*Ifamily 7th Conel PIay Pub I A Pub Night will be heîld eaturday,Auigust 24t1î ah Hey. ienshore PRavilion fromn 8 p.111. intil 1 a-in. It shiould prove o be a very enjoyable eveni- ng for people of ail ages, as he. enhertainment is being ,rovided. by' a very versatile ,roup, the 7th Concessioni. ['he memnbers of the group, R.ay Tizzard, Barry Haihon, Vince Gibbens, Granît Brown, Ceorge Witîshire, Jim Del- pag e $Sion might 0ea. aney and Harry Agar, conie from Whiitby atîd Brookîin. This year they have pîayed ah maiîy local daiîces and events, including thie Yachit Club opening and the Carnival Queen Conlest. Tickets for the Pub Niglit and dance will be available ah the door, and will be $5.00 per couple and $3.00 single. New Directories Distriblution- of sanie 217, 376 Regional Municipahîty of Durham .and Surrounding Terriîory telephone director- ies wilI begin on August 23, Ma ne Veater, Bell Canada Manager, said.- .Newîy-designed "stepped" and indexed pages are in the front portioný of the book carrying data on local and long distance calling, rates and othergeneral information. The new caver is made up of a geonietric design, repea- ted n blue and green squares. On the inside of the front cover is an alphabetical list of ail communities which ap- pear mn the book. Ail Ajax-Pickering phone num bers wmll be listed showing the first three digits as "683", the exchange which recentiy repiaced "942" in the area. Mrs. Veater said that more than 13 million helephone books will be published by Tele-Direct Limited for Bell Canada customners in Ontario, Quebec and parts of the norîh-easîern Arcîic. Food Sense in Canada.- NO NONSENSE Would You be Fooled About Food Faddism? Everyone prides himself on flot being gullible - the sideshow is a fake, the mystic îs 'pooh-poohed". No one foots him here. What draws us ho the carnivat? Probabty il's the desire for the magic. The same desire teads us to believe exciting dlaims for some specifie food. Withouî scientific proof, this food or ffood product is said to make us strong or cure our itts - that is, for a fancy price. 0f such, is the beginning of food faddism. The Bakery Foods Foundation of Canadas nutrition con- sultant, Joan Fielden, says, 'It is the human urge 10 be healthy or to be stim in 'one fett swoop' that opens the way for the promoter of food fads. He is often short on knowtedge and long on sales appeal. Some make a fanalical play of 'heatth foods' and 'naturat foods'. They are foods, true enough, but no "wonder" foods. A good varied diet of foods that any grocery store can supply witt provide just as good nutritionat health." 'Refined and processed foods are a favourite target of the food specialist who woutd have us believe these foods are flot nutritious, says Joan Fietden. -Actualty, we get as much food value from refined foods some of which have been enriched as frôm natural foods, and sometimes more. This is not ta say * that enriched bread is better than brown bread or vice versa. For al practical purposes, in typical and balanced diets, they are identical in food value. Choose whichever tastes better, o yu.. * Whether or not a food is natural il is not important. The * nutriional value of any food as the source of a specîfic nutrient, as the B vitamins, depends upon the composition of that food. For example, peanuts and eggs are both natural foods, yet peanuts contain 200 limes more niacin (a B vihamin) than eggs. On the other hand, the same size slices of whole wheat and enriched white bread - natural and refined foods, respectively -contain almost identical amounts of niacin and thiamin the whole wheat conlaining slightly less riboflavin. Good nutrition is easy ta accomplish when thought of in terms of a wide variety of meats, fish, enriched or whole wheat breads, fruits and vegetables, dairy produots and eggs. No foolin', no 'one food or group of foods has the "complehe magical answer." (One oI a serles) Women & FaIly NEWS If you have any news items that would be of in- terest to the wvomen of the Whitby area, please feel free to cail or write Marie Burgess, Women 's Edîtor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, h'hitby, 668-6111. News on the ac- tivities of local womens or- ganizations, social news, etc., is particularly welcorne. Reupholstering in viny gives new life to chai That old