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Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1975, p. 13

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r 't FOR SALE GUITAR --Acoustic Yamiaki deluxe, Rosewood back and side solid cedar top, Grover machine heads, perfect condition $ 150, oniy a fcw~ weeks ol, also 10- speed nmen's 'Corso' BIK. hlardiy uised, good condition $ 120. (Xiii 655-4852. Eiiun.1 1967 BUICK Le Sabre - needs iiotor work everything cisc A-I $250. Cali 683-8796. - Emip. TIRES - 2 iUiîroyal Fastrak tubeless, A-87-1 3 whitewaii two pîy polyester. Used only a fewv mionthis $25, i lent sîeeps four used two suiiiimers, good condi- tion $45. (Xiii 655-4302. Ernp. REFRIGERATOR - 1 Viking and I Kcnmiore stove ($100 cadli or $1i75 for both), Gibson S.G. special guitar $250, Vender con- cert amplifier $300. (Xiii after 5 p.in. 668-3941. Empl. SKI BOOTS - Tyrol, excellent condition. size 8 $60 tiew, wil sel! for $20. Cail 668-7563. EInp. 1960 CAI)ILAC --Fleetwood 390, au tomiatic, running condi- tion, little work needed, inust seli S200. Cali Sunderland 1-705- 357-2135 after 6 pin. and ask for phil. Empý LAWN MOWER - Gas S25,1-] portable sewing machine $40, gendron baby carniage $15, ladies golf clubs $25, metal utility cabinet, 4 shelves $10, mietal utility shclving, 3 shelves $8, Cal 668-8943. Emip 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne seIl or trade for mustang $850. Cal 655-3006. Emnp. LAWN MOWERS -Two 18 in. 4 cycle, just tuned up $30 each, 1/ hi.p. deep wveil jet pump and tank. tike new S$125 or best offer, golf cart St0, 7 basemnent win- dows 12 in. X 37V2 in. $6 eaceh, picture window storm 58 in. X 64 in. $30, window size could be sîightly altered. Cali 723-?220. TIRES - Michelin ZX radial steel betted, size 16 5X 14, (eq uiv. C78X14 or 6.95X14) excellent condition, ist $50 eachi, 2 for $42. Caîl 668-7138. Emp. STEREO - Component stereo svshem, Pioneer AM/FM stereo tuner-AMP, Garrard turniable and Scott four-way 5 speaker system $700. Willing to trade for good 35mm camera plus cash. Caîl 668-6248. Emp. REPAIR MANUALS - Com- .plete set of smait gas engine repair manuals. Cati 668-6779. Emp. HORSE Arab, hatf disposition. 655-3122. - 3 year otd, haîf quarter horse, good Asking $400. Cali TRAILER - Soft top camper trailer, sleeps four, like new, with 2 mattresses $325. Caîl 655-3411 SCUBA DIVING WET 5141T - girls' medium size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Caîl 579- 2652. SHELVING UNIT- Black tube, glass sheives, 24inX 18inX 72in $75, matching end tables (2) 24inXl8in $45, G.E. baking- toasting oven $25, hanging lamp, shallow, circular style, dark navy $85, Kenmore, washer-spin dryer white enamel, almost new $150. Cati 655-345 7. Emp. 67 COUGAR - 289 V8, auto- matie, bueket seats, radio, snow- tires, mechanically A 1, body is in good shape with the exception of damage to Ieft rear quarter panet $500 or best offer. Caîl 668- 3002. Emp. FREE PRESS ADS 668-6111 ANTIQUE - Cbesterfield $275 matching side chairs $35 and $45 black leather chesterfield. chair and ottoman $150, continental bed with headboard $20. Cal 655-4776. Emp. _________ r ENGAGEMENT RING new", dianuotîd, gold baud, $ 150, Cait 72 3-1950. WASII-ER/S'I N portable compactÈ excellent Condition 668-9947. .- Like asking Eî. l l DRYFER -- dryer, White, $250. Cali taIl lp BICYCLE --SmaII girls Erîg- ishi antique $40, 66 Chev 283B8, ncw exiiaust systeni and newv tires $500 or besi offer as is. Caîl 725- I1280. SKATES --Girîs Danust tmade in Canada in gond cond ition, size 9 $35. Cal! 668-554 1. Emp. COAl' -Ladies black persianl lamhb approximately size 20, in gond condition, wilI seli for $50. ('ail 725-5714. FIlp1. SKI-BOOTS-- Ladies size 6'-, buckle style, worn once $25. Cal 668-2119. Emp. 64 NOVA - Good shape ask- ing $150 as is, 66 PLYNOUTI! no motor, asking $1 00. Cati 723- 3583. Emp. FOR SALE - 4 chromne discs 14 inch froin 1968 Beaumont $5, SkiI 1/4 inch drill 3 wire $5, al wvave TV antenna just lîead $10, one ijniroyaî near new