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Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975, WHITOY FREE PRESS Br~1 in l'm sure that l'ai correct in saying that Highway NO. 12 is the concern of the Province. But unfortunately it is the local residents that have to cope with crossing it. And this week 1 have once again heard concern exressed about the fact that there is no help given to the pedestrian trying to make the crossing from one side to the other. Our children are safe while they are travelling to and fromi school, as they are in the very capable hands of the crossing guard. But what about the rest of us? li is 'hard enough for an adult on his/her own, at ti-nes. But the mother who is pushing a carniage and has a toddler or two as well, it is. more than not, imiposs 'ible. lsn't there anyway that we eould have somne formn of pedestrian aid. that would help to make the crossing a little safer? There are times when trying to watch four lanes of traffic gives one a collosal headache..and the desire to have eyes ini the back of ones head!! For those separate schiool supporters who may have moved into town during the year, please remember that there is a separate school in Brooklin..St. Leo's up on BROWNý'S North St. Registration is now taking place for kindergarten and also for any children that nleed to be placed for next September who are In Grades 1 to 8, Caîl the school at .655-3852 for any infornmation or hcelp that you miay neecl. If you missed the plant sale hield at Grass Park last week- end, then you nccd not bc dismayed. Those hcelpl'ul mcmi- bers of the Brooklilu liorticultural Society will bc back again on Frklay and Saturday...iot on the Sunday, tho'.... May 23rd and 24th. Not only will thiey have a variety of plants for sale, but they will be only too willing to lielîi you with your gardening questions. 1 wishi they couild find the answer to one that 1ni sure many of uis ace asking at the mioment..how do ,,ou get rid'of those damn dande- lions? 1 would love a Death to Dandelion Day..wh e i everyone got out on one day and cleared every dandelion ini the area. Perhaps the young peoples groups could do the publie places and hclp tlhe less able menibers of the comi- mnunity. If after a day of gardening on the 24t1î, you still have somne energy left over, then get cleancd up and put on the dancing shoes and either go off to the dance at the Ashburn Community Centre- at 8:30 p.rn. where Frank Barclay is waiting for you with his records, or you can go off to the Oddfellows Hall in Brooklin whiere from 8 uintil mnidnight you can partake ini the Spring Senti-Formiai that is being hield there that night. Once again there is a disc jockey to provide the music and there wiIl be a lunch served. Tickets are $5 a couple..or if you like dancing on your own, then it is only $3 a person! At cithier place you should have a pretty good tinte. And don't forget that you can get your tickets to tlhe Fair Board Dance to be held at the Meniorial Arena on June 7th. bv calling Mrs. Andrews at 655-3196..after 6 p.m. Don't put it offias those tickets arc g0oing already and if you delay too long you may becisappointed. WeIl 1IIlopc that you liad a safe and enjoyable hioliday wcckenld. Did you sec the firewor!ý display? See you next week ...andl doin't forget to keep calling in'with your news. Once aigain the number is 655-3750. LIZ "Raid" a record store, courtesy of Cadbury How fast can a mîusic lover w1cct records whien somecone cIsc is picking up the tab? Cadbury, one of Canada's l1argest confectionery manu- facturers and alI retail outlets hiandîing their products re- cetîtly launchied a contest wi ch will result i n 18 Canadians receiving Oive rniîîutes to literaîly "raid" a record store of as many LP record albums as they cati gathier up in five ininutes. "'Con test winners can carefully plan their 'record rush' prior to racing against the dlock", said Cadbury marketing manager Gordon Bond. FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NO RTH WHUITBYý PHONE 6515- 4521 VALUE CHECKD - BRANDED SHORT RIB »Pin 9 5 LEAN - TENDER - NO WASTE - BONELESS