WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH'12, 1075, PAGE T McDonald Dance by Norm Meaîing Anolier Whiiby McDoniald Dance is schiedoiled for Satur- day, March 29, ai ihe Hcydenslîoro Plavilion. The dance begins ai 8 p.n. and mons thirougi tonti 1amni. Tickets arce the uisual $7.00 a couiple and arc availabie froi AI Arni- sirong, 7 Deerfielci Court, telephione 668-9837. .By popular- denîand(, AI lias arranged for a return engago- men0t of the tïbuiocîs Molli Balil Mojo Band. Tlhis band hast appearod a dihe Whiiby Moens Atlietic Associationî Dance in Novemnber and ihey are great! l So, to aIl of-you, 1 say, join AI and thie Macs' at Heyden- suore on Marclh 29. Tihis colunmn goos in fits and starîs. Sorne woeks it is ful cf ovenîs and ncws, anîd othier weeks, il is barebones. Thîis is a barebones week. This columon also, iroîi tinie le line, is conirovorsiai, andsays things whiich irritate and even anger sorno people. Because of lthe titie, and because nuch of the news reporied hero originales in West Lynde, this writer is some- tinies considered le bc voicing cornmunity -hold opinions. Nothing couic! ho furîhier fron the tru 1h. Boaring titis io mid, I wouid like 10 cmmnent today on dic Conîuniiy Association anci the forihconîing elecîlons. The W.L.C.A. lias enjoyed sorno groal successes in ils tirsi fui! ycar of oporalion. Thore hiave beco rnanv activities of a socîcal and recreauional nature wlimici were wveIh received and during die fali of 1974. hdie interest and concern over taxes and asscssmenl broughî rriany. oîany pecople out leo meet- ings. Howevcr, in carly January , when time exccîtiîve cailed a general meeting, oinlv19 peo0ple siîowed up, incloding tho cigli t oxeco tive. Il vas an im portant meeting and a nonîbor of significant itonis were discussod but by enly 19 pepe Arising) oui of liemeneeting wvas a N6mriina-tinig Comnuuiîrooc o moin die elections. Ed Dawson and I agreod b work o11 this, and we succoedod ini intercsting 4 o,,tliir people to lîehp. We in toril, got togollier le plan our sîrato"y . and bo decide iîow bosi bo publicizo the loclion and aîîract candi- dates. \Ve decided ho use ihis coltomin, a newsletîer, and word cf mootî to0dco boîli. The newvsIeiîer lias yoî bo appear (we cxp)ech h shortly> bul boîh the colunîn and the word cf moulu canîpaigo have begun. But t0 whaî purposo? To date, 1 personahly have hoeard cf four possible candidates, two cf whomn are rîow on te executive. Thiere may be nmore ho corne forward belwveen n0W anîd tie election night, but I don't tînk there wiIl be. 1 have conciudcd, and 1 hope wrongly, that this Coni- rnunity doos oct wani an Association. Or aI the very leasi doos not waol ho becorne involved in an association. I have conciudcd that people are content to lot the cîlmer guy (Io il. In conciuding ibis, 1 arn not knocking the presoni oxecu- tivo because I îhink, on balance thai îhey have donc a good job., Nor an I1knockhng Wost Lyndo ut largo. Mha t 1 arn say ing, h owcvor, and! wha t Ian going to sug- gost to the otherninmbers of thoe Nomin îing Conimitic, is iha t WC call o fi' tcIloeClcton .and Iso adviso tlle proson t Thont, on Marcli 27 a gonoral ooet ing can bc lld and Ilhe com mi ity askod if th oy wan t ho Associatlion Io colI- tioue zond il' they are wilI ing Io bocoîno involvod. If 011lY 19 peooplo show up, xvC wîll lhavo our ins\vcr. Soo yoti noxt wook. My'Name's Mountain Andaihouh 'niony I.,yeas ld 'ma big dog..but thon nmost St. Beriards are. (in case vou don't know, *Mouintain* is a rnale's name). Anyway, Irene Arnîstrong (te girl wvho is threatening 10 strangle 'ne if i don'î hold still) says I'm very good natured aiod very good with children-..actuaîly THEY'R.E good with ME (if they*re flot. I just sit on them). But enougli rambling - if you've got a spare bed (or preferabîy a guest room) coQYOOup 1 tote Whitby brancit of the Ontario Hurnane Society on Thick- son Road North in Whitby and i'LL INTERVIEW YOU! Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess w ý> . ý, ..: > * >, ", 7:' ' 11 J Free Health Insurance. But you must apply for it. Il becomes free as soon as you or your spouse luro 65. For both of you and any eligible dependents. Provided you have lived in Ontario for the lasi year. Phone,, write or visit your OHIP District Office for an application form. You've earned it. Minis'Iry of Health On tario H-oti Frrlw S Mtl;r - nSl Important: Always quote your OHIP number when contacting OHIP. The OHIP District Office in your area wi!! answer any questions and help you wilh your application. Barrie 114 WVorsley Street 726-0326 Hamilton 25 Main Street West 528-3481 Kingston 1055 Princess Street 546-3811 Kitchener 68 King Street East 745-.7379 London 227 Queens Avenue 