your wesk ahod BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: September 22 to September 28 ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - lune 20 MOONCHILD June 21 - JuIy 22 LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 LIBRFA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 You should have sniall difficulty in sceing that members of the other sex aren' t as "adver- tised." In other words, take care! You might misrcad a friendly gesture. Good things arc scheduled to happen (o most members of yoursign. These "'good things"' will be hidden, rather (han apparent. llowever, look for a productive week! Once again, the more light in your eycs - the blinder you become. You face a week of empty promises. Se, don't commit your feelings too easily. Delegating responsibility, at this time, is not one of your strong points. Try (o lightcn your workload - you'll have too many irons on the ire. Avoid an emotional explosion. Remember, your temaper can get you into trouble and your pride will keep you there. You're prone to heap wrong upon wrong. A littie bit of money might get you into a lot of trouble. How? A down payment, for example, or a promise - could parlay into a long term debt. We 'are neyer treacherous, that is, according to our own light. Nonetheless, you are inclined to manipulate people - who incidentally, won't fit into your design of things. Hold your ground against outside pressures. Don't let anyone, including a superior, push you into a hasty decision. Also, overlook provo- cations that comne from the other sex. You're highly susceptible to being persuaded by a, rather, shifty associate. Try to check the motives behind the advice you'rc receiving, this week. Many under your sign are prone to exchange secrets, during this week's cosmic cycle. Re- member, what you disclose could trick open "warfare" amnong your associates. Spending money and speculating, believe it or not, are recommended to boîster your spirits. It seems as though you'll need relief from "budget" pressures. You will undergo a high degree of emotional sensitivity. Avoid the urge to provoke your mate or similar alliance; don't put associates to the test.' PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Anolysis, send the day, month, yeor and place of birth, plus 51.00 for posage and handling ta Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. 0. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florido 33733. I -~ PREVIEW OPENINO wmeadows DISTINCTIVE LUXURY HOMES IN OSHAWA The tourteen warmly elegant designs in Woodstream Meadows are a harmonious btend of new life-style ideas with proven traditional concepts. The emphasis'thr- oughout is on luxury. 0f prime import- ance, is how much living space you get for your money. You will appreciate the generous dimensions and 'delightful indi- viduality of each home design. Plus the added pleasure of a naturally beautiful setting complete with stream. 'Not often can you find such a remarka ble'com bina.- tion. Beautiful Woodstream Meadows - the perfect place to call "home". for information phone: 7235371 w- ADLI 1 WHITBY FREE PRIESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1974, PAGE Il WITH CATERING FACILITIES 415 MacKENZIE AJAX, BOX 113 Phone 942-7891 or 839-4874 Weddings, Stags, Office or House Parties, J Banquets, Conventions, Dances, Receptions, of Ail Types RICHMOND Se pompeted o<.d lrecd like o Kng! Show«#. Sut'ker' both. Nude body . '1rub dowr. rs4caing Ioung~ e z ~ tNSARONude phoiogrnphy provoit roomi ~Z Lf LIDE a,,u.-Ladies aiso welcomne. e. k e Jim "&Scotty", Wilson Jeanne Hughes leeSALEI k Patty Simpkiss Doug "Scotty" Taylor REALTOR Tay forHEAD OFFICE enStewc BRODCK .STREET NORTH WVHITBY BRANCH OFFICE:0 402 668-7777 OLD KINGSTON RD. WEST HILL 284-7071 Ray Grastin Earl Harris 2nd&3rd MORTOAGE MNEY AVAULABLE l e n Mrtoge le >40oymfflftf hrmonthi " No crodit ch.cks " No issquiry f rom mighbours " orrarong..t mode ine your homo " sorow esIow es l,60 Mortages Bnt,,ht and Sold cfl Mb. o I 38 mv942-2411 RidWe 1 21 CLASSIFIE jrkc).u;ý 1 1 . ai LÃ