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Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1975, p. 17

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Free Pré EmporiLt FOR SALE T\VlN STROLLER -GOOck e,,njdiiiîltl $50. (Xiii 668-1366. 11)72 DATSLUN 1200 58,000 miles. 4 snow tires, rear wi ndow de fros te.r, body need s swork $ 1.200. CaiI 655-3780. I3FDIROOM SL11IE -'Double dresser. est of drawvers, box spring ntt ress $ 135 -, chstcrtietd anid, chair S 20. cest of' drawvers S30:. baby bied $15: Cali 668-ý q009. TRiYCL -for 4- 5 ycar oki Sj5 doit carriaigC $2 -; skates $5: girls bikcs otie $ 15 and o tic$ 25.- Cal 6 68-S4 1. ANTIQUES - Drcsser $90; kitceincabinet $ 120:. beauty table with 3 imirrors $ 120; 2 chairs $30 ah rocking chair S130.Cai 579)-2939. DRUNIS -Compiete Net: 2 tomis. 1 floor foin. base, chîrome~ snlare drnm. ighi hat. 2 cymibal stads \cCtilet condition $ 190. 2 19 Keith Street after 6 .m. PINE DESK CIIEST- Hanu crafted. has 4 drawers $95. Cali 668-4677, 1960 CAl)tLAC-- Vieetwooc .190. au toia ic. running condi tion. iîttie sN ork îiecded. muitst sel S200. Calil Swderiand 1-705 3-57-2135 :dter 0 lp. and ask fo PiPi.Lnq SWIVEL CHAIR - Ski boot and skis size 3. ail S15 eacli humidifier S-25. antique stani NvIiceh needN top sI1o, Vaporîze Y:.brownie unit'orni $8, and ini talion fireplace $50. antique tabl $20. fertitizer or g,1rass seed spreziî er $3. Cali 668-9404: ELin VACCUkINI CLEANER - SI' floor polishier $15. Cali 668 2801. Enj WEDDING GOWN - Suze 11 veil and train $50. Calil 66 2406 or 668-44 10. Emp STEREO - Lloyds receivei ei2hlt-track. turintimble and twi speakers. Just like new $150o best offer. Cali 668-7 190. EnI RINIS - Four 14 in. chron reverse, 2 G70 Goodyear tires. F60 Goodyear tires S$160; seto 283 heads S40:, 2 bueket se: S30; set of headers $10: lord ton 15 in. Rims S8 ecdi(4 Ford V. ton rear axIe S$15 and drums $ 15. Cal evenings, 579- 1690 and day 668-5823. STEO --Gonponent ster wvstem. Pioneer AN![NIsI tulier-ANiP. Garrard turntablea jî Scott fu-s y5 peaker sysi $700. Willing to trade for tio 35mm cam-era plus taPi. 668-6248. lM ELLLCIRI(' BROONI ReL, sith pile adjustmcýnt dial.i $25: cîl\BLD. toldime tv 2)7 in. X 52 in, ti inattri !eood condition 53(J: 2 bur .STOVI1.. eleutrie. 220i volt. h.; dutv'. 25 in. high 'with sheif. oven S1 5: portable RA MA .1 1C1li 6,,, i0 "ss 668-61 CJASSFE rulADVERTISING Wt 196<4 (III1,'V SI-ii i i / gcuîî IAIIF 1>1.('K Iltiîlîliii dahî 1965 Ml CR( .tY (OM I I T- uniig cdil i $1 iVIlii A Ni I- M s orCli>,( i tif' PRI Approx 2Î4,00(0 miles %Lint1 < 1 166. iMiicaci l<iI.. i l i ili i rcbtiîltt engîî 6 i. vttîdiRA st tanardbody iliigoot i id iiV Io s.0i ,i lew II i sw ilch fi t>s'. 1h bic ýc iltrls. ( osi tioni radio i.kttig $ 300. (mli slric B&lW UVI IFHll îlVIII ?Y11wlNkiiilUf$ 1I11<) C(1 68- 180 SIX 668-5196, odto lo iyasod$1() Phico TV $60. iritigs $50.fi. ik MOI>l' 1 rlio bran( l nsw 579-39917, .I '9.il lits'em ai. alIlynmit irs'l P antiqe R. lie galllis( wetl over 100 years eldi . tr t-d OAI.