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Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1975, p. 3

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Psychiatrie staff on 'ban4qhe-butt' kick Staff at Whitby Psychia- trie Hospital tuok part ini Canada Hospital Day celebra- dions on May 12 ho reaffimi their responsibîity to care for- and Io lhelp le cure thc sick nd te set an example in their lifesîvie wlîich inay bielpi niemibers of'ithe puiblic Ie lp Io take care of thei- selves. \\'ile tIbis veau flcy'r-e. zeroing in on smoking. ollher imeans of -sel f-intflic ted illness lie in lack of e\ercise, 1)o nutritional habits resulting in malnutrition or obesity. over-indulgence in alcohiol and druigs. peor safety habits on flie road and at work. In contemporary society the najority of non-srnokcrs put up with fumes and foui air because they hesitate te ask smokers net 10 suioke. At Whitby Psychiatrie Hospi- tai a group has been forned who strongly believe lhat smoking lias no real place in a governm-ent operated health John Rhodes, Minister of Transportation and Commun- ications, toid coundil recently that "this ministry bas been working for some lime on botter methods cf distribut- ing the funds avalable for assistance to municipal. roads' "Your municipality is in- cluded in the group of muni- cipalities ho which th e proposed system would apply". "To implement thc system- requires that the municipali- ties in this groûp undertake to measure or update the needs of their road syslem according to the methods and procedures cfthie minishry and to maintain updated needs measurements in future years". "The normal procedure by which this is donc is te retain the services of a qualified consulting engineer 10 carry out the work and 10 report te a co-ordinating commilîe comprised cf representatives of îhc municipality and the ministry during the course of the work". "The ministrv's contribu- tion is 75 percent cf this un de raking". "Your municipality's part- care facility and are engaging in a camipaign 10 bielp tu stamp il out in as miany airea,,s as possible. lospitiAdnîinistrator Milton ..' Fisher, Medical Director Dr. John Deadnian nd many other staff mcmn- bers arc on their side. Mur. Fisher secs il hulis wa1y "a mnass Of evidlence indica tes Iliat smiokîing nîay be harmi- fui t o h calthi. We arc ain institutijolidedicaited b pro- mioting and imnproving licalîli. 1 îlîink that we are inegligerît in our responsibility if' we do net take appropriat.e stcps te discourage smoking". "'Smoking", according 10 Dr. Deadman, "was once socially unacceptable. In public areas smokers always requesîed permission to smoke, and were frequently re fuse d. In private homes the men whio wishied to smoke an after-dinner cigar had te miove teo the 'widhdrawing room', now icipation is recommended and notification of your interest or request for furîher information should be dir- ected 10 the office of your local district engineer", Mr. Rhodes snggested. The malter was referred te the operatiens cemnîittee with Dick Kuwahara, Direc- 1cr cf Public Works, te report in the future. Brooklin Kinsmen Club Charter night The Kinsmen Club of Brooklin wll receive ils char- ter on May 30 ah Heyden- shore Paviion. Don Vipond is president; Ron Death and Bob Carson, vice-president; Art Mattluews, secretary; Bob Sage, treasurer; Bill Biggs, registrar; and Scott Lindsay, John Thiebaud and Ron Young directors. shorte ne d te the'drawing room' . The ladies, quite sensibly, would flot tolerate the noxious fumes". With smoking of tobacco die major health thireat in Can.ada since more people are afflicted by cancer, hicart discase, emphysema and chronic bronchitis than by c'Ir accidents, Young mcmei- bers of' staff' of' flic Adoles- cent ljnit's Flouse Five dJecided 1Io liiii .smoking to certain areas, to make a rune ne! IL) snoke at their desks or- during con férences held in thie coniecrnce roonm. 