chair, Father's favorite. Mother's pet peeve. Do n't throw it out. Do it over. *As near as your nearest uphols 'tery shop, there's an - expert who can rejuvenate that sad sack. Give it a new look - and add a 11f t to your living room - by giv- iflg it a new cover. Here's a Âint: choose a vinyl reupholstery f abric - f or durability, for color. People used to thinlk of vinyl as plastic, and some- Urnes feit they had to apolo- gize for its use. Not Sa today! Now people Would rather use vinyl that wipes clean and withstands wear than to select a more delie fabrie you can't sit on1 fear it will soul, Sa, home improvers, unil While you're adding c building in, and otherwi focusslng attention on me spaciaus living, give sor thought ta the decorati aspects off improving ycý environment, too. Start with a simple thii like a chair. Your uphc sterer will gladly give y( an estimate, and we thir yôu'11 find the price is rig] for a bright new vinyl cove al or m oV 'il ,h ýte ;e ,se ig d- u ik Lt r! WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1974, PAGE 5 "V The Expropriations Act 1970 Notice of Application For Approval to Expropriaite Land IN THE MATTER of an application by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval to cxpropriate certain casements in the Town of Whitby for the purpose of the construction and maintenance of a storm sewver and appurtenances from the easterly limit of Garrard Road in Lot 18, Concession 2, easterly a distance ot' 200 ft. ail in the Town of' Whitby, Regio'nal Municipality of Durham, formerly Town of Whitby, County of Ontario. NOTICE IS FIEREBY given that application has been made for approval to expropriate: 1. The casements described in Schedule "A" hereto for the purpose of the construction and maintenance of a storm sewer and appurtenances from the easterly imit- of Garrard Road, in Lot 18, Concession 2, easterly a distance of 200 ft., ail in the Town of Whitby, Regional Municip- ality of Durham, formerly Town of Whitby, County of Ontario. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry mb owbetber the haking of sucb easemnenhs is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of tbe objectives of the Expropriating Autbority shal 5 notify the approving autbority in writing. a) In the case of a registered owner, served personaîly or by registered mail witbin tbirty days after be is served witb the notice, or, wben he is served by publication, witbin tbirty days after the first publication of the notice; b) In the case of an owner wba is not a registered owner, wihbin tbirty days after tbe first publication of the notice. The Approving Autbority is: TIIE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST WIIITBY, ONTARIO The Expropriaîing Au thority is: TIIE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITB Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.CT.. Cîerk, Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street WXest, Whilby. Ontario.1 NOTES 1. -Ile Expropriations Act. 1970 provides thiat. (a) Whierc an indîuiry is requested, it by an inquiry officer appointed1 Justice and Attorney General. shall be eonductcd by the Minister of m a il The Law and You Q. A friend of mine received a letter from the Legal Aid Society asking him to corne to the office to discuss yhi s case. They told him to bring. $ 10 to cover the cost of a writ. What is a writ, and why does it cost 10 dollars? A..The writ, or writ of summons, as it is more properly called, initiates most civil legal actions. It is basically a document issued by the court and served personn- aly on the defendant, giving him notice that he is being sued and has within a certain specified time to enter a defence. The wrî names the plaintiff and the defendant and gives a short sumrnary of the case i n question. A more detailed explanation of the plaîntiff's case, called a statement of claim. is usually attached to the writ. The price which the court charges for issueing a writ covers the costs which the court incurîs in opening and nîaintaining a lfile. Ih mfighit scenm mercenary of the court to charge for it's services, but the expense of' issucing a writ hielps to discourage frivolous and and non-sensical suits. The cost of' a writ varies and depcnds on the court (Sinall Claimis, Counîty Court, Supreine Court) and is proportional to the amiount elaimed in Small ('laîms Court. The maximum cosî of a writ in Smiall Claimis Court is Six teen dlollars and 11fifv cen ts (S 10.