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Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1975, p. 6

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CampandSwim with thie Whity Y' Whl1îtv YMCA, Iroqtuois Park for di oe ITie (out trippers from senior day camoi will mlis as ninc ikes.macaroni and n rf,' ir'naite in the mr throughi arrangements withl the Recreation Departiefl wni be offering a swim at Once sehiool is out for die summier, the students will be looking for summner work. In the Wiltby schools thiere are 2,062 students registered in grades seven, eighit, nine and 10. They are ail going to want to keep busy and hiave a little spending money over the sunmer mionths. At the Whliby YMCA there is an Odd Job Emiploy- mient Service. It will serve both Witby students and residents. Students hiave already started to phione in. adding tiheir naine to a list of available summner workers. Tie Y is now waiting for caîls AI rOD participating in ils day camp, sports camp, and creative arts camp prograrns. t'rom residents in need of a student to hielp oui. ITie students and needy pairty wvill be put in iouchi withi eachi othier throughi the Y but will be on thieir own 10 miake arrangements l'or the timie and paymieni of the job. Tie students are ready to hielp at anything. Window washing, lawn niowing, baby- sitting and dog walking are just a few of the jobs dhey are willing t0 take on. 668-6868 is the numiber 10 call'for a student. The Y lias a large numiber of students avalable and willing 10 hielp you out s0 remiember 10 cail. ATIOp Mo W1TH CATERING FACILITIES 415 MocKtdZIE AMAX, BOX 113 Phone 6U.7»1 or 839-«874 Weddings, Stags, Office or House Parties Banquets, Conventions, Dances. Receplýons. of Ail Types Eaclh afternoon at 3 p.m.. the buses with the eative arts and day campers will bcave Heober Down Conserva- tion Park, pick up the sports camipers ai llcnry Street Hlighi Sehool and proceed for an hour swinm ai theieew pool. This makes f'or a perfect end- ing 10 each day. Ail camipers will1 be hiome by 5 o'clock. thir swini the nighits lhcy ,are camping out. Thcy are very iiivolved in Ilicir own activi- tics. Senior camipers go) out frorn the conservation prop- crty for two nig its and two and a hall' days. Part of the programi is flot only Iearning correct cooking techniques on an open fire, but also practicing flhem. Foods such cheese, soup and spaghetti are included on the menu cooked and caten by the camipers. Construction of camps, hikes, ecology games, and orienieering are jusi a f'ew of the activities on the ou t- rip. Thie junior carnpers soend one nighit out on the conser- vation property. They varation of their own supper, break- fast and lunch. Family Night hosis ail the Y campers' famnilies and friends for displays, and a campfire program. Skits, songs, awards, and creative moveinent are part of the evenings entertainment. 'Counsell nor in raining' course. The YMCA is once again offering a course eniitled, "Counsellor in Leadershlip Training". CILT is available 10 stu- dents 14 years of age and over. The student participates in presentations and discus- sions on f'irst aid, qulities of leadership and prograni plan- ning and evaluation. Skills are developed in dic areas of crat'ts, nature appreciation and sports. CILT's take part and are trained 10 tead camp- lire progranis whichi include sing-a-Iongs and skits. Child behiaviour is another îimport- ant part of the CILT programi. There is an opportunity to swinm daily with camipers and staff. This prograin gives the student prac 'itcal t raining by workitng directly wiîl day camp couniseîlors and tlhe children attending Ilic sum- mer programs. Thecoretical background is gained ihrough contact with day camp coun- sellors and directors. The participating studeni wiIl gain a basic background in camp Ieadershiip. This exposes themn to the foundaiion skills of counsclling. The two week course is offered' four limies over the summer beginning June 30, July 14, July 28 and August 1l. The fée for the course is $15. Applications are avail- able ai Whitby YMCA. Rec. Director wins 75% Wayne De Veau, the Director of Recreàiiion has $ 100,000 ai his departmeni',s disposaI 10 carry out four projecis ini 1975. Originally, lie hiad asked for $132,500 but had the figure cul at ie icmosi rece'nt council meeting. The largest projeci is improvemients at Iroquois Park wvhichi include paving, S22,000; curbîig, S$28.000; and1 sodding, S5,.000) for a total of' S55,000. 1lbowever, counicil flu that $45.000 Tlhe $I,500 Ontario Home Buyers Grant. W7ho xviii get kt? How? When? Why? Ontario understands how important it is to have a home of your own. And we'd like to hclp out with a grant of $1 ,500 toward your'first home. It's part of an overaîl plan to make more homes available in Ontario. And stim- ulate our economy. So it's good for Ai of us. The answers b your questions- can be found in a handy bookiet specially prepared to help you undcrstand every detail of the Grant. For your free copy, write to: Ministry of Revenue, Ontario Home Buyers Grant, Queen's Park, Toronto M7A 2C9. For more information, telephone us (free of charge) by dialing "0" and asking the operator for Zenith 8-2000. Residents within the Metro Toronto local calling area should dial 965-8470. W. Darcy McKeough Treasurer of Ontario Ontario William Davis Premier Arthur Meen Mnister of Revenue would be sufficient and reduced Mr. De Veau's request accordingly. Council authorized his request of $26,000 for light- ing at Peel Park soccer field. Mr. De Veau's requesl of $12,500 for phase one ai Central Park was also granted in tact. Hlowever, die S20,000 tuai lie requesled for a bail diamond at Iroquois Park was cul to $ 7,500 and his request of SI 0,000 for air condition- ing ai Whiitney Hall was refused outrighit. Mr. De Veau did, though, get $9,000 for a hydraulie door. Thlie total expenditure niusi be financed by the capitai budget alloitment plus community centre grants. St. Mark's Church hosts rug show and tea The St.. Mark's Unitcd Church churchl house will be ithe site of te l>ine Ridge Rug flooking Guild Show and Tea on Saturday, May 24 fromi 2 to 5 pirn. Thei fotbowing day, Sun- day. bcginning ai I1I a.m., there will be a special service by memibers of St. Mark's confirmnation class. A reli- gion in life presentation is scheduled later that day. On Tuesday, May' 27 in the church hail, there wil be a Gardenview brownie and guide banquiet." The 4W's Club is suIl accepting items for ils May 31I auiction saie. WMile you are doing your spring dlean- ing, keep the club in 'mind and Phone Mauirice or Earlien McCracken aI 668-3961 and donate dhose articles you no longer need. Registration forms for Quin-Mo-Lac camps for al ages are now avalable from the churchi office. Complete them immed iately 10 avoid disappointrment. 668-9262 PAGE 6,WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Tli e Odd job service employs s'tudents 4 I I Like the new 4 curly & super-curly looks? Our expert stylists can achieve these stlsfor YOU with innovative new methods. Corne in and sit under the infra-red lights! La Confessa Beauty Lounge 119 Green St.

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