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Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEONESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS The Law and You Q. Inoved [rom a modern highrise building to a charming apartment in an old house. 1 notified my insurance agent of the move, and he charged me $5.00 to register a change of address. Do you tink I should have told rny insurance agent that my new place is a bit of a firetrap?I say no, but my friend thinks 1 should have. A. You should have. A contract of insurance is a very special sort of contract. The law requires that the in- sured party act 'lin the utmost good faith". This means that you are required flot only to answer honestly any question which the insurer asks you, but also to volun- teer any information which might effect the contract or the risk which the insurer undertakes. If you fail to make such facts known to the insurer in the case of fire insurance, the insurer may not be bound to indemnify in the event of loss by [ire. Q. 1 work in an office as a fing clerk. The pay isn't great but it's flot bad either. But what really bothers mie is that there is a man in the samne office doing exactly the same job - but lie gets 35 cents an hiour more than I1 do. He hasn't been working there any longer than I1 have, and he's no better at his job than 1 arn. 1 asked th'ý office manager, and lie admitted ail this, bt said that the 'other clerk was a iinarried mani and so lie needed the money worse than 1 did. l'ni no big womnan 's-libber but this really makes me furious. Is there anything that can be donec? A. It is illegal onder Ontario's Eniploymient Standards Act for an employer to discrimnina te against cîiia c ein Tîô3. ees by paying lower wages for the same work. This applies unless the wage differential is based on (a> a seniority system, (b) a mient systemr, (c) a systemn which measures earnings by the quantiîy or quality of produc- tion, or (d) differential based on any factor except sex. If you have been discriminated against. get in touch with your local office of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. They can investigate and can order your employer to pay the difference for as long as you have been dis- criminated against. Q. Should you always caîl a policeman everytirme you are in an accident, or shotild you julst forget about it when nobody is hurt and the damiages are mninîial? A. Section 139 of the HighvayTraffic Act requires that all accidents which resu lt inpersonal injury or property damage which apparently exceeds $200 be reported to a police officer. If the darnage is minimal, there is no legal requirement to eall the police. In any event always get the namne and address of the other driver, because injury and damage could occur which may not be appar- ent at the tirne. If you're in doubt as to the extent of the damage, caîl the police anyway. Two hundred dollars may seem like a lot of damage, but in these days of spiralling inflation, a small crease on your door could run you into big money. Q.My last payment on the mortgage of my house is due in a few months. ls this mortgage automnatically written off the titie of my property?Should a release be secured from the mortgagee in writing? A. When one is about to make a final payment on a mort- gage it is advisable to obtain the payout figure [rom the lender and 'take this matter along with your cerîified cheque to a lawyer. He wiIl obtain a release [rom the tender and register a discharge of debt [rom the title. 'THESE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, BASED ON ONTARIO LAW, ARE PUISHED TO INFORM AN!> lil b. bauy Suaday - could we niale It Monday?" Compec Meeting The Co-operative Market- ing Plan for Electric Com- missions, known as Compec is an informal association of the electrical utilities of Ajax, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Oro- no, Pic kering, Port* Perry, Whitby and the Bowmanville area of Ontario Hydro. Com- missioners and managers of the utilities attended the meeting. Developing south Durham mbt the major area envision- ed by the Ontario Govern- ment will provide a better balance of population, hous- ing, jobs and transportation around Toronto, according to Mr. Richardson. "However, it mheans drastically changing the prescrnt balance of growth which is still hecavily in favour of the area west of Metro. To attain TCR objectives would mecan a total popula- tiorn of' 350,000 to 400,000 by 1986, nearly doubling the figuire by uhe end of the century and growing eventu- ally to weIl over a million. "To reach these goals, if present polîcy remnains. will require a massive effort by the Governmiient. lnvestrnent in transportation facilities and piped services will hielp to opeil up land f'or housing - But creating jobs to matchi the growth of resident popu- lation will bce much- more difficulu. TIhis, however. is vital if* uhe area is tb avoid becomîing nmerely a vasu dor- mitory suburb. "The Covernment nmay have 10 conisîder such mnca- sures as financial incentives to indusury, creating serviced industrial estales and even relocating 50ine of its onvi operations. The people of Durham, more uhan any other of the TCR, will have to Uae a close and critical look at the recent work of the Govern- ment planners when il be- cornes available." F. J. Dobson, Manager