PAE2.WEDItESBAY, I, ~NUABY 2t. 1975, WITIY FR EE PRESS For, the, o(tsider looking at strikes, walk-ou Is, Slow- downs, sick days etc. t 's difficuit to\ try to remain an impartial observer ..especially when you are the innocent victim. we have mnany friends and follow ers in the post office and can certainly sympathize witb their problems. IVe ALL want to earn a decent living and we ALL want salaneésto at least keep increasing on a par with the cost of living. ANDneeles-to-Say, we al want haîf-decent working conditions. 1 Ont the other hand, in the case of government employ- ees, the government must (hopefully) answer to the tax- payers for the continuai budget (and tax) increases. And whazt might seemn like a smnali raise to some, sa>' one dollar per hour, could mean that a groUp of 10,000 federal employees wouid cost the taxpayers a ADDITIONAL 20 MILLION DOLUARS PL US per year., WEPAYTIEI The other consîderation in the case of public service groups is the hardships irnposed on (as we mentioned before) the innocent victims. If the postal workers close the doors and go home, who is REALL Yhurt? Certainly not Trudeau. or any serlous government business..they have courier'services to look after any importan t communi- cations. THEY dont' even rely on'the post office. And certainly flot the police..they move their own communi- cations around tbemselves.- Let's look at 'some other public service groups like the police or the fire departments. Now If they go on strike wbo is REALL Y going to suffer? Do you reatly tbink that the ONL Y people who will- get robbed, murdered, or have their bouses burn down wili be the people holding back their raises or whatever? And the-worst part of it ail is that strikers will often have to work rnany months JUST to recover what they have lost by being on strike. Take for exam pie a worker who s making $200 aweek. Let sçsay he goeson strike for, four weeks and manages to get a .25%o increase.-fie's lost $800 and will have (to work four mon ths to, recover bis loss. fis total increase for the year (the remaining eight mnon-ths) would be about $1,600 or about an actual raise of, 16% instead of,25% which he probably would.have got (or corne close to) withou t going on strike. Never-the-less the worker fiAS ffô be protected and in the case of government empioyees if' compulsory arbitra- tion isn 't acceptable then a system should'be* worked out (bat is. The, taxpayers shouidn t have to suifer twice ..during the strike and bearing the burden of the settiement after- wards. a* a e' 0s**a 0 a 0 as*a esa.* Mio Dear Sir;' It has corne to thue atten- tioni of the Corridor Area Ratepayers that tiey are be- ing blamed for the fact that Ashburn residents have tuot receiî'ed a communit>' park. According tb Councillor Jo/n Goodwin this is ail due to the facr that t/le Corridor Area Rategzyers ob/ected to the Whitby Town Estates development, rhusiy the Town of Witby bias flot re- ceived thue irnpost fee from each home ýin tue develop- ment. We, howvever, ob/ect (o being used as a 'Scape-_ goat' b>' the Whitby Council for ever>' pro/ect that bas not gone abead. We ivonder wby John Goodwin failed to en- ligbten the Asbburn residents of the fact that for the past two years the Corridor Area Ratepayers bave been trying to negotiaite with the Whitby Council, 'or that tbe Council refuses to even discuss the problems wîth'us. We are no t asking for a great deal, nor are we saying "NO DEVELOPMENT" like somne areas. We would welcome compatible development. We are, however, very concerned tbat Witby Town Estates deveiopment is to have more t/ian 51 % ofîit's hou sing units in a style of /ousing known as Town, Row or Link-type housing. If this subdivision is buiit as proposed, it wili turn tue existing residential streets inu'o maor thorougb- fares, causing exisring resi- dents undue and unnecessarv THE R EG tONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DUR14AM TENDER SOC-6-75 -Contract Caretaking - Day Care Centres - Tenders wiII be received by the Clerks Depart- ment until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Monday, March 10, 1975, for Tender SOC-6-75 for Contract Caretak- ing of Regional Day Care Centres. Tender forms 'and envelopies may be secured from the offlice of the urldersigned ' Lowest or -any tender flot Ineces sariy accepted. D. P. Thurgarland, Manager of Supply and Services# Regional Municipatity of Durham, 605 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. hardships. The ratepayers association prepared an alternate propos- ai and presented it to Council This proposai reduced the row-type housing from 51% to about 25%. It also aievîated the problemn of hea- vy traffic on exîsting resi- dential streets and reduced the population from about 2,500 people to 2,200 people. If IVitby Council, bad been sincere with the residents iný the first place, the>' would have negotiated with the Corridor Area residents and a satisfactory agreem en t would have been reacbed som e twovo ears a~o h deveiopment .would have been completed b>' now and the Town would have re- ceived the $1,500.00 impost fée for ecb bousing unit built. A t (bat time, we were told, thai' Çouncil and Senior Public Officiais had staked ther reputations on this deveiopment and that they wouid izot