tural ttrin ut' Raynind and Moryamia,LO of' Toronto, as the archilect h for lte pruposed Municipal Other newspapers dlair Building. ('ouncil aiso au- best and the fastest gr, thorized the firm lu urtdertake 1 and Lonely newspar the siîirng of the building in people of Whilby, Broc consultation with the Plan- We have a dedicated st ning Directur, Planning Con. unity, try their best at sultant Ian McPherson and with truth and informae Markborough Properties Ltd., the best interest of this the adjacent properly owner. into their thoughts bef Coun. Don Loveiock ex- ppr pressed his enthusiasm for paper ru fors this firmn pointing ont that 're roudi of ours Mr. Moryama had been re- the communty ntsres sponsible for designing the thein cmunt' itsev Scarborough Town Centre and vdn oa es the Ontario Science Centre, Communîty newspaper. and was probabiy une of the top arcîtitects in Northi A rerica. F s e Roofing E ~Eovestroughiý Can it 'Hurt?7 and read ite paper wv/l e waitiîg supper. W/lai 'stte iturry *? * IsAi/ere any reason w/ly we cou/dit t drive ai 50 mph and ad/usi our t/lin king and lime so we cou/d afi/ust i ôr ite t/lree or four extra minutes it takes to drive 30 miph s/ower. À speed limuîi of 50 miles per«/tour would mean less, consuimption of ever-more-expensive gasoline whic/l s/ou/d p/case i/le budget. The 50 mp/l limit s/iould p/case t/le in- surance iîtdustry because crash damages wou/dît t be 50 She toid the Free Press that shc is somewhat dismayed about some of the local art exhibitions she has been 10 where the good paintings are flot for sale and the bad ones a re..rnany of which are aiready starting lu 'bubble-up' and wrinkie. She also pointed out that miany art enthusiasts are neither fainiliar with the work 0f top artists, nor know- ledgeabie of flic leading gaileries whcre their work rnay be founid. -1lence, instead of' a good painting being purchased which xviii last and increase in value, mnany are way over priced and are already faliing apart. Il-,yuutre th inking uf'huying a guud paint ing. G reenl SuI(gcsts [liait yugo lu a reptabie dealer such as the Frederick Thin Gallery iii Toronto - "a repu table first rate gaiiery." Ai îhuugh soinexvhiaît o' an artist lherseli'. Ms. G reen doesn'î îiîink rh ai site is ani art i. Shie savs she needs anuthier eighit or ten vears beforce w xiii have reasonabiy deveioped hier art istic skîiis. Air oitugli she tistiaiy uniy xviesaies pazinitirigs (t o re. tailers), ilu te ofk-easun . sutiuier. she selis retail [roni ler home. Whinsite selis irix'ately, she likes to take the finie 10 go iii lu a puten t la i stutuier*s home and [mid ou t about thieir taste anid personali îy and decor and xviii suggest a pain ing Ilha t viii fit in. .li i ke lu [mnd out xvio they are aiid xviatr îhey likec and give tîhemi a paintîing thiat xviiibe ani ex tetnsion ut't iir persunaliry." Shie added "I cari't telil sOnieho~dy thi tsumie iiing t ha t is re ai iy crappy ' is beau tiful." 'TILL THE 'AND IELYI n to be the biggest and the *rowirl BUT we're stili the iper specifically serving the ýkIin, Myrtie and Ashburn. taff who, at every opport- :providing their community tive reporting aiways Ietting is Community fait foremost fore writing one word on îtaff, just as we are proud of ;paper and rieedless-to-say, s..with local people pro- and thats what counts in a kett L Re-roof ing ing Aluminum rrough & Siding 668«5906 pof ra, Ajax, Ontario 942-6611j » READERS WRITEE I)ear Mike: Tits is a nlote to thank ymu attd yuu r st afftlor rte fine repun otingo job thiat xvas dote dri rinigte tecenît ft'erai ciect H in catn p:îigin. Youut Sense out tait ness xvas aphilrecia ted. Yutîrs simcerciy, J.F. Broadbent, NI.P. Ositawa-Whitby N.D.P. Parliamiettary Leader Bout Works Expands Size Wlitby Boat Works is in- creasing their Whuîhyv facîury antotier 29,000 squlare t'eeî lu miake a total of'.37,000 square t'eet. l'lie Chtarles St. comiparty huiids about 60 saiiing boats cacît year front 26 [t. Iu 42 fi. and is une out tour boat nanui'actnrers îi Port Witby. l lite others are Ouyang, iHu sky and Wegu. Whiitby's Director of De- veloptuent, F.N. McEweri, says "we as a tnunicipaiity will be working lu iînprove facilities for iauinching boats in the Wiitby itarbour". He added that the town "t'nay co-ordintate an overali plan l'or flie harbour, atnd whio uses it where. It doesn't make sense for a manufacturer tu rnatiufactnire a boat in Whitby and then truck it over lu Freniclhnan's Bay lu launch The tuwn presenîiy owns seven acres around the harbour atnd all the water front with lte exception of te McNam- ara Marine and Texaco holdings. severe thus less costly anîd t/le rates wouldîî ' continue to soar as îhey have donc in t/le recen t pasi. But t/le besi reason for slowiîîg down is your -own per- sonal safeîy. Isn t it a comforting î/ioug/li knowing that ai lesser speeds your chlances of surviving in a bad,'accident is greater. Let's be se/fis/i. Lets~ drop t/le speed limit iv 50 'miles per /lour anîd save money and lives. W/lai can'it h.urt?? key star, Bob Attersiey on purciîasing lte first season ticket for tlie x teamn. ._Free Press Photo Bob Thornclyke, lett, pre- sidetl of' the Witby Senior A Hlockey ('lu b, congratulates tOrmer Whiit bv Durniups litu- WHITBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY hinnter of t/e Clock Drawv MR. anid MRS. G.R. TIZZARD 903 Hutchison St. Whitby Lic. No. 138774-126-74 THE WHITBY FREE PRESS <Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooktin, Myrtie and Ashbuirn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published evewy Wednesday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilai, President. Lu ate tthe Free Press Building 121 Brock St Norti~ Wbitby. SUBSCRIPTION (8V MAIL> $10.00 Y EARLY MAI L: Box 206, Whitby MAI LING PHONE: 668-6111 PRI O TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 PRI O 2941 EDITORIGENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jim Quail CLASSIFIED ADS - Kathy Martin GRAPHIC ARTS Marje Burgess ADVERTISING- Robin Lyon ......................................................Si 1 ci i ai 1

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