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Whitby Free Press, 2 Apr 1975, p. 5

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Have you ever beeni involved in a seies of events that when conploted miake you wonder if you hiave just been involvcd in a bad dreanu? If so thon you'lhkiiow how 1 foît on a ncent niorning whichi we have come 10 terni 'Apnil Fool's Day'. The whole thing started innocently enough when sonie ficnds of nmine, thc MacDonalds ini West Lynde, invited nie over to join flheni for supper. Sharing a homie made meal is always a pîcasune for mie and s'iice Bill MacDonald and 1 are Scuba, diving enthusiasts il meant we could gel together and rap about diving in fan off tropical waters. The evening wvas going quile pleasanitly wbien the tele- phonîe rang and after a few minutes conversation, Bill returned tol us one of bis daughtershlad becn involved in a car accident nonth of Bnacebridge. Bolli his daugli ton and honr boyfniend hiad sustained injuries and couldn't drive home, so for the MacDonahds il nîcant a long tnip up nortlh to bning the two accident victinîs back home along withi the car which wvas stihi dniveable. Knowing BillI bad just diven honme from Western Canada and certîiy wouldn't be Iooking forwvand 10 a trip up nonth 1 îold the MacDonalds 1 would cone wifli flienu and .dnive their daugbten's car back hiome if Uîey wished. So. oan ifs$ There have beeni a nunîiben of itîterestiîng developients ini ibis crazy wvorld of ours, wortb înaking a comment, Firsi. I note tluaiHenry Morgentaler lbas lost bis case and bas starîed serving bis juil sentence. As you aIl know. I)r. Mongentaler lias carried out somie 5,000 ilIe2aI ahontions in the Miontreal area. He mnaintains thiat hie did ahI thiese abortions for the good of the general public. I1iiiink nianv people will synîpatîize witblî ini and lus personal beliefs in performing a bortions on request. Ilowever, lie knowingly broke fhe taw - a very utipopulan law. indeed. My own feeling is that Dr. Morgentaler is a man of high principles and therefore has been unjusthy pnosccuted by the îiigliest court of the land. ht shows only une îhing: bore iii Catiada people don't understand thie benefits (if an abont ion. How many womnen shouhd be forced to boar unwanted children? Noue, as fan as l'm concenned. Let's hope that one day abortion will bc Iegalîzed in Ibis country. with a snowstorm tast approaching, we pfied Into Mrs. MacDonalds station wagon and at 8 p.m. on a Suriday night we headed for Bracebridge. 1 remeniber thinking that ýsince Santa's Village was up there somewhere we would be reciprocating his December 25 visit and the freshly falling snow was adding to the Christmas appearance. We'barely got past Broolin when the snow startel com- ing down in earnest. In fact it was coming down so hard and in sucli big flakes th at visibiiity was about five feet past the hood of the car. Traffic was slowed to a crawl'and wc were ail thinking that hiere we were only I12 miles north. of Whitby and already into a snow storm that could make thc two and a quarter hour trip into an ail night trip. Fortun- ately the worst traffic was southbouind, people heading homne after thc Easter holiday weekend. However die northbound traffie was stili going at slightly bettcr than a crawl whien finally miost of tle cars turned off at various points andi we were left bchind only onc otlier car. Bill was kccping welI back on the car ahead and ail îhree of' us were just gazing throughi the windshield Mien ail of a sudden the car ahead rmade a sharp lcft band lurfi wîiout signalling. 1 know highiway I12 very wcIl and 1 couldn't re- mniber a driveway or road where the car ahead was turn- ing so my curiousity was Larouiscd. The car proceded across the highiway, down thc shouilder of the road and stopped abruptly with a small splash at, thc base of a group of trocs. We stopped ouir car and Bill and 1 investigated the sccne. Ail four occupants - fatiior, mother and two children - were miraculously unliurt and only shaken up. I say it wis a miracle because their car liad stopped so cîuickly that I hiad seen the back bumiper and rear of the car rise and thon [ahl back in place. 'fhe car's front end was comipletely buried in muick and bog so we loac&d thc unfortunato farnily in ouir station wagon and drove tlîem up dlie highway a fcw miles to a place wherc they could secure a 10w truck and a ride to dheir hiome in Lindsay. 1 think ail three of us h ad the sarne feeling - that it couild have been us and our car ini that ditch - and wve stili hiad For fie hast two weeks 1 have liad a feeling thai soon soniefîing terrible is going tlu happen on th is earth. 