PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 9,1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Senior 'A' Hockey Returns to Whitby On Thur-sday evening, October l0, the new Wht by McDonalds Senior A lcy CIlub will play its opening gaine ot'[tie1I)974 - 7.5 season in the O.HA. Senior A league. Gaine ime is 8:-30 p.iii. against the defending Allan Ciip Champions, the Barrie Flycrs. ini the inew 1500-seat 1 roqu ois Park Aretna ini Whi tby. This marks tlie first Senior A cempetitien Âin Witby since I1959 Mien dite Whiit y Dunilops won te Allan Cep, enthlena tic et'senior hockey supremacy in Canada. Thie Wiîby NlcDonalds have planned a special coin- imuni ty evenling l'or-thei occasion. They have invi ted ail flicfornmer Wirby Dun- eops, world champions ini 1958, te be in attendance; mnusic will bc provided by tîhe Whiitby Brass Band. Tliey xill -saInte othier groups wlio have rccently brought lioneur te thec tewn cf Whiitby; specif0cally the Whitby Coun îy Town Singers wlio have just returned from a trîuînphal concert tour of Germany and Austria, and the Whitby B & R Transport- crs, xlo lhave won the I1974 Ontario aîid Canadian J unier B lacrosse clîanipînships. The texvn's service clubs will l)e there wi th their regal- ia, banners and noise mnakers. Many lucky nuinher programn prizes will be given away including an Osteî izer blend- er, a Black & Decker drill, 25 gallons et' gaseline. a child's car seat, Finnair flight bags. safety lamip. steak knivcs, steak dinners and a Ronald McDonald Watch. After thec garne. thie guests and the general public will be able ro nmeet fhecplayers ef thc new Whitbv teami in tie Booster Club hlospitality ro ru. Thie hockey club is look- ing fOrward te an cxcii ing and successful seasen ini its irs! year. and is loeking for- ward te having hockey fans ini the area eut ini terce te welconie Senior A hockey back to Wiby. Provincial Senior 'A' Hockey WHITBY McDONALDS YS BARRIE lroquois Park Arena Oct. 1lOth 8:30 p.m. This message sponsored by: Consumer's Gas 101 Consumers Dr., Whitby i UY A FIAT NOW BEFORE THE PRICES GO UR . 'High performance, twindi overhead cam engine. 2. Radiai tires. 3. Dual brake system. 4. 4-speed synchromesh transmission. 5. 4-wheel, power-assisted dise brakes. 6. Room for 4 ful-size adulitai 7. Independent tront-wheel suspension. B. Automatic transmission avai Jable a! extra cost. The biggest selling car in Europe. BEAT THE 1975 MODEL PRICE INCREASES. Nanain Auto LItid. 25 Oronfoli1 St. Oshawa 728-5179 The Whitby Minor Soccer Association held its annual fait dance Saturday night at Heydenshore. Pictured here are (from left to right); Neli Hendriks, Girls Convenor; Martin Doleweerd, referee-in-chief; Miss Malta, Martese Bonello; Hubert Adebar, president; Counsellor Gerry Emm and Rien Verrydt, registrar. The annual meeting and election will be held October 19, 1974, 10 a.m. at the town hall. Free Press Photo Whultby Hillers TMe Markham Waxers Whitby Hîillers tied Sun- day night with the Markharn Waxcrs 1I- 1Irnakîng their record threc wins ene tic and a1 less. The Provincial Junior A Teanis off thecOntario Hock- cy, .ssociationi (OHM )had a scoreless first pcried a! Ire- queis Park. In the second perîod ir %vas Ken Clarke ( 10) tor \Vhirby xvh epurthle puck ever the 'amni ef' uni Baxter thie Nlarkliani goalie \vho playe 111a )utstandiitg gaine as Wel as the I lillers Nlike Ryckman. Niarklin scorcd in tIhe thîrd period on a pass tlîreugh the defense 1w Steve tliggs te J nui Gibson . Gîbson wasted neo uniie in fîinding an opnSpot at the tep oet the lie t. 13etlh ne liiide rs madle key saves iliIllie last minu tes of rthe gainme as tllie Sh o s on geaI increased butr as flt u b- ,.er xvcnt, tIhe gaine eîîdcd ini aj t ic. acaoeless 'match can. start a SPORTS CORNER &£/rrtÉ7 MAN W/b /X>6S vt' /T4LL WELL IS...4 BORAIVI 77HG L4ENr7V7 BEFRE MO VIMG 7'0 Uli VVPS/7Y OF WEXA5 A 7 t&PASO. IY4 5S7T SCh'cX9L /'f59 PO'r4 /V4-rE WA S 7Y6 SECONO)-Rqot/No C-RAr CHOICE OF C/NCî4/N477 ROYAZS. HRÉL4ENTr)7 K4A'SAS CrTY-0,4v1Ah'A K/A/GS .t W/ TbfCQ4 NCM"SÉS(I4FT- ~~ /Vr7EL(AS I. 8.APZLA VER 0F 7-É YEAR? 1k. 973 -Ff=RST- N. 8.A. GUA RD 7-O CORE 1/ ocX))FU 6OALS. SOUThPAW SHc007ÊR 1IAS PAZZI lA/G '~- SPAÇEQ ANJD A /<EEN -- - Whit by Knob [liii Farms 1 7 they will face off against pLaved in Aurora lJast night. the Dixie Beehives at Iro- an1d \vill go te DLxie SuInday quois Park Arena, garne time aind Seiteca Menday. October xiii bc 7:30 p.m. 1,4. On1 ThulrsdaivOcbe I~IfIMc- 1000 SÀ&VE$69.5 Acoustic SAVI 6950Speaker 40-980Systemi Nw2 FOR 6950 Reg. 69.50 Each Has acoustic-suspension 8" woofer and 2" wide-range tweeter. There's enough power for full-volume high-Ievel Iistening, yet it's sensitive enough for the softest "Iows"'. Offers a full 30-20,000 Hz rpsponse. Phono jack or sérew terminalsforeasy hook-up.iiled walnut, i 7Y/x8'Ax1 1' It carnies Radio Shack's FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE. SHERIDAN MALI, Pickcering< 839-3260 gAR' SPORTS CORNER WE'VE(HANGED OUJRNAMETO0 ADI AD! DAN ILS counf&rweight. lose vveight & keep it off counîerwveight truly Canadian is cetebrating. You are invited io attend OPEN HOUSE ai att aur classes during the nonth of October. WH ITBY KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS 133 Brock St. N. THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m. AJAX ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH WEDNESDAY - 7:30 p.m. $ave 1 0%/.. . . Take advantage of our prepaid 10 week special. Attend as many classes as you wish every week.* What have you g01 to lose? I onommum