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Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1975, p. 10

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"AG E 10, WEDN ES DAY, MAY 21, 1975. WH ITRV FFIEE PR ESÉ The Garrard Road Minior Lacrossc Association is still Icccpting registrations5. Registrar Stan Taylor will accept inquiries by mlail ai 2 Parkview Avenue or for fiformation calI 728-9027. Registration fees are the same this year as ini the pasi ai $3 per player or $6 per farnily.- Youngsters both boys and corne to play of ail ages, girls, are wel- or' join the ch ce rie adoers. Practices for al divisions arce hcld nmosi weekday even- ings ai Willow Park. The Ontario Minor La. crosse Association is running a girls' division for the ûrst year and as a result, the GRMLA expecis somne good conîpetition for ils girls this season. GRMLA officiais rccently annonnccd that a pecewee teami will be chosen in the Instal your own woodburning .U- aypIacrv froae' hea Iiator® The Heatilator mvark 123 is a precision-buili, gùaranteed- smoke-free fireplace you can instail almost anywhere. Even on wooden floors. Deco rate it with any material including paneling, wallpaper or brick facings. (It requires no masonry.) Install it yourself in one weekend! Smoke-free guarantee The Fireplaoe Plus VISîTr OUR SHOWROOM FREE FIREPLACE DRAW 900 H-opkins St. at Burns, Whitby Tues. W~ed. 9-6, Thurs. Fni. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 CIosed Monday 668-3192 Garrard Road a ceptin g very near fnture to comnpete in th e Pcewcc National Lacrosse Tonrnamient in Burnaby, British Columbia in August. The team wîll be defend- ing its National 'D' Chamipion- ship which il won last year in Windsor. The association is çtil attempting to raise tninds with varions projectss 10 help thc team meet expenses for the trip and finance the association's other teamns. The nexi fund raising pro- ject is scheduled for toinor- row, Friday and Satnrday when the association holds a tag day. Ail peewce players should be at dic park at 5:30 p.m. tornorrow and Friday and ai Gymnastie open house Th e Whitby District Fam ily YMCA are fcatnnring an "'Open Honise" ai thieir Saturday miorning Gyminaistic program i iis Satunrday, froin 9:30 to 12 at Henry Street I-igh Sch ool s New gym na- sitnn. .Whitbv YNI(A is organfiz- ing a new Sttudent Tennis Club ai lIlenry Street I ligh. A special Ilec ting will be h eld tornorrowv a t ioon h on r in Hlenry Street IHigh cho to set np the organization of' a stnderît tennis club nising the YNICA courts ai IHenry Street Ilîgh School. 'Slim and Swirn' The Whitby Rec.rceîîîon Departiment will of1cr a five week "SIlim and Swimi" flitncss prograni for adults beginning Monday and end- ing June 23. Registration at $5 per person vil be held ai the recreation departiment, 105 Coborne Street East. For more details. caîl 668-5803. Minor This Saturday, which lias been proriaimed "'Minor Basebail Day in the Town of Whtby" by the municipality wiil gel the seventh season underway for the Whitby. 15 YOUR POOL READY FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT? 9:3(j) a.m. on Saturday. Th-cy will bc dropped off ai variotis points throughout the town. Ail volunteers are welcomne. The nexi GRMLA dance is schieduled for Junc 14 ai tie Ajax Cornmnnity Centire. Cost of tie tickets are $6 per couple and are available from Jean Ph iiiips at 655-3271. As soon as the booth opens at the park, Garrard Road T-shirts will be available in ail sizes froini clîldren's at ^$2.50 to mnen's at $3. Thcy have the association's namne and crossed lacrosse sticks printed on tliem. Caîl Budd Kernohan at 728-3290 if you are interested in purchasing one. frie tacks and lapel pins are also available, sorne with re gistration s tiy lacrosse sticks and others with mnaple Icaves. Cost is $2 and $3 anid can be purchased from Bill Holdfing at 728-6470. Lacrosse hielmets can be obtained from Bndd Kerno- han. at $ 1.75. Anyone who wanits to buy or seli equip- nient should write ont the information and hand it in at the booth. Thiese notices will be posted in the glass information box on the out- side of the players bench ai the park. Thc association raised approxirnately $ 150 with the light bulb blitz and $300 un the two boule drives. Convenors h ave been selected by the GRMLA. Tyke convenor is Pete Bnirns, 725-8615; novice. Mnrray Owen, 725-5287; peewee, Carl Phillips, 655-3271; ban- tamn, Dick Walker, 723-5620; and girls, Roger Dezan 655- 3942. Anyone who would like to coach or manage a teamn or needs information about games should eall the conven- ors. Roger Dezan would like to hear from someone who would look after the-cheer- leaders. The association also needs rcferees and timekeepers. With a few instructions, any responsible person cani do the job. Cati Mike Edwards at 728-2467. Volunteers arc also needed for the phoning committe lntcrestcd persons should contact Doreen Holding at 72-8-6470. Whitby Councillor John Goodwin makes the f irst donation to the Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association's ta g sale. Pictured with Councillor Goodwin are R andy T »aylor (Ieft>, 12, of 2 Parkview Boulevard and David Holding, 11, of 7 Parkview Boulevard. The boys are trying out for the peewee alîstar team which wilI defend its 1974 national championship. The tag sale begins tomorrow and ends Saturday. The money raised will help defray- expenses of the peewee team'is trip to British Columbia in August. - Free Press Photo by Robin Lyon Basebali Day ilu Minor Basebali Association since it was organized in 1969. This year approxirnately 600 boys from age six 10 19 wili be playing in W.M.B.A. icagues and in die Eastern Ontario Basebaîl Association with clubs representing Whitby in thie E.0.B.A. Pee- wee, bantani and midget se ries. In pasi ycars the W.M.B.A. has been blessed with excep- tionai weather for iheir open- ing celeb rations and' associa- tion officiais are hoping that sunny skies and warm temp- eratnres wiii weicomne the coming season. The opening day ceremonies gel underway with the traditionai parade of dhe association players from Kinsmnen Park on Walnut Street ai 10:00 a.m. and al boys are asked to be on tirne ai the park so that the parade throngh the downtown area 10 Peel Park can get off _on Whitby Expected to attend are his worsh ip Des Newman, Wayne Deveau and Fred Beekeite a former professionai bal player with the Pittsburgh Pirates and Brooklyn Dodgers represeniing the Recreation Depariment; Police Chief Jon Jenkins; Ed Crouch, Chief of Whiuby Fire Depart- ment; and Jim Garishore, Chairman of councii's Recrea- lion Commiitee. *Repairs and service to aIt makes of pools and filters *t'hemnicls and accessories now in stock *HaSve your pool water analyzed free in our Iab IN GROUND OR ABOVE GROUND POOLS& SALES ANbi NSTALLAI7ION STARLING POOLS 1645 Dundas Street West (Hwy. 2) 668-7431 HAVE YOUR POOL OPENED PROFESSIONALLY Lacrosse tùne.

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