PAGE 10, WEDNESDAV, OCTOBER 9, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS CROSSWORD PUZZLE TODAVIS ANSWER 23. Likely 33. Ham it up 24. Kadota or 34. Allude Smyrna 36. Languish 25. Swiss 37. Work canton with 26. Denoting hams certain 38. Monk's tires abode 27. Succor (abbr.) 31. Ship 39. Girl's 32. French name painter 40. Craze New Licence, Donate Organs TORONTO -- Minîster of Transportation and Commun- ications, John R. Rhodes, fias announeed proposed changes in the Ontario Driver's Licence which will provide the means for a licensed driver to make a~n anatomical gift statement allowi ng trans- plantation of humnan organs immediately after death. The licence form is being redesigned to include a legal document that can remain attached to the licence indi- cating the wishes of the driver. There will be suffici- cnt space tor the prospective donor to sign and have the declaration witnessed. If the driver does not wish to donate bis organs after death, or changes bis mmnd after signing the form, he ACROSS 1. Finery; z-ici raiment 6. Siant rium 12. 0f ships 13.Saroyan novel, with t'The" (2 wds.) 15. Czech river 16. Bellow 17. But (Lat.) 18. Corne now, 19. Chemical suffix 22. Inlet of the sea 23. Some pilots 24. Comics (2 wds.) 28. Inflexible 29. Illumi- nated 30. Kind of of Mill 31. Cover 32. Debussy's "La -" 35. Gyrate 37. Arrived 38. Ridicul- ing (3 wds.) 41. Sheeplike 42. Mountain spur 43. Consumer crusader 44. Inhibit DOWN 1. Plant insect 2. Excite 3. F'rost- covered BURGESS GILOF THE merely detachi and de- the organ donor section elicence. is expected tlie new will be available in inid- aftcr the present supply cences have been ex. hiausted. SoeApartment Fun Soeof these new apartrncnt buildings have walls 50 thin that when one lady peels unions the people next duor cry too. Thankst its workin But it could be doing mg ,ou ore The United Way. Thonks ta you its working. If's working because, thanks to you 28 member agencies ore able ta provide yeor 'round services to the youth, families,aged and handicopped of our commun ity. It's working becouse over ninety cents of every dollar goes directly ta United Way services and with your help this year, we'iI raise the $7 10,000 objective for aur area. Please give generously. Mail or bring your donations to After many complaints from ail the local wolves about our failure to have a girl o>f the week for the last few weeks, we h-ave succumbed..this prefty brown haired, blue eyed gai is 1 8-year-old Linda Wenzel, an ex-H-enry High Sehool student who is presently wý,orkinig ini a local factory. Linda is a bit of a 'sports nut' who roller skates, skates fishes and evezi water-skiis - even though she can't swim. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess B rookln Horticultural Society Thie Brooklin 1-orticultur- aI Society held its September meeting on Wednesday, Sept- ember 25 in Brooklin withi 35 people presenit. It was announiced that the society hiad purchased plant- ers to be placed in the enitraince lu Heydcnshore Pavilion i Whitby. Thiese will bc placed tibis faîl ready for spring plaitniig. Durig the mleeting Gordon Wick demionstrated how tu plant bulbs for winitcr forcing. He said thiat quite a variety of bulbs were avail- able. Hc showcd four or f'ive slides of his cold framne which lie used last winter and also slides of fthc flowers which were forccd to bloom early. He eniphasized the importance of soaking the pot first tu retain moisture and suggcsted alternating layers of vermiculite and straw tu cover the bulbs tu a depth of a fout. This cover- ing would make it easy to dig Uip ite bulbs iii the winter. Mr. Cyril Wick gave an illustrated talk on Civic and Priva te Beautification and showed nmany local pictures ut parks and gardens whichi added colour anid beauty to the Region of Durhamn. This summer many of the Whitby pîantings hadl been pîanned by the local Horticultural Society throughi the assist- ance of Municipal and Government Grants. I-le suggcsted that members take time to wander through the various parks and fully appreciate what the various citizen bodies were doing. The local public gardens and hanging baskets have received many praiseworthy coin- ments from passers-ýby, and plans are already underway to do even more in the future. A Chrysanthemum Show was held in conjunctfon with the meeting and displayed were some gay fall &range- ments as well as some color- fjil specimens of mums. , I * gth .bst' in S trtin en Unit;ed Wa~g UNITED WAY Campaign Headqua rters 52 Simcoe S. Oshawa B1 rock Stmee<NOMt WhiKky,Gonunio i'.Icphooe (416) 660-25Me BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m.1 Bus SERVICE PRQVIDED SIINDAYSER VICES WORSHIP SERVICE -l arn. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p. - NURSERY PROVIDED FOR AU. SERVICES TUESDAV: Pioneer Girls and 6:5 p.m. Christian Sevice Brigade to 7:45 p.m Bible Study end Prayer Meeting 8:We p4gi VOICE 0F FAITH - Ceble 6 9 p.m. isi A3>4 Sunday each mon th 4. Glacial ridge 5. Craving 6. GIve the cold shoulder to 7. Holy man 8. Mixolo- gist's phrase (2 wds.) 9. Cushion 10. District of England 14. Wrinkling 18. Experi- ment 20. German article 21. Written letter 22. Barbara - Scott nec d stroy of the It forrn 1975 of là MINISTER 0F OUTREACH REV. RALPIl DUNN