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Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS D'SPITE the f/àct that some of our best friends anîd same of aur most loyal readers are, prudes, (noa offence meant) aur honest, candid editorial policy fôrces us ta carne ta grips. with con troversial issues.a.f wh (ch SE-X is certainly anc. We cati t help but vander ivhy jiesi the v)ery mentian of TUA T word causeý' cars and cheeks ta flux/t, and (lhe prudish running forcaver. Why kid ourse/ves, rcgardless of aur personal belieft, sxIS, WA S, an d A L WA YS iv ill b e. Na matterMiow protected, and niaive ive tri' ta be ivith aur chi/dren do wve really expeet them ta go thraughlî ljè believing that t/he stork draps babies dawni unsuspecting chimneys? But before ive con tinue, let us pacifi' an>' traubled minds. A ny yaungsters ivho nîay read t/us editorial cither understand what we're talking about or the» dan't .. agreed? Either way yau don't have ta worry..If. they understand, they ALREADY know about the birds and the bees..'.and If they DON'T iwonat t te/li what has ta be t/w biggest, worst/y kept secret of a/I time. 1Gensorship should be a personal thing, as everybady has a mind af his or her own. You can't dictate or brainwvash, hopefuilly at best you can guide. But in the final analysis Those Who May b. Offended by SEX Turnover This Page PLEASE I. t/le final decision is macle by the individual. T/uat s why, fiôr exam p/e, same of t/le best people, with 'backgrounds lacking little, wvind up behind bars. It scerns samewhat incongruaus ta us, f ôr exam pie, tiwt nudity is barred .fir the mast part fi-rn televisian, yet whcn African tribes are pictured 'ay naturel' that s alright. Sirni/ar/v, we knoiw peaple wvho would litera//y die before al/owing P/ayboy ini tlwîr home, yct ihey have volumes af Natianal Geographic and pages upan pages af nudity in colour - usua//y black. Lt's almost as if a nude Africani is 'decent' but a nude w/itc persan isn 't. Why is anc accepted and the at/uer NOT? A body is a body is a body... orne fatter, some skinnier, saine taîl, some short, but a/i basica/ly the same. Sa why t/he shamne atnd why the indecency? To us sitame is subjective and indecency is objective. Shamre is iwhat yau Jèel about yaursclf, and indecency is usual/y w/uat you feel abaut oathers. We cati understand indecent A CTS, or rather wc wil agree that some acts are indecent, but sure/y sex and aur bodies are not itîdecent. Yet if wc sec a nakcd b~ody we act as if the act af nakedness is in itself indecent. Sitnilar/y with sex .... we visit Mary or A nn in the maternity ward, bring flowcrs anîd gifts, complimen t her on /ittle Johnny and pretcnd we real- 1>' don't know how it a/i happened. Seems a little strange doesn 't (t? Unfôrtuna te/y, or fbrtunately, depending on how You look at (t, wc seem ta be governed by the norrns of social behaviaur and obvious/y what s nat acceptable here IS accep table for exam p/e in Europe. A gaod example is a recen i instance whcre a reader took us ta task for publishing aphota of a girl ini a bikini sun- bathiîig at a Brock Street park. He was terrib/y offended about this photo, but w/uy?..sure/y tItis gentleman can't be blind ta the world around /im. Is a girl, in a bikini, sunbathing in a local park a first for Whitby? Does this gentleman ban departments for catalogues, travel folios, and a/I other magazines from his house? Ever look at /zosiery ads and notice 8 out of 10 times THA T'SAL L the model has on? To those we may have offended by ligh t/y touc/uing upon THIS sub/ect we offer aur apologies and the trauma that may have been caused by aur mention of this 'verbat- en 'sub/ect. As many people often say 'it's a funny world', but funny strange, funny ha ha, or funny qucer? Mrs. Camillia Williams of Whuîby charged lasi May 29th with mistreatment of animais lias been appearing in the Whitby Court in answer to the charges. The case began about three weeks ago and is still in progress. Dr. Kenneth