ramn tire on wheel Blockwall 6.35 X 14 from 1973 Nova $20. Caîl 723- 2738. Emp. DOLL OUTI-ITS - About 30 différent outflts for 'Crissy' and 'Velvet's Little Sister'. Priced from $1 to $3. Cal 728-2578. SNOWPLOW -- New 6 ft. adju stable angle coinp lete wi ti independent electric - hydraui power, adaptable to rnost trucks $500. Cal 655-3683. Emp DRUINIS - Bass, suare bigli tom, floor tom. cymbal, high blat. Some new hclads askinig $125. Cal 5 76-7557 af ter 7 p.i DINING ROO,\I suite - walnut refinishied $425 or best offer. ('ail 668-2445. Emnp. IN(;LtS DRYER- Gas. i year old $tOO. C'atI 655-4361 or 668- 5250. Emp. TIRES -- Michelin ZX radial size 165X14 (equiv. C78X14 or 6.95X14> oniy 1/3 worn $25 eachi. Q ty 2. Cali Dave 668- 7138. Emnp. GUITAR - 1965 Fender tele- caster ahl re-wired excellent condi- tion with bard shelt case, must seli $350. Cat11668-4939 TENT TRAILER - Quaiity A line, sleeps 8, including zip-on add-a-room,,bunk bed, spare tire, storage bin, luggage rack, instant swing-open assembly $895. Cali 668-8943. Emp. TELEVISION - Used B&W 26 inch floor model with doors good condition asking $75. Cal 655-4225. Emp. WEDDING GOWN - Size 7/8 long veil and headpiece inciuded, long sleeves, excellent condition, regular price $ 150.00, asking $50. must see-..caît 668-9120 after 4. EVAPORATOR - Keeprite coil, model K.U.C. 2010, 4 fan, 115V, 60 cycle, 6 ft. 5 in. X 1 ft. 5 in. $250. CatI 668-6887. Emp. TV - Electrohome 21 inch screen, B&W, working condition $50. console, in good Cail 668- Emp. 1965 FORD Station Wagon - 4 door, big 352 cubie inch enginie, good mechanicai performance, soid uncertified ah $200 or best offer, catI 668-3787 ask for John. BICYCLES - Boys' high-nise one 3 speed $20 each, one gas Iawn mower $ 15. Cali 668-9585. HUTCH TENT ideal for camaping Cal) 725-2967. I. i 1 -Vega wagon &travet $50. E mî). WINTER ('OAT- Girls, blue with Whiite fur on lîood, cuffs and pocke ts, kucee lenigthi, site 14, $20) or besh offer, I girls long dress otîly worni once, whîite top & black patterucd bottomn, loor lengthi, site 14, $ 15 or best offer. Cal! 668-8198. Empil. FOR SA LI'-, B&W TV radio AM /E-M, record play'er com bina- tion, nies' picture tube, neyer used, A-i conctiioti $150 or best offer. ('aIl 576-5729. LM p. TAPESTRI ES-- 8 beau tiful velvet %veaved tapestries for floor or %vaII hangings, selI at cost $30 eachi (size 4 ft. X 3 ft.) Cali (collect') 1-649-5443. Emnp. AFGHANS --Old faisioied 45in. X 45in. f'or $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both miul1h- coloured and would suit anly decor. ('aIl 655-4776. Elump. COFFEL TAB LE 668-3573 lifter 5 p.mi. $10. ('aIl Emj,. SNOWV TIRES-- With rimns size 1-78-15, $25 pair, cail 725- 1691 days, evenings 668-4593. MOVIE CAMERA - Super 8 G.AY. STIOlE: model with electro-fade () to 1 zoom lens, battery test, eyc hood, lens hood UV ilaze filter, YASIIICA film editor, film splicer and glue $95, firn. Cail 668-2764 after 5:30 p.m. Emii. LAWNBOY- Super heavy- duty iawnmower, used only twîce must selI $150. Cati Mr. Shore 9 - 5 at 728-9427. . Emip. HUTCI-I - reproduction smal pine $75. Cati 668-4677 aftcr 5. 1966 ('1EV Ilandi-Van $700 Cail 655-3066.. Emnp.- HIAMILTON JET UNIT - wîth 100 hip engine, suitable for boat 15 ft. and up $525. F:or details cati 668-2225 after 4:30 p.mi. GAS 100,000 new. FURNACE -V BTU's, 5 ft. ('aIl 668-2851 (A NI-IES) tati, very 1after 5. STERLO *BAR - With short wave ANI!FM radlio and turutabie- must sec ho appreciahe asking $375. Caîl 668-2198. Emp. MANS SUITS- Near new al wool tati site 44-46, dark blue with vest $45, medium blue white stripes $35, ight blue $35, girls skates size 2 $5, rock tum- bier kit used once $14. Cati 728-5433. Em p. VACCUUM - Viking canister cleaner with attachments $20. Cali 668-6522. Emp. PAN GUITAR - Reptica of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neck $100 firni. Cati 668-9772. Emp. AQUARIUMS - four 20 gal- ton aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover igh ts, accessories about 50 tropical fish with a red fin shark included (3 ft. long) $130. Cail 668-9288 after 5 p.m. ANTIQUE - Dresser with mir- ror $55. Cali 655-4776. Emp. BABY FURNITURE - Stroîl O Chair, inctudes carniage, stroiler chair, high chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. Caîl 728- 0333. Em P. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, setling as is $900 or best offer. Caîl 668- 7654. Emp. RECORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & grey marbie in design $20, please cait after 6 p.m. 655-3240. Emp. àM M MM STOVE -30incli electrie au itomalýtic, self-cicaniiig, rohisserie 1974 Admnira ilmode!, White, as new condition $175. CatI 668- 9850, Empii. MIXMASTER i)eami $20, B&W of drawers $30. 11Large Su n- TV $ 70, ('i es t Çail 668-3679. Fni n GO KART -- New 41/2 h.p. inotor $250 or best offer. Cali 668-i1155 or 668-5014. Emp. AQUARIUM - New 15 gaI. compieteiy cquipped with11starter kit, flever used $30. Cati 655- 4494. Emp. SKIS - Excellent used anîy once $40. 9016. condition Cali 723- Emp. TIRES - SAVE $62, used onty 100 miles, 2-4+2 belted L-78 -15 summer tires original price per sales bill $74.50, two 2-2+2 beited L-78-15 snow tires, original price per sales bill $85.80 wiil selI, for $25 each. Caîl 668-5 386. STOVE - Electrie Viking De- luxe, 25 inch with rotisserie, excellent condition $ 125.00. CatI 655-4194. Emp. LAWN MOWER - Briggs and Stratton gas engine lawn mower $20. CaIl1668-6210. FLOOR POLISIIER - Viking 100 $17. CatI around noon 668- 2588. Emp. COCKER champion sire, dian Kennel papers, shots, Cati 5 79-2044. SPANIEL - Pup blond mate, Cana- Club registration dewormed $150 Emp. 1969 FORD GALAXIE 500 - 2 door bard top, power brakes and s4eering, autoînatic transmission, maroon colour, excellent condi- tion $1.000 or best offer. Lic. EBE 130. Caîl 655-3867 or 655- 4594 and ask for tlarry. Emp. I I - --J I NOTICE TO READERS Advertlse FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you. sdIl! There will not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unîess the item advertised is sold. Wlicn the aLvertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertiscments mnust be laced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if niot soid RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item -idvertised for $50.0 0 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising oniy! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Wbitby Free Press immediately wvben item is sold, so that wve may delete it from the foilowing issues. Services, hielp wanted, ciothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be baud led on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cati 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREF PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WUIITBY COTTAGE - 2 bedroom with- cabin in CAESAREA - New siding and fence, electrie heat living and dining room, kitchen, new bathroom and shower, nice residential area, fantastic view, $ 32,500. Cai1579-3917. vinyl top. V8 automarie, $600. For further information caîl 655- 3978. .EMPLOYMENT WANTED Rcgistered nurse seeks summer ernpioymient part or fult-time. Cati 668-6393. -i IATTENTION: l'Il set an Ihonest person up in a high income sales and service business for motorists. This business repeats yea.r after year. No money required to start. Car required. Apply to Joaquin Bigas. Phone 723- 1411. " SAF'ETY CHECKS * USED CARS SOLD * TowING SERVICE ANTIQUE - Dresser $150, 1kitchen cabinet $300, beauty table with 3 mirrors $200, two -chairs $48 cach, rockitug chair 1$90. Cail 579-2939. Em P. 1 QIJILTS - 2 nes\v, liand madle, becau tilll designed, double bed size quilts. May be seen at 108 Euclid St. Whitby or call 668- 5537. One $50 and one $75. RI FRIGERATOR -- With actonatic defrost and hecavy du ty RANGE botîî f'or $ 100. Cail 668- 3889. Enip. BOAT - 14 ft. cedar strip boat, cen trc-deck, windshieId, steering wheel and tarp, ne'v relinishied liull, n rot, fibre glass bottoin, gond shape $200. Cal 655-3,700. STEREO & record play'er