B3LADE ROSTS .96 LEAN - ROUND SON£E-'SHOULDER CUT, BEEF STEAKS10O9% FRESH CUT - WELL TRIMMED - TENDER - LEAN BLADE 4STEAKS 99~ FRESH MINCED - For Burgers or Ment Lbat GROUND BEEF 691b SCHNEIDERS- RED HOTS or DUTCH TREATS SKINLESS Wieners 84 .h FEATUREI - ASSORTrED, STRAINED 41/4fi. oz. jar HeizFoos 3'63c FEATURE! - WESTONS 12-0z. Pkg. Wagn beI199C BEST BUY! 48 fi. oz. tin ALLEN S ASST. vARIETIES DRINKS 39 CHRISTIES GRAHAM WAFERS or 131/-0z. Pkg. Crumbs 77C FEATUREI . PURINA I8-0z. Pkg. Seanip DWnne69C MOD4 0 ITER 24- 10 8.1.'19h,,nfr . . , eU % REH NI>4 EOLPITl Valencia 95' ORANGES 5 Lba bg Produce of USA crisp 45ea: CELERY stalks 1No. 1 Q.rode Chiquito Brand 25ç lb. BANANAS OPEN six DM5 AA WEÏK S.-30.. - 6 p.m. EXIITHU5 a.&FRI- MMOIr IL 9p5.. Polisi, Loop MAPLE LEAF lunOtsU & $1.59 SCHNEIDERS -6-S. pkg. MCA? à CHICWN. LUWCICON. m051 à 0fiat[MSEN tC. *Uià58. 011ch * MAQC. £ HUS 2Ip,1 85 c FEATURE! - FLAKE WHITE *CoustesY Value OtiSf!oectiO NEWIl froniSCiIEIOERSI BURGERS I6L~ 88C Hip 'OW Beef AVMSGI Wffl n 7$TO 8$ 1.88 cOI<TA1118lump NOASTI 511.011 7$p, R01111 STSAS. 0801111 muT b., $1.25 Aul Ft u.d 8...ih.kh.id te ...l« 7 fi. oz. tin CLO VER LEAF TUNA 6.5c BEST BUY! - KRAFT 3-Lb. Pkg. Pà%RKAYMairgarines,99 FEATURE-EVAPORATED 1-Lb. Tins CARNATION Milk 2O869c Maxwd nous@ COFFIE COASIO - tu,8 "c NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. jar $2.19 POMMTES 12 -oz.C package 5 NIALTU MODESS 12 te Pkg. FAMILY SIZES AND NAPKINS89< Bromo sdte919c BEAU WILKINSON - BONOED REGULAR iiuns Blades5om89c Hend L&It'm $14' FEATURE! YORK BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES 3/ $1 2/89Ç FEATURE! 19 fI.oz. tin TANG ORANGE 43lh-oL$1.O9 FTURE! - DEEF 72.0z. Pkg. TOP CHOICE Dog Fod 2.49 FEATURE! 19 FI. Os. Tin SAFFORD'S App.Pus Filer 75c ROYA&LE 2-Uy TISSUEI21 5 5c otàuNUi - W@Y-ALL 18-01. Ti% LUNCEONMEAT 69C OXYDOL Detergent s2.09I US% RMRS - DONU8 PAONK88. SPRAlY nu EASY OFF Oven Cleaner 89cW 3B81GDAYS Thurs. May 22 m Sat. -May 24 BONUS STEWS 24 f179 oz. fin S OC K Y E SALMON "A FL. M fN J- CLOTH TOWELS 12c to Pkg. 19 -Jd WgRgogStvg THE R ioiT TO UNIT QUANTITIR* In a lest "record rush" held recently, one avid record buff mnanaged to amass with the aid of a shopping cart close to $6,000 worth of (the maximumn dollar value perrnfitted to each contestant) LPs. "He practically wiped out the record store's stock of new rock releases," said a Cadbuîy officiai. The lucky winners from the first of three draws were announced recently. Draw numiber two will be miade on June 16 and draw number three on July 15. Each draw results in six five mninute record rush prizes. To enter the Cadbury $ 100,000 Record Rush Contest, consumers mtust col- lect five individual wrappers froni any of Cadbury's candy bar produets and mail them to: Cadbury Record Rush, P.O. Box 2 148, Toronto, Ontario, M5W IHI. "Th e number of entries per individ- ual is unlintited," said Mr. Bond, "however, cach entry' must be mailed in separately'. AIl winners selec ted by the draws wilI be required to correctly answer a skill- testing question. .[lhe "record rush" is sup- ported by a national advertis- ig campatgn. Nle' film concludes Tuesday The six-part series entitled "The Search for the Nile" concludes in Whitby Public Library's programi room on Tuesday. The final episode, "Con- quest and Death" follows Henry Stanley, a young Amreican reporter, as he decedes to complete the deceased Livingstone's work and mnounts the largest expe- dition ever seen in Africa. He solves the riddle of the Nle. Stanley and Richard Bur- ton meet and reflect on their adventurcs. Burton dies and his wife burns his 'superb collection of manuscripts and private notebooks. The film, narrated by Jamres Mason, begins at 7:30. 'e, 'I- '*zj Q O CD il 'Q FEATURE! SAICO SMO KED QYSTERS FEATUREI A-i STEAK 49' SAUCU8 FL. OL. Ill FEATUREI - Fancy OuaiIty 14 fi. oz. tUn COCKTAIL 45'c FEATUREI - MAPLE LEAF LARD 14~b . P6 5 FEATUREI 10 to Pack GARBAGE shoI79f FEATURE! 10 to Pack DOMINION CANISTERf Garbage Bags 1+7q FEATUREI, latft Pk. ssOse 69 7 fl. oz. tin 15 f Loz. jar

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