Easton, Vet- erinary for the Humane Soci- ety testified thiat he hiad ordered *the - death - of'a Pomneranian dog because it had a tumor that he diag- nosed as being malignant. After tie dog wvas put îo death, about six hours after the seizure of the affniais trom ihe Anderson Street address, the dog's body xvas cremiated. This dog il îurned oui, as Mrs. Camnilia Williaias testitied. was a i17 year old pet of her laie Aunî's and had been 'dognapped* îhree years ago and on ils return il liad a 'liernia" as a resuit of the treatimeni it had received while being hieid captive. The Pomneranians hiad been brought over from Sweden 17 years ago by Mrs. Williams' late Aunt. Dr. Easton said thai the litti'e Chihuahua did flot die as a resuit of neglect. It had been seized by the Humane Society and died as a resuit of a fight that occured between the animais in the Dr. Mac- Kay Animai Hospital, Whitby. This littie dog whichi belongs to the breed that weighs fromn Harvest Ball The Association tor Re- tarded Chîldren for Whitby, Ajax and Pickering are hold- ing a "Harvesi Bail" on Sept- ember 21 ai 8 p.m. Trickets are availabie at the door or by caiiing Mrs. Brooks at 668-4401. The price, S7.50 per couple, includes a înid- night buffet. .Music is cour- îesy of "The 7thi Concession" Ail proceeds go 10 fihe retarded chiidren. also serving Ajax and Pickering. Semvng over 26,000 readers. Published evezy Wednesday by Wbîtby Free Press mnc. Bruno Harilaid, President. Iotatd at the Free Press Building 121 Brock St. NortJl Whitby. SU1BSCRIPTION (BY MAIL) $10.00 YEAR LV MAI L: Box 206, W1itby MAI LING PHONE: 668-6111 PERMIT NO. TOR)FONTrO LINE: 282-1004 24 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jm Quail GARY L. ADAMS, D.C. & JOHN A.KNIGHT, D.C. Doctors of Chiropractic Wish to Announce their association in the opening 0f THE WHITBY CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE 117 Byron St. N. Whitby, Ontario By Appointment Phone 668-7153 one and a half pounds to the largest of, the Toy breed weight of 18 pounds. The Toy breed dogs range from the Chihuahua to the Peking- nese, Pugs and Pomneranians. The îwo loy breeds, - the Pomeranian and the Chihua- hua, belonged 10 Mrs. Wil- liams. The case continues. English English classes for immi- grant women are availabie free of charge Tuesday and Thursday afternoons ai St. John lthe Evangelisi Chiurch 903 Gifford St., Whitby. The classes, sponisored by provincial grants. besides teaci ing English, give infor- ination abouit living in Wir- by and include suich îopics aîs the eduication systin and hecaith services. Ait lhe sainle lime as the aduit classes, a nuirsery pro- grain wihi bc available f'or preschooi children. Autof est Autofest '74 in Osliawa got off to a flying stant witlh lasi weekends' car show ai the civic auiditoriumii. Thc week-long evenîs con- tinue withi a Casino Nigh t (Wednesday) zai the Canadian AuItoîlotive MuseInI, 99 Sirucue Street Soutli starling ai 6:30 p.mi. Thuirsday night, Festival Halls ai: Con naugit Coin- mLlinity Centre, Connaught and Jarvis Sîreets; Ukrainian Hall (Odessa), Bloor and Sim- coe Streets; Italiain Recre- ation Club (Ruina), 245 Sirncue Street South; and Kingside 'Conumunity Centre, Dean and Tennyson. Friday night thc Festival hialls continue wiîhtheiir entlertainiînenit and ai thc Civic Auditorium Hlawkeyes present "Lisie" ai 8 p.in. Saîurday inorning, both ai 10 a.m., are the Soap Box Derby, Weniwurth Fast of' Ritson, and Balloon Flights ai Wentîworih and Wilson Rd. Tic wrap-up is thc Grand Prix Bail aitich Civic at 9 P.111- Whi1tbv Senýior Plays Al-uStar Training camp for the Canada Stu< Whitby Senior A Hockey the team of Club, the Whitby MacDonalds which will r( opened on the weekend with at the World over 100 candidates trying Tournament out for positions on the teami. kia in Decemt Workouts continue ail this week, beginning at 8 p.m. atF Iroquois Park Arena and the F e public is cordially invited to attend. A number of cuts have Couri already been