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Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1975, p. 11

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in anima During th e past few months flhere lias been a sharp increase in the numiber of cases of animal rabies rcported to te Du rhiarn Regional Hiealth Unit. Qtf particular concern is the ft thiat rab'ies las heen con- firnmed in seven dogs and one (1) cat during the past month . Rabies is a fatal diseuise which miay affect ail warmn- blooded animiais including mian. It is caused by a virus and is spread froni one aninmal to another throughi die saliva. The virus gains entry to the body througli broken skin and attacks nerve celîs until it reaches the brain. Syrnptorns then occur and deatit followvs shortly thereafter. Usually the virus penetrates the skin through a bite fromî an infected animal but it rnay also be possible to contract the infection by mneans of contact Wiliî frcsh saliva wlîere cuts or abrasions arc prescrit. Ilice incubation pcriod fromn the tirnie te virus enters the body until the appear- ance of symptomis varies greatly and il rnay be as short ,as two to three weeks or as long as six mionths. 0f imi- portance is the fact that thc virus niay be present in the saliva of an infectcd aimali for about rive days before any symptomis are evident. Bats are known to soile- timies carry the virus for long, periods of tinie witlioit tic bat showing, anv iii effects so that any bat bite should be regarded with suspicion. Thei discase lias becomie xvell establisied ini wild life. particularly the red fox and skunk and these animaIs in turn spread die infection to, farmn stock and pets. Once syrnptorns develop, Uic diseuse is fatal and there is no cure. 'Pie administrationi of vaccine, however, wilIl pre- vent the disease from devel- oping in exposed persons. Symptoms can be divided into two types - "furious" anci "uumb '. In iurious rabies there is a pcriod of depression with a tendency for the animal to hide. In a few days a period of' great texcitement occuis and t.he animal wll bite anything in its path. Paralysis of the throat follows so that there is difficulty in swallowing and saliva drools fromthe nîouth.- Finally paralysis and death WHITBY r abie s nlient seeti. In tarni animais there is rcstlcssnless and aggressiveness with nîuscular sp asns and profuise salivation. Syrrptomis do vary so that aîiy ch anige ini normial beli avi- oUr patterns should be regardcd ith suspicion. Thie disease nîay be stispected froni synîptonîs but a defin- ite diagnosis cari only be made by a laboratory exani- iriation of braiti tissue. Whcnr persolîs are bitten by domnestic pets, it is import- ant that tie animal be con- fincil for observation for a period of fourteen days whenever possible. If flic virus was prescrnt in saliva at the timie of Uic bite, the animal wilI develop syrnp- tonis and die within that period. Wild ailnimals should not be hceld but tlic head sent for laboratory analysis at once. Persons exposed to rabies receive a series of preventa- tive inoculations hic i in- volve daily injections tor fourteen days, followed by two booster doses ut later dates. Pice public are urged to bc nind fui of' this diseuse and to hced Uie following precau- tioris: - Report ail animal bites to tic ncarest Healtlî Unit 0Off'ice. -Observe wild life at a safe distance. Do tiot feed thltel and ni 11011e a wiid c PC t. Do îlot touch fond deaLl. PASSPORTS NO APM'INTMENT rNECESSARY HOURS: Wecktights 6 p.m. to 9 V.11. Thiursdays 11 aM. 10 9 PIn., L"ridaîyVS 10 a.,n. t, and Saturdays 10 a.n. 1 5 pn. LV S EAN A .RS ET .. lever* bring If it is nlecessiary to liatdle reature as aî a dead wild aninmal or a suispected rab id aninmal, anv iiiiiial wea r leatiier îîîitts and :tuiVa,îinal dscard thieni afiertose. i lave laiily pets vacciti- ated against rallies. Wlîile tIi is docs not Lcou ratee lotI protection, ii reduices the possîbîltîy to a greut degree. Fa ai i1 altutu aI s sh ouI (1aIso e lu rotected. Keeju dogs ied or otidet' conit roi a t aI IGtlles. o 9 p.mi.- Patio Slabs 12#" X 24" 24" X 24" 24#p X 30" FLINTKOTE DRI VEWAY SEALERl $8.39 5 gais. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975, PAGE 1l Lots tomorrow from littie todayl. Your **tornorriow" i noney may be several times the size of your -today' savîngas if- you buy GuLa rau teeci Inivesti en t Certifi- cates, paying highi, high interest today at V'ictoria and Grey. Put your noney where it grows rapidly cand safely - ai Victoria and Grey. Memiber Canada [)eposit I nsurance Corporatioln -The aa/I Ontarjo Trust ('oipani' heguin l VICTORJAand GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne D. Reid manager 308 DUNDAS W. WHITBY ~~ BU ILDING SUPPLIES PH ON E 668-9391 m Sidewalk Slabs1 $.96 each 1.82 each 2.25 each GLIDDEN REDWQOD STAIN $5e99 gai. CONCRETE MIX PUROX 90 lb. bagsSwmPo OnLy Il10,89 bag Ciorinel MORTAR MIX Clrn 80 lb. bags. 4 g l .o l . ,9 OnIy $1.99 bag 41 as nl 59 2 X 4 X-8 ft. precut studs - 85c each 2 X 2 X 8 f t. precut studs - 49c each 1 X 2 strapping - 4c ft. DOORS -24 in. X 80în. -$5.95 each (SAVE $3.00) 2M4 B0"kSt. Se Whitby 6689391 Sharp increase "j' I Vou know i reaiiy didn't volunteer to have mvy picture taken.I. was having a nice peaceful nap when ail of a sudden 1 got catnapped and weli, here i arn. But seeing as how it's done,i1 might as weii make the best of it and introduce myseif. My name is Shadow and I'm six months oid. They haven't quito fîgured out my breeding, but they think l'm part. Rusian Blue. I've had my shots, arn litter trained and you KNOW i'm gentie and piayful. Anyway, i'm Iooking for a nice farnîly to adopt..so if you think you're suitable, 1 rn taking applications at the Whitby branch of the Ontario Humane Society on Thickson Road North. i.' 244 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY, -ONTARIO Colours - Red, brown, charcoal and YeItow available at 10c sq. ft. extra BRI1C K PATT E RN - 5c sq. ft. extra FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS 0F 25 OR MORE Adrian Vandermeer NURSERY Grower of Quality Garden Plants Geraniums - Begonias v Impatients AJAXMciny other GreenouseAnnuals Townline Plants Perenn jais Vegetabies Whitby - Pickering Townline ma

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