1hei pl 11an vas flot totally successful and it bias been replaced by a geîieral banding together 10 express their cunsideration lfor dic rigl îs of otliers in a more accept- able forrn. During confer- ences not more than two people wilI srnoke at one lune and whcn the air be- cornes slight ly srnoke",, a window will be opened and ail cigarettes put out until the air lias cleared. It bas proved to be a malter of education and consideration for others. Leadership cornes from recreation staffers Terry Bangs and Rick Vanderlip, occupational therapists Marie lopton and Lynn Morral and from program co-ordina- tor Margot Raven of the Medical Unit. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 21, 1975, PAGE 3 Whitby Baha 'i s will celebrate anniversary .On May 23, the Bahia'is (Ba-Higlhs) of Whilby will join Baha'is îaround tlic world in observing tlhc 132nd Anîîi- versaiy of the Declaralion of' thie Bab and thiehirtlh of the Baha'i Faitli. Thlis is me e f hie liappiesi days in dic Balia'is calendar bu t il is aiso a Heoly 1)ay and tbhc Wh iitby coinîn uni ty will bc cclebralirîg thc day tIbis year by h oidinig a coniniunity picic. The story surrunnding thiis day concerns a long searclh by a young studenî iii Iran (Persia). Hie lîad seltCoII, under inistructions from his teachers, te find tbe oîic who was die fuilmnent of the prophecies of the aincient sacred writigs of Islamn and other hoiy books. This was die year 1260 A.H. ( 1844 A. D.) and the lime of the cern- ing of the new prophel was at hand. After many monflis of travel, lie finally came, foot- sere and weary, te the gales of the city of Shiraz, just about sunset. He had uîo forewarning of the end of his search and s0 did net recog- nize the object of bis quest when he was greeted by a Leîsu -il 1 L ' "world THE FAMILY HOBBY CENTRE SHOPS UP TOP IN THE OSHAWA CENTRE 7235>3393 young man and invited te lus homne. They conversed fer about two hours, when sud- dcnly ou young sludent's eyes wcre opericd and lie krîcw tha t bis long and h itherto f'rtiilcss jeurney was al. an enîd. 1-Ire in thiis reomn, in the peron f' 0 the gen île y'oung inan speaking to himi, was the onc lie liad corne se f.ar te find. The young mani told the student tha thue tille lie was assuming was that of the "Bab" or Gate. "For, lhrough. me, mankiîjd wiii etnter flhc prornised lime uf peace and maturity. i have comne te prepare mon for the comning, jush 19 years from now, of the great one, tho promnised one, Df ail religions, who wiIl unify the world. During the nexi few months the fame of the Bab and his new teachings spread throughout Iran until th e Meslem el ergy became alarmed and organized a massive persecution of -Uic belicvers. The B3ab was im- prisoncd anid finally publically exceuteld in th e city of Tabriz iii 1850. Thc pro- rnised on1C foretold by the Bab, Baha'iis believe is Bahia'u'Ilah, wh o founded die Baha'i Faith in 1863. Thie romains of the Bab have been safely and lovingly de- posited in a beauitiful shrinec undcr a golden domne on the crest of Mount Carmeli above the city of Haifa, lsrael. Tl1e wonder and joy of that first night is recaptured each year 65y the Baha'is on the 23rd of May. cTHE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THE L Lb 1 LUb ENliN UWN MARY BROWN HAS THE HMary Brown has The Best Legs in Town 0 BLAIR PARK PLAZA Dundas St. E. at Lutpin Dr. 668-7831 T SAVE 56' A COMPLETE DINNER for 0--q ONLY$1 e59 (Reg.$2. 15) 3 pieces of Chicken, French'fries &Cole Slow 7 BIG DAYS tr Wed.Mo21-Wed. May28 e MARY BROWN HAS THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY Funds available for local roads CAMPERS 15% DISCOUNT on RV PARTS and ACCESSOR 1 ES A COMPLETE STOCK 0F PARTS - includinq - - Refridgerators - awnings - heaters - mnirrors - furnaces - hitches - propane equipment, etc. Send $2.00 for 1975 Catalogue (ref undable wuth f irst $1.00 order) write to: K & R TRAILER PARTS and ACCESSOR lES Box 454, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 5S4 SIDING CaI f or f ree estimates VINYI. ALUMINUM COLO RLO K MITCHELL BROTH ERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklin. 655-4991

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