Viking $100, Viking 13&W TV 2 1 inclh$100, coffee table oblong $ 15, portable sewving table $ 12, ne\w kîtchen chairs (2) $ 10, corn- er stcp table $15, aIl in good condition. Ca1l1576-3047. Eînp. WASiIER/SPINNER --Ken- more tsin-tub wvashcer and spinner excellent condition $125. Cal 668-3131 after 4:30 p.m. Emp. 1969 OLDS - Cu tlass 442 V8 power (lise brakes, automatic, AM/F--M radio, A gauges incîud- ing tachomneter, 2 door hard top, body needs paint, approxi;nateîy 76,000 *miles, $ 1,100 or best of- fer. Cali 668-1066. Emp. STEREO - Pioncer system brand new AM/FM receiver, 8 track, turntable, 2 speakers,$400 Cail 668-7190. Emp. BI1CYCLE- Girls iigh risc $30. Cal! 728-8056. Emp. ANTIQUE rfoll top desk plus s'ivel chair $450, two bedroomn cottage, inside facilities to be renved fromn prem ises, loca ted Dalî-ynî ple Lake $ 1,000. ('aIl 668- 3495 for informnation. L HUMIDIFIER - $5, exercise record player $ 15, 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typewriter $25, electrie sewîing machine $20, rocking horse $5, baby waiker $3, sword $5. Cati 668-6257. BABY CARRIAGE. Lloyd excellent condition $25. Cali 655-3553 after 7 mn. Empv. STEREO COMPONENTS -1 Sears receiver, I Garrard changer (tuiritable), 2 speakers, very gond condition $150.00. Caîl 668- 92 6atr6p. ._ _ E p ORGAN -llamimond modcl LlIlI, owner recently deceased,i ini immaculate condition, worth $2,795 new, will sel] for best offer over $ 1,500. Caîl 668-2545 FLOOR POLISHER - $15. Cal] 668-3209. TAPE RECORDER - Simp- son Sears cassette, 4 tapes, like new $20, Grenoble fibreglass skis taminated $10. Caîl 668-4600. AQUARIUM - 45 gallon with ail extras, gutter mounit alumi- num roof rack, assorted marine equipment, controls, anchor, hard- ware, 12 gauge shot gun with case and ammo, lbrass michigan props for outboard marine motor 25-40 h.p. and 10-18 h.p. Cali 579- '3917. CHESTERFIELD - Green/ goîd broquade, good condition $ 75. Caîl 668-7644. Emp. --l IIAIR DRYEýR - Schick styler mode! 353. neyer used $15, IONA i 2-speed blender, neyer used $20, baby carniage good condition, heavy-duty $30, baby rocking ducks $5. Cait 668- 9902. Eînp. LAWN MOWER - $40, space heater suitabie . for cottage or garage $60, air compressor suit- able for small garage $30, 2 roll- away beds $5 each, 1 baby carriage, good condition $30. Cal 668-6750. Emp. VACCUUM CLEANER - $15 floor polisher $15. Caîl 668- 2801. Emp VANITY - Bedroomn vanîty wvitIi large mirror, wood $50, very large roomi divider, wvood with 2 large shelves for knick knacks $20 3 large chairs in good condition, wvouId suit rec-room or cottage $ 10, each for 2 and one $ 20, 2 large sheets of arborite 1 pink countertop and one white marbie sheet $8 and $10. Caîl 668- 6567. BICYCLE -- 24 inch girls, 22 incbi lawvn mower, desk, swivel chair, ski boots and ski site 31/2, above items ail $ 15 each. Humid- ifier $25, antique stand whicb needs top at $ 10, vaporizer at $5, brownie uniform $8, and an imi- tation fireplace $50, Cati. 668- 9404. Emp. KITCHEN SET - Crome with .4 chairs in good condition $65. Can be seen at 309 Byron Street North in Whitby from 8 a.m. titi 5 p.m. or phone after 6 o.'ctock 655-4368-FMP, FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM - bouse $275 per month. Cati 668-8306., WANTED Manufacturer representative would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. Cali. collect 416-536- 9278. APARIMENT - inexpensive but good one bedroomn apartment close to central Oshawa. Cali 576- 7557 after 6 p.m. HELP WANTEt) r- il7qý COAT --Ladies lersian iamb full lengtli, size 14, sacrifice $75. Call 668-5447. Emp. CHAIRS -- Two chesterfields chairs good for rec-room or cot- tage $ 10 eaeh, 1 step stool chair $8. Cati 668-9009. Emp. ENCYCLOI)EDIA - World book, yearbooks up ho 1970 (1962) $100. Cail 728-9777.'Id , 8 TRACK- Murîtz 8 track stereo player, recorder, witli AMI IFM radio, excellent condition, eost $370 witb speakers, wili seli for $200 FIRM. CatI 668-3167. 1.1 11:) -

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