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Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2l1st, 1974, WHITB Y FREE PRESS The 197 New Car Lineup, Pontiac Astre A new tuxury level Astre Si has been addcd 10 this snb-compaet !series for Pon- tiac dealers of General Mot- ors of Canada. It featuires a nlewly designed grille, 140 ctîbic inîch engine with a two- baruel carburetor, fouir-speed rutantial transmission, gauiges, sport îîîirrors and .Rally 111 styled wheels. Two body styles for the SJ line are offered: hatclîback coupe and Safari station wagon. The base Astre is availabie ini four body styles: coupe, hatchback, Safari and panecl truick. Five new exterior "inagic iiirror'" colors are availabie briîîgiîg the total color sel- ection to cleveii for I1975. New tèattnres wluich imn- prove 1975 Astre*s perlforni- ance. econoiny anîd driver convenieîice incînde a coni- pact new bigli ergy igîtioîî systemi to hielp inîprove en- gine performanice and elini- mnate points and conîdeniser replacement, new larger bail -Pontiac Gra ndville Brougham The Pontiac Gratnd Ville Broughiam makes its appeau- ance in 1975.and does so in style! Its distinctive grille is flanked by rectanguilar headlamnps and wrap-around rectangular parking and corn- ering lamps. The wide rocker panel molding bas rear fender extensions. Rear wtîeels are set off with opening covers. The Brouigham's attractive rear styiing is enhanced by full- width, twin-bar îailiights. The two and four-door hardtops have a formai roof- line and Cordova vinyl top. An attractive feature of the four-door is a new fixed win- dow in the rear panel. Other styling features for 1975 are body-:size stripes. windsplit moiding with stand-up hood ornent and window stili moldings. Interior features include luxnry seat and door trimn, front seat fold-down centre arînrest, customi color-keyed seat belîs with tone gencrator, door courtesy Iainps,- power 1975 PONTIAC ASTRE t f The sub-compact Pontiac Astre takes on a new air of luxury for 1975 with the introduction of the Astre SJ. The new model features a newly designed grille, 140 cubic inch engine with two-barrel carburetor, our-speed transmission, gauges, outside sport mlirrors and Rally 111 style wheels. Two body styles are off ered:- Hatchback Coupe and Safari Stationwagon. The base Astre is available in four body styles: Coupe, IlatclnXck, Safari and I>anel rj'ruck. Driveability and econoniy of 1975 models are imiproved throughi technrologicatl advances, such) as: a comnpact, new high energy ignition system which helî)s imj)rove e ngine performance andl eliminate points anmi condenser replacenient; new, larger hall joints to inerease front suspension ioad capacity and îiurability; a front stabilizer bar andl steel-beited radial tires. joints to ineazse tuent Sus- pension load capacity a nd durabiiity. a front stabîlizer bar and steel-belted radial tires. Standard o n Astre for 19)75 is a coolant low-ievel I igli t wviiicli c nîles on wlie n the cool au level i s ()ic quart Amlong nlew options av- ailable cL)lors pover f'or 11)75 are five new f'Ou viîyli ioof covers, brakes and an AM/FM stei!e ce adto w1 ili a txvo-s peai- ker systeiîi. 'llic "ex tuai quiet" option package (standar-d on the Si series) ks available on aili nodeis witli the exception oftirec panel tuuck. 1975. PONTIAC GRAND VILLE BROUGHAM Grand Ville Broughamn is the top-of-the-line Pontiac for 1975. Its distinctive grille is flanked by rectangular headlights and wrap-around rectangular parking and side marker lights. The rear wheels are set off with opening covers. The Brougharn's attractive rear styling is enhanced by rult-width, twin-bar taillights. Two and four door models have a formai roofline and Cordova vinyl top. Interiors are finished in new luxury materials and trim, a fold down centre armirest in the front seat, custom colour-keyed seat belts with tone generator, door courtesy iamps, power windows and additional sound insulation. Major teehnological advances should provide smoother, overali performance, tower operating and maintenance eosts, and