& MOlOR l)10 fuel N orili in Wlîi iby front i9 a.im. i lri '.vaiu t. mearish acd deil .l'ilS): ibesgî:iss :î,md .1111 p mîoier. ('aIl 5 1.111. or phlns'a fier (0 î'îe %vanu. le-68 haied dloi BAT is tieut, tiftil motiacc m irroel sew'i.lli (1 38 4(11. W NI ()W5la4168iii2 X watsoncsver> cli i'iremt, ew $40: onie room ldivider. ver>' lirge. i i'.WN M Ow 1 $4',s1aîee W 7 $6 caci, Ipiclure wimiiiw, $20:, omis' et tee and iii :iile ng Ieater suit.tlle fer cotlage or gar-soi X4$twidm ie S chair. new itilhlsterv $40:; iwo ane $6). lbaby carniage $30-. (tII could be5aX0te$cdsliîî tiy. eai Se 1967 BUICK Le Sui' -- iecl îlides s$9t1.00: hoemade I12 (t. S11*Il.&reodplyr M -ne'.vinsmfier anld transîmission) 655-341t12.inh$t0, ofottîeoln )instatied by repu itable .oii atiies 2 nh$10 (Ilc aleOlrg F L$150. Cail 683-8796. SNOW 'IItRIS Witli riins $15, portable scwirig table $12, P.1 1 1974 SKIi)O() rcc.iir 440 size 1-78-15. $25S pair, catI 72.5- ne'. kitchon chairs (2) $10, corn- ïused oniy ty 'eNN months. imust lie 1(9 i d. eV niii 668-493 Cr stop tLe $15, ail in g'.od sceet. juNt fike îîew' $850) finîî. condlition. Caii 576-3047. 11* i ). -.~ 'SWAG, LAMI> Amtîer $10: te SEAREIi A-iM Serc -Old weodentIFt' 2 doors. 1968 VOLKSWAGON Fast- FMe SEBF1 FII--MSee 3 drawers. 1tfiin. X Sin. X 34 in. back, rocen tly instaiiod used C and BSR changer. stcreo 8-track ,i$5,sanes tc SN.~ otor. Caîl 655-4588. 1~ye 57.00 Cai 68-693. single bewi about 20 X 18X7 i CUA I Ladies iack persian dccili$1t0, child.s woodciî desk 1969 OLDiS -Cutiass 442 V8 i1l t:ib appro\imla tels sii.e -0. uaicir suit up te 10 year old, po'.ver ds rks uo~t 5- Loued Contditiont. \ ýiI sfeiljr $5S0. $20. ('aIl 69-34 14. AM/FM radio, ail gauges inclut1- Se, orýl7 2 5-5 714. CI__ 1951ene1.èe ing tachorfloter, 2 door ha rd top, (tu rp Cal ITAR 16 edrtl- body neuds paint. approXimtlîS Col P ~~casier a!li -iefxoietcni 6t)0me.$ l0 or best of- 92 SKt-130OTS Ladies sic t( ti-iî vith liardxsell e nt ol 600mls 11 Isbuckic st' le.,s'.ormi once S,25-l. ionitihr lclcae utsl c.(al 6-06 -ip S $350.('al 668-4939 fe--ail-6-----Em. id -2 ~>RIl>AIR NMANUALS. (omi- STLRýI.() Pioncer sY,%turf go ýer; 1973 755 rRtzi Ipi Trident - pIe:te set ol i small ga s eiwiilc repair br:cnd ne'. AM/l:'M receiver,8 ci- c vlinder, braiîd lie%\'l s>cr..tlalal.('al 668-6779. Ln . rack. turri table. , paes$0 le nies\\, paint lob. ne.' tire. liclinietss Cati 668-7 190). l~i d- ilided and s' ilcrtifsv. (Call AiFGHiANS OId I asliioIWd p 579-1244. - 45in. X 45iii. for S45, S4iii- \ (ANI :R A -X-l5insiamuatie P( -~ F OR SA.LI- 4 chromne dslîse'% 54in. I*or '_54. Boih îitiiti- tKcdlah) w carryilig case, in tit 14 nhfen16 emol 5 colotiresI anid '.'.lds suit alil> exellent condition $ 10. ski boots w - 14kin 4ch rit 968 em .nt slcetit (Xiii (155-4776. Lmmip- size seven, with earrying rack $6,c - -Skiave1, antinahdil I hie ,ai0.t IRES portabîle radionicheshape of a unve T nten ulear I. T R1 Michelin radial. si-tc dice mn very good condition $7. on niroyalnilic'.