PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Rae Shaw with the New feminine hair design by Albert of The Salon of Josef. ANew Head-I»ine, The Fali Fashions Albert, the new hair de- signer at the Salon of Josef, has designed this cut on Rae Shaw of Ajax, to compliment the new, more feminine fal clothes. Notice how the style gently tumbles around the face and nape of neck to leave the collar line clear, wthout any hard lines. Originally from Rome, Albert came to Toronto two years ago when he joined the Vidai Sassoon team of styl- ists. Since joining The Salon of Josef in May 1974, Albert has found that "the trend is to more feminine styling, rather than high fashion which makes a lot more sense to nie" he added. Frank LIBennett can help you keep those promises you 9ve made to yourseIl That's why Frank is Manager of Whitby's Royal Bank. He is there to help you. When you've got an idea that grows into a promise you mean to keep, a Bonus Savings Account will help. t pays a healthy interest rate on your minimum monthly balance and there are no cheques to tempt you in a weak moment. And 10, make your Bonus Savings Account really work for you, Frank will tell you ail about Royal Certfîed Srvice-a completepackage of tWelve banking services for just $3 a month. That means it's very simple for you to figure out where you stand wîth your money, so you know exactly how much you can afford to save in your Bonus Savings Account. So if you've made yourself a promise-corne mbt Whitby's Royal Bank and talk to Frank ~ Bennett or any one of his staff. They wilA help you keep your promise. Phone: 668-9358. ROYAL BANK serving Qntario servIng you Community Corner Tne Royal Bank is pleased to supply this space for use by service clubs, church groups and civic mincfed organizations în Whitby and area for the purpose of advertising your special events or meetings. Please contact Frank Bennett at 668-9358. Consufl'ers' Corner Drapes and Elect.ric HeatLers Foflowing are some safety guidelines t.hat allow maximum efficiency in the operation of al types of electrie baseboard heat- ers - with a niiniMUni influence on draperies. - Hang drapes so, that when in use they extend below the centerline of the heater, but with at least one-haif inch clearance from the top of the flnished floor eoveriflg (such as a carpet). -There should be at least one inch between the extremne front of the heater and the nearest fold of the drapes in the folded back (opened drape) position. - Leave one-hal.f inch between the top of the drapes and the ceiling. - Draperies located close to heaters should be of material that will not discolor nor distort di- mensionally (shrink or stretch) upon extended expostire (1000 hours) to a temperature of 200 F. - When cutting off drapes above a heater do so by at least six inches. Thought For Food Creole Jambalaya Simmer 1 three-pound eut chieken in a saucepot with 4 cups oi water until almost tender (35- 40 minutes). Remove chieken from broth. Reserve both broth and chicken, Mix 1/3 cup instant minced onilon and 14 teaspoon instant minced garl.ic with 13 cup water; let stand 10 minutes; set aside. cut ½h pound link pork sausage into ½ -inch pieces. Brown sausage. Pour off ail but 2 tablespoons fat. Add onion and garlie. Saute 5 minutes. Stir in 1 tablespoon flour. Gradually add 2% cups of the chieken broth. Add 1 can broken up tomatoes, 2 tablespoons parsley flakes, 2 tablespoons sweet pepper flakes, 114 teaspoons sait, 1 small bay leaf, % teaspoon thyme leaves and U4 teaspoon ground red pep- per. Bring to boiling point, stir In ehicken, sausage, 11/1 cups raw, regular rooking rice, 'h pound cooked ham and %4 pound peeled and devemned raw shrimp. Cover and simmer until rice and chiek- en are tender - about 20 to 30 minutes. Serves 8. Miade wlth lmported Holland cheee this elegant dlsh las imple to prepare and quitte Inexpensive. Try maklng t wlth broccolil-for a deliclous change. Hollan d cheese and asparagus puf E LEGANT but inexpensive, you can serve this Holland 12Cheese and Asparagus Puif for a special f amily meal or as an effective luncheon or light supper dish. Try ringing the changes with broccoli. That way you don't have to wait for asparagus to be in season. 10ouda, ored Ha hes u Gno" ub rEa hes in lb. csaaub fesh,~n orb. fap roze smn½"pce or eggs n jl ie 4 easponsi V4 teaspoon pcepper 1 cup cracker crumbs 1 pimiento, finely chopped (optiona.i) 4 tablespoons melted butter 1 cup milk TR WEEKS PATTE RNS9 8Y AUDREY LANE 3239 R.ady for the bedtirne star>' in this coi>' robe; it's for hirn or her. No. 3239 cornes in sizes 4 ta 12. Size 8 tokes 21/,j yards of 35-inch fobric or 1 78 yard s of 50-inch. Collar and Cuffs per, crumbs, pimientot milk, asparagus and imported Hok land cheese. Pour into 1iV½ - 2 quart casserole. Pour melted butter over top. Bake in 350 degree oven 30-45 minutes, un- covered. Makes 6 servings. This casserole may be as- sembled ahead of time - but- ter poured over just before baking, OR casserole may be baked ahead and reheated. Waste Since water dissolves ininerais and vitamins out of foods it is best to cook those vegetables in very little watcr. Check Spices With holidays and ail coming up spice usage is at its peak. Faîl, then, is the time of year to sniff your spices - and make sure the magie is stili in their aro- maties. Bay Leaf In the ancient world the laurel or bay tree was first a sort of lightening arrester and averter of evil; then it became the sym- bol f victory and distinction. The Biblical David chose the bay leaf as the symbol of prosperity. Worcestershire Worcestershire sauce - always written with a capital W -was created in Worcester, England, about 140 years ago. It has been adding tang to the world's roasts, chops and other dishes ever since. Piekled Shriveled pickles are still edi- ble, but not so attractive as firm ones. Shriveling is usually aused by usina too much sait during the brining proeess. PUNCH LUNE J 0F THIE WEEK Add a touch of daintiness ta your basic cress b>' crocheting this locy coilar and cuff set. Pattern No. 1162 gives the instructions, Send 501 for mach dress pattern, 301 for ach pattern <add 150 for mach dress pattern, 10« for ach ne.dlework pattern for mailing and handiing> Io AUDREY LANE SU. REA U, Morris Plains, New .Jersey 07950.