PAGE 10, WEDNESU)AY. AUGUST 28th, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK This photo of these pretty French girls was taken last Saturday on the Richelieu River in .Quebec during a cruise aboard the ship "L'E.scale". From left to right are: Louise Paquin, Haguette Turgeon, and Monique Paquin. Louise and Monique are daughters of 1 * - ý ý hI"M Lo6n_uei councillor M. Paquin. Haguette played 'hostess to the Whitby dele- gation. Ail the girls live in Longueuil, Quebec. Photo by Mike Burgess.- Past is now pDresent in beau ty ideas Women have been prac- ticing the art and science of being beautiful for thou- sands of years. The ancient Egyptians were well versed in the arts of make-up and hairdress- ing. Wetting their hair with mud, they would take small strands and wind them around sticks then dry the setting in the sun to create early Egyptian 1'high style," The tlrst hair dye was re- corded about 1500 B.C. when henna was mnixed with mud then- applieci to the hair giving it a reddish color. The Greeks became very expert in beauty culture, and it is f rom their word Kosmnetikis which means "lskilled in adornnientl" that we derived the word Cos- metology which refers to the entire field o! beauty including hairdressiflg, fa- cial xnake-up, skin, hair and scalp treatments. The science of Cosmetol- ogy was linkeci with medi- cine for a period of time un- til it becanie a separate pro- fession In the Middle Ages. By the l9th century, hy- drogen peroxide was adopt- ed for use as a bieaching agent and dyes were formu- lated that started a new era of hair colorlflg. *The flrst professional schools establlshed for the study of Cosxnetoiogy were opened in the late 18901s. Early In our 2th Century, methods of permanent wav- ing were developed. The science and art o! hair cutting became ex- tremely Important for It was, without a doubt, the basis o! any good hair style. byMareuffer for period of A ug. 29 - Sept. 4 VIRGO (A ug. 23 - Sept. 22) This is an ideai time for you to take a vacation. Make sure you have ail work compieted before you go, ho wever. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) You shouid be ah/e to get 'the go -a head on those pro/ects you've been working on. This wl/i heip you to further your career. SGORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) You shou/d get a new spurt of energy this week. Socially, you wlI be very busy. SA GITTA RJUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 2/) Stay on the side/ines t/is week, you wl/i get more accom- piished. Let someone e/se have the lime/ight they deserve. CA PR ICORN (Dec. 22 - ian. /9) Yoiî shou/d bc ah/e to case off a littie t/is week, how- ever don 'i conip/cteiy ncg/cct your du tics. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Fcb /8) Gurh vour îcnipcr this wcck, you cou/d hurt the feelings of' soîncone closc to you by a sudden outburst, and a rift cou/d dcvc/op betwven vou. PISGES (Pcb. /9 - Marc/i 20) Usc caution or you cou/d become envoivcdi some clandestine matters. Don't /et anyone take you into their confidence, yould be hetter off flot knowing! A RIES (March 2/ - April /9) This is a good time ofyear to spend With yourfami/y on ou rings, picnics etc. There should be a ,greater develop- ment of domestic harmnony. TA UR US (A pr/I 20 - May 20) l'au ve been under a, lot of pressure, adequate diet, or you cou/d become fil. try to keep to an GEMINI (May 21 -ý June 20) You ma>' receive a /egacy, although there has aiready been a delay. ' Be sure ail your legal matters are In shape. CANCER (June 21 - Jul>' 22) You are tempted to sp/urge on clothing, /ewe/ry etc. Try to defer ail but necessary purchases, however. LEO (July 23 -A ug. 22) You may find conditions with your job very trying Ail your efforts wil be richi>' rewarded in time, so ty td lie patient. SALE Jim 66Scotty" Wilson Jeanne Hughes 121 p Lii H~~EA OFCR~tcwc TaylorHE DO FC eh tewc BROCK ST 1REET NORTH WVHITBY BRANCH OFFICE: 402 668-7777 OLD KINGSTON RD. WEST HILL 284m7071 Ray Grastin aru immuaoe I.