of Onta'rio Hydro's Central Re- gion, rerninded the commis- sioners and managers of the Compec was on marketing activities. "But public uîility market- ing has entered a period of changing emphasis," he said. "We need to direct our efforts in this function to- ward development of techni- cal service and customer in- formation programs necessary for the chianged conditions governing the mnarketing of electrical energy. On Sunday,-October 13, the Oshawa Motor Sport Club will hold a benefit sla- loin au Durham College with the proceeds to be donated to the Bob Hurt Fund set up by Dawni Murray of Missis- sauga. Bob, an Indy car driver, wvas injured when his car hit the wall au Indian- appolis ai I187 rnph while practicing for a race. His injuries lefu Bob paralyzed and in a whcelchair since thiat time despite dozenis of oper- ations iii major hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. Bob lias been accepted by thc doctors at the Polcnov Neurosurgical Institute in Lcnînigrad, Russia, for treat- niient o>f bis paralysis. The doctors ai this Insitute re- cenutly treated Edgar Reiprich a I17 year old hockey player from- Scarboro, and have hiad remarkablc success in reliev- I TOWN 0F WHITBY FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK, OCTOBER 2lst TO OCTOBER 25th, 1974 Extra trucks and men have been assigned throughout the week of October 2lst to October 25th, to handie the extra loads that resuits from the Fali Clean-up. Vour co-operation is requested in having ail garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. DID YOU KNOW? T//C' V/IC PÉS/QCNTV7 UAINQeR JEFFERSc2N, 4kt2/ 9MP LIV/ES OF SOMAE MAILLI0OW PERSONS. - HI-4D A DISPUTE WITH ALEX.ANDER HAMILTON, -CHALLENGED HlM TO A DU EL AND IKILLED HlM WITH ONE SHOT AT WEEHAVWIEN,N4.J. IN 1804. HIS CAREER IN POLITICS WAS TUR- BULENT AFIER IR4AT HF WAS CONvicTrED 0P MURDER/ BUT FLEP SOUTHi-. BIOGRAPHERS DESCRIBE HlM AS A LADIES' MANI, HE f-Ai> SEVER4L QUESTiONÂABLE AC11VI71ES GOltG FOR w lm/,1NCLUDING A PLArq TO DETACI4 PART 0F 1-E AMERICAtIJ SOUTI-WEST FROM THE UJ.S. 7Y6 F1:'RST VI/QIfAIS LD(ATE BACK TO T14E[ 1500s TH4E ITALIiAJ TOWN 0 CREMONJA PROPUCED TH-EI FINEST VIOLIN MAKE.RS,%SPECIALLY TH-E AMAIS AND~ TI-EIR PUPIL, ANTONIO STfRADIVARI, A REAL GEN'ILS one o[f the principal aims of the Toronto Centred Re- gion concept, developed by the Government of Ontario, is to encourage the Oshawa area to become a major cen- tre comparable with the Hamilton area in the west. To reach ail TCR targets will mean greatly increasing the present growth rate of south Durham, possibly doubling it by 1986. Details of this growth rate and other developments were described in an address before the annual meeting of the Co-operative Marketing Plan for Electric Commissions in the Newcastle community hall last week by N. H. Rich- ardson, Chief Planner, Regional Planning Brandi of the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs. ing paralysis where othe treatments have failed. Bob despite his confinement to wheelchair for 6 y.ears, stil lias the burning desire to ge behînd the wheel of a rac( car again and hopes that the doctors in Russia will be abli to resuore his motor ability OMSC President, Ralpi Robinson, is hopeful that large number of slalom com petitors will be on hand tc make this event a succesý "Our airn is 10 raise $500 foi Bob and, since the Regional Slalom Chamrpionship serie5 is over, we are hoping, tha mnost of the regular competit. ors will corne out and sup- port uhis event. Several out- ot-town competîtors have notîfied the club that uhey will be here and we have set up a special class for Antique cars. Invitations 10 join u [(Jr this event have been sent 10 local Antique car enthusi- asts. An open invitation is extended to ail people inter- esued in motorsport t0 corne and join us on Sunday"'. Registration opens at 9:30 amn with the first car getting away at 12:00 noon. The event will be held on the North parking lot aI the Col- lege and entry fees are $4 for the first entry and $2 for each additional entry by the driver. PUNCH UNE 0F THE WEEK COURTHOUSE SQUARES TURN ON /S* yoU( I EAJeH WIF6 A I 7IK WAIr~6~? /WOW1EYG1Q%.s Chow Mein Chinese chefs often sprinkle a littie extra turkey on each serv- mng of this dish - for more fiavor. It is one of maziy dishes they make using leftover roast turkey and chow mein only takes 15 minutes to cook - once the chop- ping and sllcîng is done. ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL ATLAS ONTARIO COUNTY (originally pubîished in 1877) With detailed inaps listing names of property owners. Pictures, portraits and sketches depicting the past. Facsimile edition. 1 02 pages. Linen binding. Size 18 inches X 14/ inches - Price SI15.50 post paid. Order fromi: Mika Publishing Co., 200 Staniley Street, Post Office Box 536, Belleville, Ontario. (Also available: Farewell: Early Settlement anid Progress of Ontario County - SI12.00 post paid). FREE: Consumer Guide-book value S2.50 with every Order until December 20, 1974. TOWN 0F WHITBY GAR BAGE COLLECTION THANKSGIVING DAY OCTOBER l4th, 1974 Garbage which would normally be picked up on Monday, October l4th, will be picked up on Tues- day, October 1 5th, 1974. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. lBenef it Slalomi lémè7j

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