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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1975, p. 5

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f The Law wnd You 1 Q. A neighbour of ours is a barbecue freak. Every day last sumrner hie was out in the back yard with biis grill. When it rained, hie set it up on the back porch. 1 suppose it's his property and lie can do whiat hie wants with it, but since we live downwind of hirn and more often than flot ail that smnoke ends up in our house, this is uricomifortable and ma-be dangerous. Is there anything that we cani do? A. The general rule in our law is that a man can use his property as hie wishes, but flot in a way that interfères ';vth other peoples' right to enjoy their property. 1If you could convince a judge that the use of the barbecue was excessive and constant, you might succeed in an action for nuisance. You could recover damages, or' get an injuniction to prevent your neighbour's exces- sive use of his barbecue. Q. What do you have to do to get Legal Aid? Also, what if you don't like the lawyer who is appointed for you? A. You must apply at the local office of the Ontario Legal Aid Plan. They will take, your application and you will be contacted by an' assessment officer, who will determine whether your financial circumstances warrant your getting a legal aid certificate. You may be refused legal aid, or given partial help towards lawyers ýees, or the plan may decide to, cover the whole expense. If you *own a house, but have little cash or are in debt, the plan may file a lien on your property and the legal expenses may be paid ouIt o the plan whien the biouse is sold. Legal aid does flot appoint a lawyer. If you get a certificate, you can take it to any lawyer. Equally, any lawyer is free to accept il or reject it. Q. Uast week I took mny car into the garage for somte minor repairs. When I went to colleet it, I discovered that the bill was muiich more thanI could afford righ t then. The owner of the garage refused to let mie take my car away until 1 paid my bill in full. fie said hie had a right through a mnechaies lien to hold rny car until I paid up. Is lie right? A. He's substantially righit. The mi fromi the garage is correct in that you miay nul take possession of' your car until you've paid in full. Huwever, bis righit to hiold your car arises flot froni a miechianics lien but fromi an artisans 'lien. An artisans lien attaches to any object which a tradesmianhlas donc vurk on. The lawv gives imi the righit to. hold'thalýt propertv uintil lie is paid. FI-e îuaY nsomne cases. seIl the gouds for satisfaction ot ihe debt. Strangely enouglh a mnechianics lien docs nut imean it is aïvenl to a nmchanic (sonmcbody whio fixes your car). Radier jr arises niiost often whicn a tradesmian perlorins work on real pruperty. If. tot examiple, vou hlad alumiii- nunm sidingy put on your hiotse thie contractor whio did it would hiave a inechanlics lien oni votif bouse utiIt lie Wvas p.îid. I t's uinfortuate tha t die man ai idie gatra-e on't bc more reasonlahle. bu t uit il voui pay your bill lielias a righit to kecep possession ot vNour car. Q. This sprinig I decided to plant a garden to îry 10 off- set the hiigh cosi of' livîing. A long with 111Y tui at0cS I *put in a lewv marijuiana seeds. Over flicwcweks îliev grcw niicely, tuntil otil day last weck wben a police (lrtig squad en rerecl nîy garden and ture up tie nmarijuiana plan ts and caried tbemii away. V've been cbiarged xitli possession* of m-arijuaiiýtna uer Section 3 ( 1 ) of tlie Narcotic Control Act. A friend of'ine said ilie police bad no righittu enter mny garden) withoui a warrant aud thait the hagecouild be set aside on tie grouinds of OR INTERPREI THE LAW WITHOUT THE AID AND ADVICE 0F A TRAINED EXPERT WHO KNOWS THE FACTS, BECAUSE THE FACTS 0F EACH CASE MAY CHANGE THE APPLICATION 0F THE LAW." THE WHITBY BAHA'IS WARMLY INVITE EVERYONE TO JOIN THEM'IN OBSERVANCE 0F WORLD RELIGION DAY January 21, 1975- 8:00 p.m. WAITBYCÈNTENN lAL BUILDING I World Religion Day will be observed by Canadian Baha'i Communities this Tuesday, January 2 1. Locall'y, the day will be sponsored by the Witby Baba'i Comimunity. A service, in observance of the day, wiîl be hield at Whiit- by Centennial 'Building at 8 p.m., the theme being "World Religion - Basis For -World Unity". World Religion Day is sponsored by Baha'is to stress the oneness of all reveahed religions. Baba'is believe that religion has always been the source of unity and that world religion is the source of world unity. E. Ruch, chairman of the Wbitby Baha'i Community said, "o1.