made, but a- miong those who are stili corn- Tis Satt peting for berths are the fol- Oshawa Shc lowing locals: ioe Modeste, Pine Ridge W'hitby; Gord McCosh, Ajax; sponsoring a1 Dennis Gibson, Oshiawa; Mike onstration cor Keenan, Whitby; Eric Saud- rides for the p ford, Whitby; Greg Bodmnan, AI Spec Oshawa; Bill Little, Asliburn; director of Fi Pat Brown, WVhiîby; Calvin TV, told the Peltet, Ajax; Bob Kirk, Oshia- a hot air balloi wa. centre and " The teami plays ils first exhibition game Sunday Sept- Onit. S emiber 22 ai Iroquois Park Arcna gaine timne 1:30 p.rn. w. Thecir opposition wiIl be the ii ci Appiicatici Dognalppi*ng gants ni Stdent Assi are running 1 Is G e tniq 1973 figures, Too Popularlgs n delay in <'Dognapping' in our area increase was sceems to be getting more the Ministert popular al] the time. punchi probloi Especially when you have been resolvec a dog that could bc used for and the pro hunting, says Mark Lieberîhal year's student of 1811 Dixie Road, West now back on Pickering. To date, Mr. Liebertlial is just one applications of many dog owners whiofhas ceived by ti apparently fallen prey to 52,000 have 'dognappers'. Lieberthals' At the saine dog is a one and a hiaif year 54,000 had bc old black Lahrador Retriever liad beeni proc who answers to the naine of Sonie 8,7( Logan, lias a chipped front were run thro bottomn tooth, and bears the ter over the tattoo 'i8Y2-4E' in its car. weekend and If you spot this dog, or somebody offers to seli hiîn 10 you, you can earn a $l100 reward and miany thanks for T R his return by caliing Mark Lieberthal at 839-3773. -n A Hockey Club Team Sunday dent Nationals - The team wiIl play ils fcollege ail-stars league opener at home in represent Canada Iroquois Park Arena on Thurs- 1Student Hockey day October 10, against ^the in Czeehoslova- Allan Cup Champion Barrie ber. Flyers. Ballooning Sato itesy of Cable TV turday at the iopping Centre, Cabie TV is ballooning demi- )mpleîe witii free public. cer. marketing Pine Ridge Cable -Free Press thai oon will be at the if the winds are conclucive to tlying, we'l1 be taking people up for rides." Mr. Spencer said that the comipany called 'Beautiful Balloons' wili be demonstra- ting" the old world art of ballooning' every hour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Cable cast 6 will be on hand t0 televise the happenings..al courtesy of Pine Ridge Cable TV. itudents Assistance :ost $33 Million ons for loans and er the Ontario istance Program 12% ahiead of the the Honourable Auld, Minister of ,Universities, an- ,y. A temporary handling this sattributed by to computer key ems. These hiave d, Mr. Auld said, ocessing of this t applications is scliedule. about 61,000 have been re- he Ministry and been processed. time last y eau, )een receivecd and ,essed. 700 applications )ughi the compu- ie Labour Day Jare now being DON'T YOU cANI-T SEE UNI*,ALTHY 1 HA/EN'iT CW-ICKENS BIRD IN RUN AROUND 20 YEARS. INSIDE YOUR I-bUSE? recorded and batched for forwarding to Student A- wards Officers at the coileges and universities. A further 5,000 applications have been sent to the Educational Data Processing Centre and anoth. er 3,200 - mostly special con- sideration cases - are being processed by the Student A- wards Brandli. Present trends indicate thiat student aid applications will top 85,000 in the current year, Mr. Auld indicaîed. Approximately $33 million is provided in his Ministry's 1974 - 75 Estimates for the grant portion of the Ontario Student Assistance Program. In addition, Canada Student Loans, administered as part of thc OSAP Program, are expected to provide well over $50 million in assistance to Ontario studenîs this year, the Minister said. FREE PRESS ADS PAYIe You're reading thîs arent vou! 668-6l11 W*ilIiams Trail appe. ita. Ajax Pickering Paving Company Ltd. Paving -Telephone:I Cl399_HarwoodAve. North, Ajax, Ontarîo. 683-1661 C Residential - Industrial - Commercial * W.P. (Pete) Baker

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