-5 0). Q. My boyfriend leti me drive his car the other night. We had on iv gone about a block whcen a car xven t th rough a red liglit and sinashcd imb uLs. It xvas the other car's fault, but since 1 was driving wîhout a licence would I be considered au tomnaiicaîly at faul t? Whaî %vill happen to nme now'? A. Just hecause you wvere driving without a licence does flot mnean tîmat you'll be blamied for an acciden t th at was obviouslv semecone else's lault. You vll. however, be charged under the IIigÈjîwav Traffic Act t'or driving w ithout a licence. th.is wilI prebably entail the imposition of a fine. Q. I worked as a securiîy guard for two weeks. 1 have my time slips, but the comipany won't pay mie. They dlaim their accountîng sysîern is mnixed up. 1 need the mioney. but 've been told that if 1 wcnt te SmnalI Cîaimis Court, it would take rnonths to get it. Is there another way? A. You can get the wages owed to you by laying a sum - mnons under the Ontario Master and Servant Act. Your employer can be quickîy brought before a judge of the provincial court. If he does owe you money for wages, the judge will order him te pay you promptly. The cost is minimal. Q. Last night 1 was bitten by a dog and my shirt was *ruined. I went to the owner, but he said that "every dog has one free bite", and that he was flot respon- sible. That dog has been vicious for years, even if he neyer bit anyone. -It was just my bad Iuck his leastIî broke and he bit me. [s he really allowed one free bite? A. The one free bite rule is not quite what most people belteve. 1T1e law is that the owner is responsible for an injury caused by an animal he knows to be vicious. Domnestic animnais, such as dogs are presumed to be gentle until slîown otherwise. Wild animais, such as monkeys or elephants are presurmed to be vicious. But once the owner knows that a dog has the prop- ensity te bite, he is liable if the dog gels away and bites someone. [t is not necessary te show that the dog lias actually bitten somecone to make its owner liable for the bite. It is mnerely necessary to show that 1 b r (b) The In qu iry 0Officer. 1 ) Shall give every party to the inquiry an opport- unity to presenit evidence and argument and to examnine and cross-examine wilncsses, cither per. sonally or by his Counsel or Agent, and 1l) May recommend 10 the approving authority that a parly to the inquiry be paid a fixed amnount for his cosîs of the inquiiry not to exceed $ 200.00 and the approýing authority may, in ils discretion, order the Expropriating Autbority 10 pay such cosîs forthwi th. 2. "Owvner- and -Regishered Owner" are defined in the Act as follows: "Owner" includes amortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled 10 a limited estate or interest in land, a commitîce of the estahe of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing bis affairs, and a guardian, executor, admninistrator or trustee in wbomn land is vested; "Regislered Owner" means an owner of land wbose inlerest in tbe land is defined and wbose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry, land tilles or Sherifr"s Office, and includes a person sbown as a tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll; 3. The Expropriating Authority, each owvner wbo notifies the Approving Autbority that be desires a bearing in respect of the lands intended 10 be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the Inquiry Officer are parties 10 the inquiry. This notice fîrst publisbed the l4th day of August, 1974. SCHEDULE "A" EASEMENTS REQUIREDý FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 0F A STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES FROM THE EASTERLY LIMIT' 0F GARRARD ROAD IN LOT 18, CONCESSION 2, EASTERLY A DISTANCE 0F 200 FEET, ALL IN TIIE TOWN 0F WHITBY, REGIONAL MUNtCIPALITY OF DURHAM, l"ORMERLY TOWN 0F WHITI3Y, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Permanent Easement Parts of Lot 18, Concession 2, formerly Town of Whitby, Couinty of Ontario, now in the Towvn of WbitbY, Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Part 1 on a plan prepared by Horton and Wallace Limiled, Ontario Land Surveyors as Job Number 748766 and dated July 29tb, 1974. I M MUMUI