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Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1975, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAV, MAY 28, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whiotby Mimïn or Soccer A'ssociat~ion begitYns tenth season repi ledl- a-lo-i.g caue. -1, 1 1 ,tt --0 SQUIRTS Tot feu, Sinis and Itubicki defet*cd Geddes Carpentî'y i-o as Blan «Marshi scored the, only goal and Sain Dodd pickcd u11 flecslw fou t* Atîco L ab)o r at1orles dowiîed Brookli Concrete 2-0 as Vic Rel-ilo) scored botu goals foi theMillners anîd I larry Brkcrs rccorded tiie sui Litou t. Aiico L a b o r a f o r i c s dowîîcd B rooklinii (onecte aInd G edices Caiîîcit ry fouigli f to a 1-1 d.raw witlî Steve ('hll iîîscoriiîg loi thie loirmer anîd Grcg, Robecrts for flic lat- fer. Koke Car Wasli anid 1Bro ok- lini ('oncicte balcd to il scorci css lic as J. McNlaliion b)1ocked ll iof' Biookliii C crcfc's d rives and scoff MeNeil turiid awaY all Of Kokc's slîots, ATOMS Kiîýsiîîeii (lotibied flic score ounTrio T .V. 4-2 witli Paul Bastorache scoring Ifîtrec finies anid Aiiauî MIer once. David Ciaig anid Pauîl i ioog- kaiîîp repl led l'or flic losers. Johni Scîtell scored all ve goals s f0 aWl Vifflby Bakery Clea rance fo a 5-0 victnry over I ooker Chcv Olds. 111 a h igli sco r iîîgga ie, Wl i t hv Weidiîig dowîicd Mitîh y Mail Macdoiîaids 5-3 \Vitli Briaîî NIorgaîi tallyi\'g a pair for f lic whiners and Ma rtini Van Kessel,. Cliarley Spîencer anid('lin fot 1)avis scoriiig once .cdi. Cl i is Cole Pat- looicy anîd Gary Roberts Hlooker Ciîcv Oids def'eateci Rae R. Joncs 4-"2 as Stuart Broul scored tIitrec timies and Steve Duivesteyn once. Patul Pringie got hoth ol' the ioser's goals. Ricky Bu tt was ini goal l'or Kinsicue and Terry laines loir Witby Welding Miîenithe two teains Iayed foc a 0-0 deîadlock. Les Siîîden and beo McCuliouglî eacii' scorcd sin- gles anid Grog lllis pickeci up tlie shutou i f0 give King Wcst Garden C'en tre a 2-C) verdict over WooLo. MOSQUITOES Louiginuî ir toi i 1d c r s dcfeafcd Sinclair SunIoco 04. Grog De Gamiies scored fwicc V;erî'yd t, Jbu n 'Beach and Wayne Misseibrooke kickcd singles loi'.flic wiuniers. Scot t Willilamis, withi two goals, Bob McArthiui andi Gar'y Witikel repiicd loi thc iosci's. Kiwanis stu fou t Mercan- tile I1-0 as Cli ris Jolin:ston scorcd and Bobi»' Clarke pickcd up the shufitont. Croxail douhicd tue sco:c on Wh iiiby Lions 4-2. Jai Cane and Paul Valider- kol 1.' cadi scored a pmi hl'o r flic Minniers li lie Warren Smiih and Roy I ioogstecii rcpliid fori. lie losers. D)avid Mo'vatfi ickcc i p a sliuiout anid Scott I Liii ei ind Leo Bceci acdi scored once as Siokcily Van1 Camp COURTICE-ALLIN I.D.A.. SHORTS I.D.A. PHARMACY 17 Brock St. N. 668-2394 Whitby 765 Baldwin St.1 655-3301 Brooklin Sports Centre 2-0. 'ouïjj Semcis Reaiiy edged BrooklinluLcgionl 3-2 witlî Kevin Green scoring fwicc and G racinec Sm ithi once. J liii Stachiow got hotlu goAls roi flhc losers. ('ousu nie rs' G as shu uot Adebari Atiîietics 2-Ã" as Jeff Wells auid camicron Cliarke provided thc olfcence whle i Mark Westcuilîoeffcr- reco rdcd the shkutorit. Ini a reversai o i o101r1 Adebar Atlietics blazikcd ) (!ouIlf with, David McAncnlcy, Rick Selroc r aniid Peter Visser scorinIg onIcech Andy EIliotf gof tue shtut. BANTAMS Ewing Pool dclèated Whitby Legion 2-0 with, Mark Vaîîdcrneulch and -Robbie Frcidocumbilo scorilig sinigles. A rn st rong Hloines aii Lasco endcd thicir contestinii a 2-2 tic. Mark Sitih and Peter McT reaigue scored sin- glcs for- Arînsrong iHomeis Mhilc Mike