P!AUE _2,WED NESDAY#,J ULY 9, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS SUMMERSALEII 20/o to5.o SA VINGS ONALL SUITS AND PANTS OTTENBRITE'S MEN'S WEAR 103 A Dundas St. W., <618-3261 Have a relaxing summer During the summer months Whitbyites can be found (at least some of us> basking in the Sun or pursuing the warm weather sports. Bob Morrow, above, of il Calais, spends most of his free time on a slalom ski kicking up 'rooster- tails' at about 32 m.p.h. His ski-boat, a Cobra, tops out around 55 m.p.h. which Bob says is JUST a little too fast for the average skier. Free Press Photo Ferrco M .G ýREA T- W A LL Ferrco- Engineering Lini- CHINESE &CANADIAN' ited of Whitby lias won a contract to design a $50 RESTA , RA NT-million steel miii in the RES AU AN -Unted States. It wil b h the firm to bcbult outside The comipany wviIl design and build a 300,000 tons a year plant for North Star Stecl Company of St. Paul. Minnesota, at Muskegon ini western Michigan. It is a repeat order for Ferrco, who 668-021668-301designed the 400,000 tons a 668-721 66-7301year North Star Steel Coin- pany plant in St. Paul, Minn. North Star is owned by FREE DILIVERY Cargili Company lnc, u'swjNMHOUSu. The Muskegon plant is Mmoy 1twy.n......... i a1&. what the steel industry calis Fry ud Smaay ....11a..- 3 &.m. a "market miii". It wiIl use . .......... il a.....u&. - 10P.m. electric arc furnaces to pro- now open Tuesdays duce steel from scrap. Ferrco have been leaders 1 16 Dundas St. Wst in pioneering the market miii. Whîtby The finn lias designed five _________________________________ such plants. 'The market miii concept IPET F000M PUIM Afl ANOUN#CES A NEW Cash8cay l I AND *AVINQS FOR YOUI1 OIN THEUR FULL LUNE miplpo msm ~ 900 HOPKINS STREET ATr BURNS AVENUE WHITBY, ONTARIO' 668-5301 A DIVISION 0F iÀ CHRIS SHIEFFIELD 4ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED SPICIAL Dliii Inj Save $1.00 with this coupon on your next $10.00 purchase of PURINA PET F00D at SHEFFIELD PET PRODUCTS only. (one coupon f or each $1 0.00 of purchase) ans $50M contrac t is an efficient and operation", says W.J. president of Ferrco. plains that electîcf meit steel scrap (ori iron ore) and refine, oxyvgen and fluxes. Hiighi quality steel duced, consistently versatile Shields, lie ex- furnaces red tuced it with 1is pro- at a capital cost per ton far less than the conventional ie- grated steel plant. "In the present financial clirnate, rnany steel operators are looking more closely at rnarket imilîs", says Shields. "They can gel a new plant in operati(>n quicker - and for infiniîely less capital". Active citi zen dies Fred Gardiner, a real driv- ing force in this conîmunity, died 1last Wednesday ini Oshawa General Flospital, as a result of carbon monoxide fumes. Mr. Gardiner, 48, of Lot 6, Concession 1, died approx- imately 12 hours after lie coliapsed while wvorking in a well on Ili% farm. - He had been using a gas operated pump the previous night and the fumes apparently re- mained aIthde bottomn of the well.- He was rushed to Port Perry Hospital Tuesday after- noon and later transferred to Oshawa General Hospital where he died early Wednes- day morning. COME TO THE OFFICIAL OPENING 0F THE COUNTY TOWN CARNIVAL Peter Perry AwardNight for Whitby's Most Outstanding Citizen for 1974 Heydenshore Pavillion DINE AND DANCE to a live orchestra Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $7.50 each Caîl the Whitby Chamber of Commnerce 668-4506 TIMOTH Y J. 0O"NEILL CI-ARTERED ACCOUNTANT announces the OP ENING of his office 2114 DUNDAS STI'EET EAST WFIITBY, ONTARIO lephone (416) 668-3346 Moped laws into effect in future The- proposéd new laws for drivers of motor assisted bicycles (mopeds) wiIl not take effect pnitil It is offici- aIly proclaimed,,said Trans- portation and Communica- tions Minister John R. Rhodes. '&This will probably be in the- middle or latter part of the summer. Meanwhile mo- ped drivers may continue to drive without a licence or insurance as. under the original regulations. " "This wili alsoý give MTC the time to prepare and dis-' tribute the necessary licence plates and registration forms'. SMr. Rhodes announced recently that the law for moped drivers, under amend- ments to The Highway Traffie Act, wl mean that only persons'16 or over may operate these vehicles; drivers must have a driver's licence or a learner's permit; they cannot carry passengers; and ail motor assisted bicycles must be insured and regis- tered with MTC. Registration is expected to cost $5. Moped drivers wil flot require heimets. Carnival open air mal Plans are ail but finalized for a downtown sidewalk sale and open-air mail during the final weekend of this year's County Town Carnival . In keeping with the Inter- national Plowing Match com- ing to the area in September, the themçe of the sidewalk sale and mail is "OId McDon- ald's Farm". The. sidewalk sale wfil be held from Thursday, July 3 1, 10 Saturday, August 2, witl the open air mall scheduled- for Saturday. On Saturday, the area of Brock Street South between the four corners and the fire hall will be closed 10 traffie. Besides the display of merchants' goods, the mal will include a magician, live organ music, puppet show. fashion show, bingo and dem- onstrations of various crafts such as glass blowing and portrait pa'lnting. The Whit- by Merchants Association is also looking int the possibil- ity of holding a children's petting zoo. Centre opened Bil1 Newman, M.P.P. for Ontario Southi and Minister of the Environiment joined with tic Honourable James Snow, Minister of Govern- ment Services, 10 officially open, the Ministry of the Environment's Laboratories and Researchi Centre thiis pas& week. 0f the Centre, Mr. New- man said, "In addition 10 Iaboratory and research facil- ities, this new centre con tains two electron microscopes. ibis new equipment will im- prove the Ministry's monitor- ing and assessment of the levels of ultra trace contdnii- n ants in water and as a result tead to moQre effective pollu- tion c6intr'ot programs".