cleaner air through reduced emiîssions. windows and additional sound insulation. Technoiogicai advances in the Grand Ville Broughiar shouid provide smoother, ov- erail performance, lower op- erating and maintenance costs, and cleaner air tibrougli re- duced emissions. Contribut- ing towards these improve- ments arc a catalytic con-. verter, compact 'igh cnclrgy ignition systemn, fast warm-up carburetion, an îiprovcd transmission torque converter and GM spcciiication steel- belted radial tires. Thie Grand Ville Broughami is powered by a 400 cubie inch V8 engine witli four- barrel carburetor. Two models are offcred in I1975-- a twvo-door hardtop coupe and a four-door liard- top sedan._ Schwartzott And Lambke Battie forlist., Playing thc role of the spoilier by putting an end to Paul Lambke's domination of the '1974 Bulova Championship for 2.5 Litre sedans, Peter Schwartzott feels his STP Oit Treatment Special is now the car to beat. "Our car finally has the power to stay with Lambke on the straights. The STP Special handies better than Lambke's car and al] this was proven 10 our tcam in the race July 20 at Mosport. i fcei 1 would have passed Lambke whether Vie had blown his engine or not. 1 wýis just waiting for the righit opportuniîty," explained Schwartzott. Gaining close to a second a lap in the July 20 victory thc Dimension Racing Team attribuîted the extra speed 10 the remnoval of the spoiler. "When we rcrnoved the spoiler, it cut dcovn on our handling capabilities but the extra speed on the straights more than mnade up for iL. Altering the camr timing trying a I*ew different velocity stacks and comnpletely changing the exlîaust pipe configuration aiso hclped, said Schwartzott. Thle sixth of' the seven race series is schieduled to take place during die Labatt's 50 Grand Prix ofCanada weekend, September 20, 2 1, 22, which means a four week wait bc- rween races. Dimension Racing is nisîno the limne tbensure tie ir cari s ready t'or the aIl impor tan t final [Wl) Bulova ('ham pîonship) races. Schwartzot t plans to test a new en- gine diiring thie Wat kins Glen Natîiinals August 10(i- 14. 'hlI1e Iayot'l' k a long one bu t it will probably hielp more tlian lin n as we need the t ime to [est the engine wlîîch we've hiad miiiiled," concl uded Scliwartzot t. Only 1 7 points separate Schwartzot t f rom first place Laîiîbke and a win l)y Schwartzott couplcd with a low finish by Lamnbke's l)atsun 5 10O wonld force t1e series title down to the wire. Motor Vehilcle Inspection, Minister of Transportation and Communications Johin R. Rhodes announced details of the Motor Vehicie Inspection program coming mbt effect thec first of Septernber. Under [the new prograrn, a Safcty Standards Certificate can be issued oniy by licenced Motor Vehicle Inspection Sta- tions. and each inspection of used vehicle mnust be carried out by a mechanic registered wiîiî the Ministry. The Safery Standards Cer- tîficate will replace thc Cer- tificate of Mechanicai Fitness 110w in use. In On tario, a motor vehicle must undergo an inspcction of its safety reiated compon- ents prior to resale ou transfer of' ownership. ht is estinmated that approximately one-third of the vehicles in [he province is inspected each year under under this prograim. lnunmaking [lie announce- Program ment, Mr. Rhodes said, "The purpose of this program is not to take cars off the road, but to have mechanical defects corrected at the lime of re- sale, resulting in safer vehicles on ou provincial roadways." There will be approxim- at ,ely 5500 licenced stations throughout the province, mainiy at service stations and car dealerships. Bach station will be inspected prior to the issuing of a licence 10 ensure sufficient space, toots and equipment are availabie 10 properly complete the safety standards inspection. Mr. Rhodes indicated, "The new program is designed 10 provide a uniforinly high stan- dard of inspection through- ont the province and to insure the public that both the mec- hanic and thw station prodnc- ing the certificate mecl the standards established by the Ontario Government." 