YMCA gm club p uts on display, Audrey Walzer, the talented gymnasties director for the WhitbY y#Y. led the "Y' Junior Gymnastics Club in a public display Saturday morning at Henry Street High School. The gymnastic open house attracted n'3arly 200 spectators and participants. In the photo on the right, Carol Reid, instructs on the use of the uneven parallei bars. Free Press Photo Bui'ld, The Whitby Consoidated Builders suffered their first defeat of the youing Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior 'A' season last week whilc notching two victorie-,s. In that loss. the Builders -Win one.) The Hooker Chev Olds bantarns of the Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Associationi won onle and lost two gaines recently. They split a pair of exhibi- tion games with a team from Nepean. losing the first 9-5 and winning the second 10-5. Scoring for the locals in the loss were Gil Millette with two goals and David Fleming and Richard Walker with one each. In the 10-5 victory, David Northam, David Fleming, Michael Hall and Gil Milette each fired a pair while Dennis Jacobs and Ricky Cormier contdibuted singles. Hooker Chev Olds then dropped a narrow ý-7 verdict to Oshawa who got three goal efforts frorn John Duncan and Murray Graham while Robert Knil and Joe Roznik each scored once. Dave Fleming and Jim Atkinson, with two each, ers suiffe i took the Mississauga Chiiefs into overtinie before drop- ping a 16-13 decision. Leading the way for the Chiiefs were George Chandler withi four goals; Dave Legree and Rob Genimieli hiad tirec lose two Deninis Jacobs. Todd Cotton and Cil MiUlette replied for the losers. M initmildefeat cach;, Graham Patterson and Dave Frittenburg, picked up a pair; and Hienry Van Oort and Stu. Hird fired singles. Replying for Whiitby were Ken Colley' and Tint Brisce xith three each; Bryce Jor- dlan, Ron McCov and Joh n Jordon two each; and Lariy Grahaîn %ith cone.- The previous evening in Whilby. the Builders wonn a niarrow 13-1 2 verdict over the Bramnalea Excelsiors. Ken Colley' scored four You The Custoier Comin ~1 We style your hair your way. Need suggestions? W picon give themn. Know what p< ou want? We'll do it. We rn our shop tu serve you. TONY'S HAIRSTYLING Blair Park laza668- ____ IS YOUR POOL READY FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT? *Repafrs and service to aIl makes of *Chemicals and accessories 110w in stock *Hav~je your pool water analyzed free in our Iab pools and filters IN GROUND OR ABOVE GROUND POOLS SALES AND NSTALLATION STARLING POOLS 1645 Dundas Street West (Hwy. 2) 668-7431 HAVE YOUR POOL OPENED PROFESSIONALLY tijues for Whiitby; Johin Jor- dan twice; and Barry Taylor. Timi Brîscoe, Larry Grahiarn, Ron McCoy, Bryce Jordian. D)an \1allant and'Tini Lintnier once eachi. On Stnday evening, the Buiilders downed the Warriors in Rexdale by a 1 0-8 score. Finii Lintrner, K<en Colley, lriani Millar, Les Reed, Bryce Jordan, Barr, Taylor, Neil Atkinson. Jeff Hooper, Larry Grahian and Jiim Branton scored for the winncrs. Patio Slabs 12" X'24" 24" X 24"f 24" X 30"# PHON E 6689391 -Sidewalk Slabs $.96 each 1.82 each 2.25 each Colours - Red, brown, charcoal and Yellow avaitable at 10c sq. ft. extra BRI1C K PATT ER N - 5c sq. ft. extra FREE D)ELIVERY ON ORDERS 0F 25 OR MORE FLINTKQTE GLIDDEN DRI VEWAY SEALER REDWOQD STAIN $8.39$59 gais. 0gai. CONCRETE MIXPU O .90 lb. bogs U O OnLy $1.89 bag Swim-POOI MORTAR MIX Chiorine, 80 lb. bags 4 gaIs. only $595 OnIy $1.99 bog 2 X 4 X 8 ft. precut studs - 85c each 2 X 2 X 8 f t. precut studs - 49c each 1 X 2 strapping - 4c ft. DOORS -24 in..X 80 in. -$5.95 each (SAVE $3.00) 2M4 B0"kSt. S. Whitby 668*9391 MER BUNILEDING . SUPPLES 244 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO m