PAGE lO,WEDNESDAV,SEPTEMBER 18, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Youth Secretariaut The Ontario Youth Secretariat was establishied w 1972 in response to the need for a departmeflt Which wouýd act upon the conceras of yonng people. The Secretariat a(-"ts as a liason between youth and the decision-nmakers in the goverameiit. ht channels the ideas and views of young peo- ple to the government and -recommends c ourses of action on such concerns. la addition, the Youth Secretariat co- ordinates Experience '74 which is a special summer employ- ment programme. The Secretariat is presently involved in examining sever- ai areasý of. legislation which deal directly with young people. Ilicluded in these areas are: the utilization of yonth hostels in the province, and the direction these hostels should take in the future. The Secretariat is also examîning ernployment opportunities for handiçapped yonth in the Ontario Government. It is fnrther involved in legisiation dealing with the age of consent and the age of majority. The role of the Youth Secretariat is to focus on the idease and problems of. youth in a number of areas. In the past few years, more and mt$roêyoung people have been voicing concern over summer employmeflt opportun- ities. Th ey hiave wanted meaningful and useful jobs - jobs which will give them practical experience for their future. The Ontario Governmeint, through the Youth Secretariat lias taken concrete steps to help young people find such jobs. The Experience '74 programme provided employ- Sment opportunities for 7,400 youth across the provin e. In addition, another 10,000 students worked for the On- tario Government in regular summer replacement. Exýperieince '74 is comprised of 18 component program- mes. Young people are engaged in a wide range of activi- ties in many différent areas of interest inclùuding education, conservation, social services and culture. The programme hias tried as much as possible to place students in jobs which wilI agsist them in directing their futures. 1 must emphasize to you 'at this tizne that these are not"make work jobs". They need done andare useful to the community. The jobs are also accountable to the various communities in which they are carried ont. Thus both the commumitîes and the young people benefit from the exper- jence. 1 would like to tell you a littie about some of the Experience '74 jobs which involved young people in oui e e e e e e e e e e e e e * WEDNESDAY SEPT. 18 * THURSDAY SEPT.19 * MONDAY SEPT. 23 e 6:30-9:00OP.M. REMINDER *EVENING REGISTRATION DURHAM COLLEGE EXTENSION COURSES IN OSHAWA area during this past summer.' The RSVP proJect - or Retardation Student Volunteer Programmenc employcd I11 young people at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Mental Retardation Unit. A further 7studènts were emnploycd'in the Christopher Robin Home, also ini Whitby. The SPICE programme, or Studcnts Participating in Community Edui- cation employed 5 young people in Ajax for the Durhamn Board of Education. In the field of social service, four students were hired this summer. They worked in comrnunity agencies stich as homes for the aged, day nurseries and shcltered-workshops. Approxim-ately I120 young ppopIe were employed in the SWEEP projeet - Students Working in an Environmental Enhancement Programme. These jobs involved work with the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. The SWEEP programme shows the strong commitment of both the Ontario Government and the young people in the vital area of environment. The Youth in Action project provided employment in comniunity programmes Which were funded by both the Ministry of Community and Social Services and municipali- ties and recreation committes. ln our area, the Whitby District Family YMCA co-sponsored a Play Camp project which employed 2 students working in Summer Sounds '74 in Ajax. Eîghteen young people from our area were hired in the Art Trek project. Teams of artists went throughout the province offering workshops in visual arts for various com- munities. Another province-wide programme involved 13 young people from Ontario South in a Community Histor- ical/Architectural lnventory. Six teamns of two people each produced an inventory of buildings which are of historical significance through the province. Emphasis was placed on the small communities in Ontario. ln these projects our youth have given of themselves - their initiative, their enthusiasm and their innovative ideas. The contribution they have made to each programme will have a lasting effect in each community. In return, many of them will have received a new direction for their future careers or 'education.. From the resuits 1 have seen, the 4xperience '74 Programme has been a tremendous success. The Ontario Government has provided an effective and worthwhile student symmer employrnent programme which has benefitted both the communîties and the young people involved. COURTHOUSE SQUARES CROSSWORD PUZZLE TOC)DAYIS ANSWER ACROSS 1. Bistro 5. Aider tree (Scot.) 8. Barren 9. Jacket 1style, 13. Iranian 's ancestor 14. Berate 15. Adjourn 16. Endured (2 wds.) 11. Recess 19. Tele- graphic sound 20. Alleviate 21. Actress Lan- , chester 22. Hosiery thread 24. Ninirod's basket 25. Being (Sp.) 26. Afore- mentioned 27. Arabian Nights character 28. Errol or Peggy Ann 30. "Cricket on the Hearth" author 32.-Moray 34. Car- toonist's task 35. Brink 36. Home- steader 37. Raw- boned 38. Surnmer in Toulon 39. Gin rurnmy term DOWN A. Appeared. 2. Sorts setting 3. Nonsense! 4. Nigerian 5. 1-it town' 6. Medieval rnanor officer 7 "Glacial snow field 10. See 3 Down 11. Girl's riame 12, library 16. Take the count 18. Cabbage (var.) y a tg -.LN vs1~ En) X310I Q iAO 1 iVI NOGýA1k GN 22. Radio antenna feature (hyph. wd.) 23. Get - (queue up) (2 wds.) 24. Recipe for traffic jam Cristo, Colorado mts. 28. French play- wright Jean 29. Kingly 31. Windy day sky sight 33. Afford 35. Tree ~LAFF 0F THE WEEK e-" "Sure, you're in a rut - we're ail In a rut- look at Cgptan Kangaroo . -LrL 32ýtý , bý4ý