1975 CHEVROLET MONZA 2+2 Joining the Chevrolet hune- up for 1975 is the Monza 2 + 2, a sporty compact wîh Enropean styiing flair. The Monza 2 + 2, subject of broad speculation whiie un- der developmcnt under the code name "H special," is a four-passenger hatchback sportster with high back buck- et seating for two in the front. The rear seat can foîd imb a cargo arca. Expected to bc a highly popular model, the Monza 2 + 2 wiIl be exclus- iveiy puoduced at GM's Ste. Therese, Quebec, plant for the Norh American market. Featuring a low, bean pro- file, the Monza 2 + 2 is the first Chevrolet to be equip- ped withi dual rectanglar hcead- tiglits. Parking and turn sig- nal tamps are in the lower valance panel. Bumper gu- ards and wrap-around impact strip are integrat with the soft-panetled front end. The distinctive styîing of Monza 2 + 2 flows smoothly from front [o rear where wrap-aronnd taiitights and a soft rear panel are attractive fea bures. Front and rear buînpcr systemrs are ecîuipped with hydranîic cylinders that alîow retraction upout impact. Advantages in ride, land- iing, and isolation from road noise are provided by a fuill coul suspension highiighted by a torque armn rear suspension design. Like most other Chevrolet models for 1975, Monza 2 + 2,. incorporates major technical advances for improved drive- ability, economy of operation and dlean air. Monza 2 + 2 is powered by a four-cylinder, 140-cubic lnch aluminum block engine with two-barrei carburclor as standard equipment with a four-speed manuai transmiss- ion. Also available as an option is the new 4.3 litre (262-cubic inch) small-btock V8, available with four-speed manuai. A three-speed auito- nia tic able op: L4 aniid transinission is avail- tionally ith both bthe V8 engîines. Thie Monza 2 + 2, with ils in tegral fraîiie and body design, lias a hiigli tunnel to adapt to aIt available engines and drive shafts --wliîle at thc saine time, providing more beam strength. Double patîci roof aîîd side giiard door bcamns are standard features. Obier fca tires of' the Mon- za 2 +- 2 are special wheel covers, biack-f-inishied pillar louvres to exhaust inside air, curved side windows, ful door glass styling, and moId- ed door and sidewali trim. Inside: special instrumnen- tation, inap pockets in door trim panîels, a four spoke steering wiîeel and a folding rear seat with carpeted cargo Iloor. Options include: Turbo Hydra-matic tranîsmission, po~wer brakes, alurninurn whecels, body side moldings, Space-Saver spare tire, air conditioning, AM/FM sterco radio, tilt steering whicel. Leatlier seat trim wiII Vbe av- - - - ~ ~ ~ 'b ~ ~ ~.'-* <:v.. -~ « The new sporty compact with European styling flair-Monza 2 +2-features a low, lean profile and is' the first Chevrotet to be equipped with dual rectangular headlights. The dis- tinctive styting of Monza 2+12 flows smoothly from front to rear-where ývrap-around tait:- Iights and a soft rear panel comptete the attractive design. A four-cytinder, 140-cubie inch, aluminum block engine with two barret carburetor is standard. A 4.3 titre (262 cubie inch) smalt block V8 engine is also available. Both engines have four-speed manuat transmission as stand- ard. A three-speed automatie transmission is optional. Technical advancements, contribute to smoother, overali performance, economy of operation, low maintenance and eleaner air through redueed emissions. GM of Canada will exclusively produee Monza 2+2 in its Saint-Therese Quebee plant for the North American market. ailable as a late introduction. MONZA 2+2POWERTRAINS ENGINE 140.'cubic inch L4 (standard) 262-cubic incli (4.3 litres) TRANSMISSION Four-speed mannal (standard) Turbo Hydra-matic (optîinat) AXLES 3.42:1 (standard) 2.56:1 'l'lic Monza 2 + 2 is the eightlh new car to loin the original Chievrolet family of, cars in the last 20 years. The cars and "birth dates" were: Corvette, 1953; Corvair, 1960; Nova )Chevy 11), 1 962; Chev- elle, 1964; Camiaro, 1967; Monte Carlo, 1970; and Vega, 1971. j I letters to*the edito box 206, wh

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