Pasonwisty gof bofh of Lasco's goals. Go'od starts for locals Aitltigli flic Wliiby base- lailI seasoi d idîi'f gel uîîdci- wvay otfficiai ly unfil las t Satuiday. '"Miuior Basebal l)ay ini flicTowniiof NYi if by, fwo of I*Wliitîy 's tIirec clubîs on1 flic L.O.B.A. circuit starîîtd thieir 1975 seasoîis carier ini the wcck. Tuie lîonoui of' beiuigthe flrst Wliltby club f0 gel iîîfo actionî beliîged 10 flic Wlit- by Rcdsý, local eiitrv in the Eastern Onftario Midget loop as fiîey hiosted Oshîawa af E. A. Fairîîîaî to geflflic scasoîi uîîderway. Oshawa, basicaily flic sanie club whîiciî took Onfar- io barifaîîî lonours fwo sca- sons ago and rafed f0 bc tlic class of flic E.O.B.A. Midget group iii '75, and the Redr. battlcd to a 2--' deadiock iii a gaine wiîich was calied aitflic enîd of cigli t iîîniîîgs. Wli itby juîiîped lu to a 1-0 lcad linflic first iîîîîiuîg, Oshiawa ticd if ini flic seconid, flic Rcds look tiîc lcad again iniithfic fird 2-1 a iid flic Lcgioiîaircs couuii- te-red witlî a sinîgle runiniitfli toi) of the lfouri ic ieIfup agaîin 2-2. Tflic Iwo clubs tlîcî played four scoreiess :iliiiigs becfore darkîîcss forccd a liait. CaiiMuikai gof fli uod as tIie pitciîcr for flic openier and lic caîiletIirough viîh a sevcîî]lit performîanice, strîk- huîg ouf seveil aiid oiving up oîîly two walks. Briaii Keiioe witiî a pair of sinîgles, led fuie Wlîitby hiifers wlio pickcd 01) sevcn lîits off Rob Maddock. Jody Turuier addcd a double whliie sinigles Weill fo Steve Tutfouî, Doug Slîearer 'aiid Dave McWhlii-tci. Def-ciîsive higiilighfts \crc provided by Jody Turnier wlîo niade two gireaf stops af sccooid and Dave McWîii-ter -wlîo gniîied dowiî au Oshîawa iuuîier at flic plate withi a perlcf i h row f-lro efi cciitfe. On Wediîesday ic Wlîitby Lcgioiîaires jouriieycd f0 Po'rt 1-ope f0 open tflicE.O.B.A. Pcewc sciedule anîd caile homîe with a .5-2 trionipli. Mike Welling picked up flic wiîî wiflî a sparkliîîg two luit- ter iii wlîîch lic struck ouf seven aînd ssued tliree free passes. The Legionaires liad f0 corne from heh iîd fo r tlieir victory after trailing 2-0 going into the fifth. A single ru in lthli fifth and a pair of runs iin the sixtlî anîd sevenfli provided tlie niargin. Grog Rich had flhiot bat for flic Legionaires whtlî fh rec sinîgles, Dennis Fultonî addcd a pair of sinîgles while Murray McCorkell, Davc"Cieliaîiskie and Mark Kennedy addcd singles luiflic winîîing cause. Ou Thuîisday the Reds rcturned f0 acfion at Fairniaîî wifli Ajax ftie visitors aîîd after sfakiuig flic visifors f0 a 5-1Iciad camne froni behiîid Io winii i 9-5. Dave McWlîir- fer xvas on fic îîîouîîd foi flie Reds and affer surviving a slîaky second ining ii wlîich lie rau info confrol trouble seffled away f0 coîne tlîroughi wifhi a steady performance iin wliicli lie aliowed onlly irce lîits and struck ouf clcvcîî to gain tic vicfory. Brian Kehloe witlî a single aîîd double, Jody Turner witli a pair of singles led flhc Whitby liîliers. McVAhirfer hieiped Ilîs owuî cause wiflî a double, Brcff 1liotfmian added a fwo- baggcr and Johin Ileffer anîd Caîiipbell O'Doîîîiell lad sinugl es. *EXCLUSIVE DEALER for Snark Products including the famous Sunflower)l 0*Qujality canoes, fishing boats, dinghys V niuJ" 'Boating demonstrations 7 DY A VE Ont fi.( irts vial rcSoýg I*or the 'suîiner scaison Boaitin-t dem onstrations by appointmcnf. -Don't trailer your, boat, leave it with us" AT THE FOOT 0F BROC K ST. SOUTH 723-6792' Down Stairs in the Whitby Mail SUMMER HOURS 9 - 9 Monday f0 Friday 10 - 6 Saturday

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