1 cati selise that the Third Wonld Nar is just, arounid fie cornier. Take the recent assasination ini Saudi A rabia. the Middle East unrests. the Commîunise advaîices in South Vietnam, anîd the disonders righît bore at home. Recently, a friend of' mine arrived fromn Flonîda wiib Luis report: beaches are crowded witli people whîo îhîik it is thecir hast chiance to l ive it uip. Mariv behieve ibis is the hasitlimie tlîev'll ever have a vacation. Even hotel nmanagers conicede that every roomi is tilled withi fatal istic visitons [roui ail over Canad.a and the United States. According Io my fnierîd. tie genoeral atmnos- plîcre is one ot*'ht's enjov ourselves 1[on)roîiîorrow inîa' uiever cor-ne." Tliis, renîînds nie of' the onice popuil;rn movie "On tdie Beacîf' which porîrayed thie coining of' a nuclear holocaust doser to the Au s!raI ian shores ajid h ow pe0plL, neacred kîiowing that tibeir limie was runîîing outi. Recently in this space 1I mentioncd the fracas beîween police and newspaper reporters and photographers at a lire in Etobicoke. My story along with formaI complain 15 to, tic police departiment lias resulted in an acknowîedgernent, fromn police chiel' Adanis on that sortie policemen, have ý 4overreacted" hy pushing and shoving newsmien, there fore, hie'll1 see fiat in the future simil.an incidents do flot occur. Froni the information 1 h avepolice chief Adamison lias personally, reprirnanded some of the-police ot'ticers whio batled wiîh the media. Thiis indeed, was tie* right stop) in the right direction. Police and *news media should be friends;- not enemnies. PRE-SPRING SALE -gîving nature a helping hand! 40 lb. Bag Covers 5,000 sq. ft. NUTR îlE TURF Special is formulated to promote Healthy Lawns with Strong Root Systejus. "eSave-SaveuSavenSave" Regular $7.69 per bag0 Now 2-Weeks OnIy'$1-.OO OFF UR E FREE USE of Spreaders for 6 hours AVAILABLE- AT THE FOLLOWING GARDEN CENT RES ONLY ON PRESENTATUON 0F THIS AD W]SHAWA~ HC8NRA L~ERVICEJ 655-3331 S4 miles North of Wooîco' H. Van Staveren &, Sons Dundas St. W.-Whitby (mile West of 4 corners) 668-8190 i WHITBY F REE PRESS, WEDN ESDAY, APRI L 2, 1975, PAGE 6 two hours of bad driving ahead of us if the roads were clear and double that time on bad roads. We stopped in Sunder- land for gas and the attendent told us the road wasbad for a stretch ahead and then it was clean from there up north. His information wasn'l too accurate because the road was bad-for the next 80 miles. After what seemed like forever we arrived at our destina- tion norîh of Bracebridge and Bihl and 1 jumped in his daughter's damaged car and we headed back 10 Whitby. Fortunately the trip home wasn't nearly as bad because the slorm h-ad abated and the sanding cnews were out doing their besl to tnansfonm the roads mbt miniature Wasaga beaches. We arrived home about 2 a.m. and 1 immediately jumped into bcd. About 4 a.m. the plione rang and wokc me out of a very deep slecp. In factI was insuchi a deep sleep that when the phono rang 1 reachied up and shut the alarm off thinking, that was the source of the offending ringing noise. After answoring the phono a femnale voico on the other end started giving nie thiis tale about how shie and her husband had liad a fight and hie took off and could she brinig hon youngest daugh ton and stay with me for a couple of days. Well after thoroughily convincing mie of hon terrible, dilemna and hiaving pullod rmy beart strings the phone suddenly echoed with tho voices of four fiends shouting 'Apnil Fool's' and 1 was hiad. As I wokeup flic noxt morn- ing, laie for mny phiysiothcrapy appointmott t the J.O. Ruddy Hospital, 1 soiously wondered if the previous nigh t hiad beenjust a nighitmane. Ohi, qhiy was 1 going for physioîherapy? Because of injuries I1lîad sustainod recenlly in a car accident of my own! Makes you wondcr doesn't it? Engineers Chosen To Design Brock Whitby Counicil has The design of Brock Stre, chosen the firin of Totten, North is froni Mary Street1 Sims, Hlubieki Associates to Maplo Street, inchuding ti be the consulting eîîgineers for the design of Brock Street Nordhi. El f r eet to die (Jaiadian Pacitic Railway grade separation fromn Pal- merston Avenue 10 Maple Street. 2 SPARKLING SPECIAL PRICE FULLOOLOUR 2Q 5x7 ifforl ag NLARGEMENTS only om yourfavo.urite Kodiacolor negatives, mounted in deluxe studio mounts. - ---- CLIP THJS CCUPON AND PRESENT TO DEALER --- This offer valid only with presentation of this Scoupon. Take your Kodacolour negatives and this coupon to any store listed below,~ and save. Dont delay, offer good until eMay 3lst., 1975. SPECIAL COUPON OFFER M- -- - dimumk

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