1MOT.oc* Stud ying9 Hwy. 12 ti ' s1 jproi iway piet pu b deal C. L. Jenkins Dr. K. C. Hobbs Jen kmn sReplacesHobbs At J.O. Ruddy Hospita The Board uf Governors of the Duc tor Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital announced the election uf Mr. C. L. Jenkins as President of the Doctor Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital succeed- ing Dr. K. C. Hobbs, xvho has resigned to accept die appointment of Chief of Uhe Medical Staff. Mr. Jenkins xvas first elected to the Board in 1 969 and lias servcd as Treasurer, Chairnian of the Finance Commnit- tee and at dic tinie of his appointient xvas the Vice- President of the Board. Dr. Hobbs lias had a long association with the Hospital dating, back to 1959 when a group utf citizens met to dis- cuss the need for a huspital in Wlîitby. In 1962 ic Hospital xvas incorporatcd and Dr. l-obbs was une utf the citizens of Wiby to'whonî Uic charter was issued and became a meniber of the first Board utf Governurs. l-k becarne President of tlie Board in 1972 and ini Nuvemiber 11)74 he xvas appointed Clhief of die Mcd icai Staff. Mr. W. S. Nurse xvas eiected Vice-Presidetît and Mr. R. J.I Batten as Treasurer.1 Weekend Telethon Aïd sAronaHandicapped j Tlhe Ministry of Transpur- ion and Cuommunicatiuns study ing th e acciden t- 'ne intersectiun out High - ,y i12 and Russiand Road Vhitby. Mien tie study is corn- ,ted, the Durhamn Region blic works coninîttee, will al with the possibili ty of JANUAR' I 15% off ail uphols Can be done in you: ilistalling traffic signais ut. the in tersection. 13ctwccn JanLlary 1ilund Nuvemnber 14, thcre wcr-e 10 accidents at ibis initersetîin. Eigh t ut' these hiave rest tcd in liersunal injur-ies. Sun Our earth revolves around the star called the sun. It is the only star near enough to be examined ini detail. The sun is about 93 million miles away from earth. Considered an ordmnary star, the sun is average in size, mass, and brightness. The sun is thought to be I n a stable stage of evolution. Yf SPECIAL stery and Rug cleaning ir home or at our plant NuWay Rug 1 74 M. ARY STREET, NORTH OSHAWA, 72&4881 Mon. - Fri. 8 - 5:30 Saturday 9 - 12 noon WINI A F REE HAIRSTY LE (for men or women) by AWARD WINNING Hairstylist - Tony Scango of Tony'5 Hairstyling LAST WEEK'S WINNER Mrs. JO-Anne Sturgess 217 Dovedale Drive Whitby, Ontario The Whitby Free Press in co-operation with Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is giving away a FREE hairstyle to the first person phoning the FREE PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday whose fast three digits of their telephone number matches one of the sequences found hidden throughout, thii issue, It the fast three numbers of your telephone number match one of the lucky numbers hidden throughout this issue, cati the FREE PRESS at 668-611il atter 2 p.n. Thursday. If you'ré, the FIRST calter you'il win the Free. Preslî bairstvle of the week! WEEKIIINI) ENFLATION FIGIfli~R FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY AN. 31,FEB. 1&2 ONLY. Saturdav- kicks uftf the xeekend telethon to raise muoney for a residence for the scverely handicapped people living in thîe area. Radio and television stars xviii appear un the Global TV Netwvork asking peuple to lielp buiid a Participation 1-l uu se. Localites will be mianning the phones at. the Oshawa Shopping Centrc's Bell Tow- er to provide information and take pledgcs. Sh o rt-Iived Escape f ro m Psychiatric Henry Kabnanoff's escape from the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital was a short-lived one. The 25-year old Britîsh Columbian escaped at about 1:30 p.m. last Wednesday. Shortly thereafter, he was stopped by an O.P.P. officer on the Baseline Road. Mr. Kalmanoff was returned tu th e hospitai about hlaf-an-hour after his escape. He may be transferred to' the psychiatrie hospital at Penetanguishene at the re- quest of a hospital admini- strator. May Get Day Care Bus Service The region may Éet a day care bus service. .The region's social services department and the Oshawa public utiities commission are - considering the matter. At present, some parents wlio are sending their' chuld- ren to day care. centres are faced wlth lurge bis "for transportation. - Somne ftu e stars xvlio xviii bc volunteering iheir time anîd talenît include Rich Littie/ Wayne and Shuster. Paul' Anka, Lorne Greene and Pierre Berton Region Police May Spend 1/2 MillOn Durhîam Regionai Police want and nced a new comi- nîunicatlons system. The police commission and the region's finaîîcecom- mitce are presentiy trying lu determine the cost of rcpiac- ing the existing communica- tions systern. .Prelirninary estimates put the cost of a new system iat S.500,000. As yet, the region has nul approached the province to determine what, if any, sub- sidy it will give. Dr., Ch a ng Ne w Do cto r Dr. Peter Chang is the new part-time staff psychiatrîst in the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospi- tal Scarborougli unit. The University of Hong Kong graduate lias worked at the Toronto Psychiatric Hos- pital, Hinck's Treatment Cen- tre for Child Psychiatry and the psychiatrie department of Sunnybrook Hospital. Dr. Chang obtained his dipioma in psychiatry at the University of Toronto after whicli le served as unit dir- ector in Thunder Bay's Lake- liead Psychiatric Hospital. Dr. Chiang then received his certification in psychiatry from the Royal College of Physiciens and Surgeons of Can à ada.' Buy one *get one Treat the whole tamily for hait the regular price. DINNER FOR 2 $3.90 $1.95 $1.95 DINNER $780 $3.90 39 FOR4 _____________ DINNER $11.70 $5.85 $5z85 FOR 6 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Sale Limit-Buy 3, get 3 FREE Each Dinner Box contains 3 pieces of delicious, Kentucky Fried Chicken Creamy Cole Slaw Golden Brown French Fries K#tuèkeFedCickfen. Ki kyFr ýkA CNADIAN COMPANY Colonel Sanders and his boys make it "finger lickin'good" Suice of buttered Grecian Bread 301 .DUOdU Strest w WhttI; 973 Sidcos Stieet N.,OIa;748mo Strut S., Oduam; 1IC-ýIisg' trutE.,OIua-Avrnbebl t ub<,w stoes a ý