v PAGE 4, W EDMESDAYJUNE 18, 1975, WHITBY FRIEE PRE$S Ste, JnsAnglican >Church,'celebrates 129th a nn iversary this, Sunday GIý.PAINTS lîs Sunday, tic Iinie- stonle ciurch ai Uic corter ol' Brock Street Soutlî andi Vic- toria Street East wilI cele- brate flicI 29th amnnlversary of' lier opening l'or public worshiip services. Set ini expa'nsive chut' rch and cemnetcry groutnds, St. John's Anglican Chiurcli is a hiistorie landmnark in Whitby. A t il a.nî. St. Johnî's rçc-. tor, tihc Rcv. Raymnîd Carder will preacli and cofl- ducithel-ic oly Coîuuuniiioni service. Communion liniens wiIl be dedicated in miemory of a life-long memiber of~ St. John's who was postmiistress at Port Whitby for nany years, Miss Olive Goldring, These inens have been hand embroidered by memnbers of St. John's Chancel Guild of which Miss Gofdlring was pre- THE HATCH HOUSE is opening in early July > as an exclusive' restaurant We require: Cooks Waiters Wcitress es- Bus BOYS. Dishwashers Night cleaner Cashlers Bartender Apply in Person: 301 Byron Street South, Whitby, Ontario sidlen ,al itt lcfiime uT lier d eaith . New Englisti Bibles for thie pews will also bc dcdicýated ihi miemory ol' a lfaitlifu 111 einer of* tie parishi ini recmit years, M r. Williami H ar tl'o rd. A( 3 pm. an Outdoor Service onthie chu rel lawn is planned witlî the WVhitb)y Brass band providiugthie nmusic. Tlîe Rev. Canion Rol- and ili, Iirec tor ot' Develop. mient for the Anglican Diocese oi' Torouto 15 10 bc guest preach er. St rawberiy siiorteake and h ea wiIl be served by tlhe ladies of' St. John's Anglican Chiurchwo- mien after the service. Opeued on July 5, 1846 the churcli lias been in con- ,tinuous use since. The first rector was the Rev. Johin Penland. His great grandson BOND TOWERS MALI Open Fri. tili 9 Mr. Paul Newton resides ln,. Whiitby. Anothier link. with dlie pastis is aintained throughi Mrs. Clara McIntyre a 92 year old live-wirc of a lady wh o resides in Toronto0. Thle beautifuil resurrection window on die elle Wall of the chut 'rcli is ini mernory of1 Mr-S. Mcluhyre's parents,,t)r. auid Mis. Welliîigtoîi Adams. Dr. Adamns wa.s. a Wlitby dcii- tist. For soinie lime M rs. Mclii1 ty re's clergynman lutis. baud was ini charge of St. Johns if arish. Boy Scouts of Canada Whitby District Counicil wfll be holding its annual meeting on Sunday in. The Amber Roomn of St. John's Church, 506 John Street. The meeting wilI begin *Plans are underway, this ycar to restore the Interior paint-work of St. John's. This will inivolve thc installation of a iîew dry-wall ceiiîng before the interior can be painted. Plans caîl for the saine beau- tiful art-work to beý retained. This project will, cost sorne $5,000. Friends and former parishioners of' this historie pa rishi chu rch are co rdially iuivîted to join in the anniver- sary celebratiohs on Sunday, Junc 22, 1975. after a buffet luncheon from 12:30 to 1:30. A siWer col- lection wil be taken to help defray cosis. Groups should have their annual reports ready to present at the meet- ing.i NEW NO AMPIUnNTMENNECESSARY Instant Delivery HOURS: Weeknights 6 p.m. to 9 p.ni. Thursdays t11 a.m. 10 9 p.m., Fr'day-S 10 a.m. 10 9 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.n. t 5 p.in. 214 i«xk seet sovt'. whtby. ontatio 41ô 668-1212 Easy- Going Sun &Fun Fashions "(A Special Shop For, DOWNTOWN* OSHAWA Boy Scouts hold Annual Meeting FIAT 128 SPORTS L COUPE. GOTAL1THE FEATURES YOU90 EXPECT M1H HMPRICED -SPORTS CAR EXCEPT THE HIGH PRICE. 1. Padded steering wheel. 2.Electronic tachometer. 3. Radial tires. ~I 4. Front-wheel drive. 5. Room for 4 aduits. 6. Independent suspension. 7.Rakand-pinion steeng.ii12 pd op 8. Power-assisted, front-disc brakes. 9. 4-speed synchromesh transmission. 10. Rear window defroster. 1it's hert the automobie is gorng Merlan Auto Ltd. 25 rsnfsil St, Gshawa TED'S FISH& CHIPS R estaurant "'ýThe Halibut Nouse" 111 Byron Street Sou th, Whitby 668-4301 Fish& Chips Take Ouf fish" (2 pieces) and chips $1.40 shrimps steak on a kaiser hamburger on a bun sandwiches Special Women qLater'5. of îou 3eme SIt fibtrect