accept any'changes ini t, like it or not, that was the way it was going to be. Yet C'ouncillor Goodwin does not mention any of this, he /ust infers tbat because the Corridor Area Ratepayers objected ro Whtby' Town Es- tales, Ashburn residents can not have their Park. Recenti>' Des Newman has been quoted in newspaper articles, complaining that Senior Government Bodies are ignor- ing requests made by him on behalf of Whftby. We do not understand bow Des Newman bas- the Gall to criticize other Govern- ment bogies for not listening to Public Opinion, when be, himself, on ,îumerous occa- sions bas ignored Public Opinion. Perbaps, if Whitby's mayor would pay heed to the wishes of the -local ta.xpayers, he could expect better resuits from his requests to Senior Levels of Government. Afier ail, Whitby taxpayers are also Provincial and Federal con- stituents, and tbese Govern- ment bodies are wvell aware of the local problems, includ- ing the sbabby treatment of 'Puiblic Input' at the Local Le'el. John Bucbanan 108 Broadview. A venue, Wbitby, Ontario Dear Sir; I note with interest John Goodwin 's. remark 10 the Asbburn Community Assoc- iation. (Oshawa Timhes - Feb. 19/75). fie daims that Ash- bû"rn did not geu a park be- cause residen us of the Corridor Area ob/ected to the construction of a subdivision witu over 50% of thme units being row-type housing. Ver>' interesting Mr. Goodwin, it seems you are horse-trading again. fie migbt bave bad a littie compass ion and told those concerned citizens tbat be would hait sewers going past bis home, in order to let tbem have a lîttle recreation. Or - that thbe W/itby Swimming Pool *at 'Desney- land", las cost considerably more than estimated and the Town pccked up t4wu tub. fie might even have sug- gested that possibi>' the pre- sent~ Councillors of Witby sbould take another look at the congiomeration of devel- opment he>' are tryîng to cram into the-Corridor Area, correct these mistakes, and get development started Iiere. As a last resort, he might includes As/i bu rn even try the "truthM These people, I'm sure, are big enough to take it. We are not paying our Regionai Councillors to tbink up alibies, we -were under the impression they were to represent the people of Wbit- bv and Witby Mr. Goodwin, The Oshawa-Whitby Social Planning Council will be holding its annual meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:30. Themeeting will be higfr lighted by a panel discussion on "Seeds of Self Destruc- tion- Land Misuee in Dur- ham- 1975" which will commence at 8:30. Panelists for the discussion wdll be Walter Beath, Chair- man of Durham Region; Corridor Area. Siticerely, Mary McEacbern, 12S.Nortbview Avenue, Whitby, Ontario. Mofeed'Michael, the region's director of planning; Anne Wanstall, consumer column- ist; and Peter' Hannamn, chairman of the resources management committee of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Moderator will be Dean Henry Fischer. Tlhe annual meeting is open to the public. It will be held at Oshawa Catholic High School at Rossland and Stevenson Roads. 1>r Special Youth Weekend Free Methodist Church The Free Methodist Church is holding a special youth weekend this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.' Angel Vakenin, a for-mer gang leader in New York who is currently training for the ministry will be 'guest speakçr ail three nights. .On Friday night, beginn- ing at 7:45, Dave Wilkenson's Sodom"' wil be shown. The church's choir will put on a show of speciîal -songs.' SThe Snider. fasnily from Westpo rt, Ontario will take over the singing on Saturday at 7:45 p.m.ý and on Sunday at il a.m. and 7 p.m. The church is on Rossland Road. Do. YOURm SELF' ST~MêýE No speciol sksiO requêred to remove grime and grI t ro<T full depth of ony corpotîng. Revtve co&6o. bnd Islm wfthQU rlsk of disbofin iflO OIr leaving forMy residue. Cleons up to 400 sq. ft. pef rhour - dnies fast. NOURLY - DMILI - W'i#Eo " RTES S668-2345 OPEN: 6 doys a week I Whitby- CII imers ' tWhitby -Boy Scouts D ISPLAY ST . MARK'S CHU RCH MARCH 1lst 11o.m. - 5 p.m. Demonstrations of, the Skills & Activities of the Scouts With the Fire Dept., Police & St. John Ambulance ii ,,tASRG KENNLS,~ V. Were heyGet TerLoig Cur SOARDING PUWPES TRAININO FRESK FROZEN BEEF for Pets jb MOST POPULAR DRY DOG FOODS 25 lb. from $5.75 - Pick up 50 lb. from $10.0 5 ROMAR 90 15 oz. can 32 cents - by the case) HWY. 12, BROOKLIN WE DELIVER. 6554721 THE WHITBV FREE PRESS <Voies of the County Town) Hometown paper of Wh itby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published every Wednesday by Whitby Free Press lnc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: the.Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North Whtby, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION <BY MAIL) $1 0.00 YEARLY MAIL: Box 206, Whitby P.HONE: 668-6111 TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 PERMIT NUMBER 2941 MANAGING EDITOR/PUBLISHER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Blake Purdy CONTRIBUTING EDITOR - Jim' Quail PRODUCTION MANAGER - Marj Burgess STAFF ART11ST - Sharon Bensrn DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER - Robin Lyon CLASSIFtEO AD MANAGVR - Shelley Crowley- Land .Misuse Panel TaIk . . 1 à -1- 1 -- Box 206, Whitby and the