433-4561 Mississauga 55 City Centre Drive 275-2730 Ottawa 75 Albert Street 237-9100 Peterborough 311 George Street North 743-2140 St. Catharines 15 Church Street 682-6658 Toronto 2195 Yonqe Street (Eglînton) 482-1111 Windsor 1427 Quellette Avenue 258-7560 Byinres *cont'd cannot roacliîhho branch I ibrýary bocatîso it is too lar away 'l'd Ihoy lhave no transportat ion. t 's callod BoQ)ks by Mail, and, if you aro intorosted thon call theo Wh i tby brandhi, 668- 6531.' Apologios 10 Mis. Fran Sehol., who askod ime sonieo lime ago 10 expross tho thanks of' the I st and 2Ind l3rooklin Cubs and Scouts f'or the vory succossful 1 975' Faîhor and Son Banquoet. So miany hlpolid, boîh itho fth or-s Wh o turned up and tho rnothors who did the work, that personal thanks are impossiblo. Thore aro iwo cuchiro partios on Friday, Marth 1 4thi. Onîe is ai the Ashburn Conîrunity Contro a'nd t1w other at the Brooklin Oddfellows Hall. Both stlart ai 8 p.m. Ail wei- Corne. 11( N.W.C.A. Iad a good tur out lasi Tuosday ovening, up ai the Ashiburn Cornrnunity CentIro. Dr. Potor Cavo was tho guest speaker, and hie gave a mosi informative and inter- esting talk on the history of* tho proposed dovelopment in this area. If the N.W.C.A. hiave plans for moro such talks, then 1 strongly advise you tb attend..you'll learn a great deal. One interesting fact, to nie, was thiat the whiole thing roally started way back in 1963, down in Toronto. And that the projected population figures thoen, were due, to factors that are chiangîigng 0W, 2 yoars later. Tho birth rate is going down, and inigration patterns are and have, changed. The situation doosn't seem 10 bec quite the sarne. With a proposed total figure of 98,000 south of Rossland Road, plus an extra 25,000 Up hero (and this for just the Whitby area alone!), l'ni vondering where ailthie people are corning from. As Dr. Cave poînted out, projections for population figures cao hcone11 of two things. Thoy cao oither be the projoctions for normal population growth , or thoy cao be the projections l'or the stimula toc'1 growth. Two vory difféent points. Don't forget tho Counicil nmeeting o1n tho 1 7th Marchi. Aro YOU going'? Do) îry. 'Phiree points b boear in mid ( 1) those thiat say Iei the developors pay and wo'll be saved a load of mioney..forget il. YOU will still bo paying wi th a possiblo extra $1 00 on your taxes and a possible liîîk up charge of S')00 per householdor. (2) If tlho sewers are broughî 1in (and that could take 3 - 5 years) ihey'll probably corne up Gardon Sireet to service Mr. Runrn's dcvelopmnn firs ..you, who aiready live ihoro, wiii havo 10 wait until tho now homes are sorted out. Look whaFis hatppening in the Corridor aroa n'ow. And (3) I)on't be pressured by Councilior Goodwin's dire warnings thai without privato deveoipnenit ve wiii ond up wili Ontario housing. Cao hoe really promise iliat if private devlopmient cones in thien Ontario hiousing will stay oui'? No ono caîî foretoîl whaîtlîe Govomtnient will do and what will prob- abiy happen is that we wîillond up with double thie devolop- ment, govertoment and privato. .Jusî a fow points, you could well have others. But what ever your view ai least wc. are aIl trying 10 work oui whl is bost for our cornounity. Soc you ai Council. Cal mc aI Itie usual numbor..655-3750 ..and lot me' heur your news. LIZ TOWN 0F WHITBY 1975 ELDERLY PENSION ERS' TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME (Home-Owners in the Town of Whitby Only> To provide financial assistance to eîderîy home-owners, Town Council has authorized the Town Treasurer to aîlow certain owners of residential property a credit of $100.00 against the 1975 taxes imposed on such real property subject to the foîîowing qualifications: TO QUALIFY, THE OWNER OR SPOUSE 0F THE OWJ'ER MUST: A. Be 65 years of age or more by March 31, 1975, which is the Iast day for fîing applications: B. Be in receipt of the monthly GUARANTEED IN\COME SUPPLE- MENT prolÀded under the OId Age Security Act (Canada>: C. Occupy the property on which the municipal taxes are imposed and: D. Have been continuousîy assessed as the owner of residential real property in the Town of Whitby for not Iess than 5 years immediateîy preceding March 31, 1975. If you quaîify for this assistance and have not received an application form, TELEPHONE THE TREASURER'S OFFICE AT 668-5803, and an applica- tion form wiII be maiîed to you. Application must be made each year for this assistance. This credit where alîowedi, wiII be an outright grant made by the Town and wiIl not entail repayment of any kind. For furtiter informa- tion or assistance, telephone 668-5803. R. A. CLARINGBOLD, Deputy Treasurer, Town of Whitby. APPLICATION MUST BE MADF-',NOT LATER THAN MARCH 31, 1975. p