PAGE 14, .WEDNESDAV, NGVEMRER 13, 1974, WHITBVýFjL!RS Words from West Lynde by Norm Mealing This week we have news from around and about West Lynde and Whitby. West Lynde Mixed Bowling Standings and Individual Te am Scrcwballs Bloopers Kingpins Streakers Soinebodies Headpins Hot Dogs Lucky Strikes High Single (Flat) Marg Cox Isabel Mason Barb Holweg Higli Single (Hacp) Marg Cox Isabel Mason Barb Holweg Won ' 3 12 10 9 9 8 6 5 Leaders ais of November 5/74: Lost P.F.Pts. 5 5 6 3 8 4 9 5 342 Ivan Booth 299 Tomi Mason 290 Don.Short 368 Ivan Booth 338 Tomi Mason 325 Garry McDermiid Total Pts. 31 27 24 23 2- 18 12 425 285 'd.7 4 425 308 302 High Triple(Hacp) 'I ' Aline McDermid Sharon Brownhill Isabel Mason High Triple (Haýcp) Sharon Brownhill Isabel Mason Barb Holweg High Average Alime Mcaormid Marg Cox Barb Holwcg 742 718 686 829 .803 761 Ivan Booth Tom Cox Don Short Ivan Booth Gerbard Schempp Tom Cox 209 Ivan Booth 192 Don Short 190 Tom Fox 876 702 694 876 740 736 242 218 214 West Lynde Tennis Club With the new teninis courts, the W.L.C.A. is an.xious to geL a tenn 'is club established. Thcy want Lo sUta planning thiis faIt so thiat the club can-start operating niext spning. If you are 'interested in tennis, wlhy riot join and help organize the club. Give Dan Pelletier a caîl at 668-8129. 1 ilI Ice Rink Central Park. This year again the W.L.C.A. will bc working, along withi the Parks and Recreation Departnieat, ta huild and main- tain the ice rinks in Central Park. la this kind of activity, the majority of the work wîll bc donc by (lic mcn of our comrinty. Last ycar, the work fell to a very fcw th do. Lct's have lots of voluinteers tdus year. Rernember the rinks arelfoi- us. Give Dan Pelletier a caîl. 1-lis number is 668-81 29. Bin o Nij1jît Novcînber 1 8th, is Bingo Nigh t at I Icydeashore Pavilion. 'l'lie West LyndeC (ommiunity Association is sponsoring the r i . - 7 - - i OPE 1NING SOON MR* Delî*catessen Party Specialists! Take-Out Foodi Speciahizing in Turkçey and ail CoId Meats *Sandwiches *Turkey Pies ~Beef Pies SNACK BAR * Pork Pies Sausage Rolis Cabbage Roils te irr i Ào- a night and ail proceeds'go to the Association. Doors open'at 7:00 p.m. and the first game is at 8:00 p.m. Admission is $1 .50 per person and senior citizens get iii free. The two first games are free. Transportation wilI be provided for senior citizens and they are asked to cali 668-6956 before November l6th to arrange a ride. Whitby Athletie Association The Whitby Athietie Association is holding a dance this coming Saturday, November l6th, at the Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets are $7,00 a couple, and the price of ad- mission includes food. Drinks are extra,,but 1 arn assured that the tariff will be reasonable. Doors open at 8 p.m. and dress is casual. There are a few tickets left, so if you wish to go, give AI Armstrong a cail at 668-9837. Whitby McDonalds/West Lynde Night The Whitby McDonald's arc this town's entry in the 0O*H.A. Senior "A" League. From ail accounts, they play exciting hockey and should draw our support. The McDonald's Booster Club is holding a West Lyn 'de Night tomorrow night '(November l4th) at Iroquois Park Arena. Game time is 8:30 p.m. and residents of West Lynde will get reduced ticket prices (Adults $2.00, students $1.00 and children under fourteen free) by showîng the W.L.C.A. memnbership card at the ticket wviado w. The Macs are playing the defending Allan Cup Champ- ions the Barrie Flycrs, so it should be a good game. Question: Why docsn't the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority ex tend the proposed Lynde Creek park to include that area which adjoins West Lynde? Answer: 1 don't know, but they should. Trees This item cornes from Ken Ellis, a neighbour of Dave Smnith's. Mr. Ellis, having heard that the town has to re- place a number of trees on the boulevard (town property), wonders why the horncowners whose property abuts the boulevards don't care for thc trees. 1 don't know why. 1 can only assume that they con- clude that they don't nced to and that the town will. If this is why, it's too bad because wc ahl suffer. The town hati to pay money to replace the trees, and we aIl pay. The appe'arance of our cornrunity declines and wc ail pay. lt's too bad. Bye for now, Sec you ncxt wcek ... ]Resort Live Oak A resort has heen caled a ho- An oak tree that lives for el wher-e no one knows how un 1,000 years wiIl exude 250,000 nportant vou ar<e at ihofl. tons of water during that time. SENIR '# HCKE Thursday Night at 8:30 p.m. WHITBY MDONALD'S vs BARRIE FLYERS 1974 ALLAN CUP CHAMP IONS FEATURING FORMER TORONTO MAPLE LEAF STAR DARRYL SLY ADMISSION Aduits 2.50 Students 1.50 Children $1 IIroui akAre" * g g ',ic e a e ' WeN v.1' 6e 'I Thr.NO.1:,IM N 159 Brock St. N., Whitby 1 - --- 1 - 1 1 ý k à É, i \ ý j