-e hundred years ago, Baha'u'llah, the prophet- founder of the Baha'i faith, decîared that lie was the bear- er of God's word for this agé. He proclaimed to kîngs and rulers that the world had en- tered a new stage - the age of the maturity of mian and the beginning of a world civiization based upon spiri- tuaI principles. His message con tained warnings and recomimendations concerning thie nced for world unity." Bahia'u'Ill pointed out tluai ail barriers pre7verting Penny Drive Andersoni Collegiate and Vucational Instittîte raised S1,142-.53 during a tecent penny drive. Thie penny drive commit- tee*s execuitive. made rip of I)cbbic Leslie. I eathiier Perivoc. Sieve Tli\vaites and Debbic 'Wiîliains. will ttu the nioney overto10various organiza t ions. PIC school's Fostet Parti t Plan, which ibis x'eat lias adoptcd a Pliilipine cliild, will gel S-260.00. Flie ('hi ristoplier Robini Hlomue ilî recc~Ive S 20() «fle 10(0 ecdi goilIîw bCania- diani Cancer Society, (anadian \4atiomal himstiiote lfor ilie ffiiitl. Ajax-Pickerinii I home foir îhîe Retarded. I ea r t Fou ifi. ('a nadi an Assoc- the A.cdvaiîcînienti Peoples and the 1-oimmdation lot ildrei. the uniry of humnankind are man-made. While men divide,. God unites. He stressed that man must abandon his pre- judices that divide and Iearn to see hiniseif as a citizen of the world. Baha'u'llah indi- cated that religious, racial, poitical, economic ^and patrlotic prejudices are the primary cause of world dis- unitv and of war. The Baha'i faitb is dedicated to the unit- ing of humankind everywhere. The Baha'i faith originated iin Iran (then Persia) in I1844. Baha'is believe that in- each age, God sends a new prophet to renew religion and. to pro- vide the spiritual and social teachings for that age. The basic teachings of the Baha'i faith include the oneness of God, the oneness of religion and the oneness of human- kind. Today, Baha'i Com- munities are established in over 300 countries and num- erous territories with its world centre in the Holy b, nd. GENERAL CONTRACTRS~ Wall, floor and ceîiing repairs including painting and up- adating Iighting in kitchien areas ut Cottages No. 2, 3 and 4 at the Durhami Region- al Cenitre, Whitby, Ouitario. TENDER NO. 31C-276 SEALED 'TENDERS will be rcceived until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, January 29, 1975. Ten der Documientss uav be obtainced frointhte Onitario ministrv o f (overumnent Services. Lindsay Regional Office, 32-1 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000,. Lindsay,. Onitario. Note: For futrher informa- tion regarding ibis tender. please caîl Mrs. Ei . Neale at ithe above addrcss. Tele- phioie: (705) 3'24-9188. The lowesi or any tenider îlot nicccssairily accepted. MNSTRY OF ~OTRO GOVERNMENT itioli for of Native ('an adi:îî Auitistic ('11 Applications will be received by the undersigned until Friday, January 3lst, 1975, for the position of Tax Collector for the Town of Whitby. The successful applicant complete tax collection Whitby, a progressive wiIl be-responsible- for the process in the Town of municipality of 27,000.1 The applicant must have completed the first year of a recognized accountirlg course or be enrolled in the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Course. Collection experience is an asset. Salary range $12,000.00 to $13,500.00, with the usual fringe benefits. F. N. McEwen, Treasurer,; Town of Whitby 405 Dundas St. West, Whitby, Ontario.. TORONTO - Only 9 per cent of Ontario's motorists bave purchased their licence plate renewal stickers since they went on sale Deçember 2, -according to the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munication. If you are one of those who have not yet purcbased their renewal stickers there is every prospect of finding yourself standing in one of the last minute Iine-ups that occur during the last week of February. Applicants must present a completed insurance declara- tion form, along with their ownership permit and fee, to the issuîng agent. This year, the insurance forms can be obtained in advance at L.C.B. O. retail outîiets. They are also available at aIl liccence issuing offices., If you have this form completed in ýad- vance, your renewah wil take less time. 1 The validation stickers - green for cars, black for trailers - are issued with complete instructions on how to apply themn. Fees for 1975 remnain at $23 for a 4-cylinder car; $32 for 6-cyinders; $40 for an 8- c-linder vehicle; and $ý for trailers. The deadline for having 1975 stickers on automobile plates is February 28; on trailer plates, March 31. OnIolte m hâflqau FULL COLOUR 5x7" ENLARGEMENTS f rom you rf avou rite Kodacolor negatives. Mounted in deluxe studio mounts. Re?,.Price SPECIAL OFFER- NOW -- - - CLIP THIS COUIPON AND PRESENT TO CASH 1ER- - - - - World Religion Day* TOWN 6F WHITBY requires a Tax Collector NHITBY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,'1975. PAGIE 5 ~4 CHRIS CATEPINO AND FOOD SERVICE WITH'CATERING FACILI1E 415 Ma<KENZUE AJAX# BOX 113 Phone 683-7891 or 839-«174 Weddings, Stags, Office or House. Parties, Banquets, Conventions, Dances, Receptions, of Ali Types Slow Licence Sales

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