\ rait tire 150 SR 12, iess tlîai 500 miiiles on mîicroscope kit. contains mnicro- 8 on svheei Block'.'.ail 6.35 N 14 2, plus goodsl iare s'. h rimu $45. '~ ids pcriîs 'ro-~ froinî11973 Nova $20. ('alil723- Calii068-5040 amter 5:30. wi-în $. ('ail 668-4465. in >. 2738. 1-:iip. CAS IlURNA('t; - (AN'i lIES> CAS 1)RYFAZ -Imglis, ncarty Il O PO AL - Good comîti- 100,000 BiTU's. 5 ft. tail, ver>' new. asking $75. Cati 655-3663. ®r ion, resgular $139 w.itl seli for ies'.. Cali 668-2851 af'ter. NMîXMASL -LagStn ip ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o dralaw-70SeRi)~AR-Wtî hr rs $30. ('all668-3679. S COAT - Ladies Persian lam1:' 'vave AMI/FM radio antîturnitatle1 iD fullilitngtlî. size 14, sacrifice $75. must sec to appreciate asking - -R ,-. 2 g ietn ail6854-tpt35sCi 6- 9. Fip nylon champion snow B78-13 b 'i ,2 DRUMIS -Olynmpia, 8 pîec. MANS SUIt~S Near mie.'.ail le the ' t 7 vice $25 o 7 'set includes stool. in good cond i- .'. oo mtail suze 44-46, dark biie l- tnon, askinie 5250. ('ail 655-3563- . wîti vest $45. nîedililî bitte 69 PONTtAC' GRAND) PRIX 66 2 Cor artAS V8 auoditien, ier kit used omice $14. ('ail tîmted tlass. radio. console. good reo 2 door S00 lîardtO 655d-ondiion1. -54P. nImil) ccni toni, wil s'ertify $1 ,500 or rno asîîC51.Fl 5-2 .(OF'FEl' TABLIV $ 10. Cail best offer, MA(; Witl{l.;S 4 inter- cm 1 ) R Si0, à' J tb 68373 tfer 5 .iîiPli.nationial aiumiiitm siotted înags I ood13" wth Gocxlricii T/A tiai -a t i WO mall carpets $6 ecdi. ('ailt PN G(ITiAR IReplica ofl urzýjIgnCovrinuisI 72-111 ibsoîl Les Patil.tw.o douibie piCk- Qlt~Ia0i ie ntercondituitn -ïaups. excelierit Conition)m. adjcist-Il i-Ucc'a""11,exceilltetdti ne'.'. 67 able steel îîcek S100 ) tin. Cai S('1tî1668-2313t_ MLYiANe89futack 668-9772. Imlti- RL"Vl-*B t rayîusignature vc'ar radiais, exc-lient conditi on (1E1.lIE)aild chair 4 <) 25.(ah65 98 rejr éI 22 mpg, '.viii eertify $ 1,400() r. colocn, good lfor recreatiomi .22 BiiIACTiON Wiîi - frmREIRICRATR 1 cu rcîn r cttagte $50. ('al 668- sco)pe. gun rack, good condition. > ; .~~ - cycle - $5 b iby sar beti $4, sit-reli 5)îîbetov ii IS4 ~~' Q ~ ~ ~rrecocrd iiie ,8 gi<' CUI luS &<(lX<4 i sLWiIl. îmî u bi $21). rmcimtp St >[A Wimms' rs'd . 1ai o crs $5 1> Iby walOm$." l lrd '-9 i ti -clage-(;>dc s1i $5 tCil 8 2 lionmi$35, ( 'ait (055-35(m). The urofe ~4 We sty'ae your Fit 4 way. Need suggestic can give them. Kno - you want? We'II dc run ourshop to servE air your ons? We )w what 1 10 e you. cvi su<r. _Blair Park. Plaza 668m5441 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEONESPAY, JULV 30. 191b, PAU 11 AI1L Ail,1,A DSTO1: RHIRIVSS LEI>O1IUM 0. Box 206, WiliIITY reo player. recordor,-with AM' 0 radio, excellent condition, Mt $370 with speakers, wilI seil - $200 FIRM. Cati 668-3167. sTEri-{iO COMPONENTS 1 ,ars recer, 1 Garrard changer. WATKINS PRODUCTS apply r 51 WBrnt. N Eili8-1194 256after 6 p.nî. . l.mp -______________ ÇI-IESI-*Rl-'11:-Robereen/and Susan Smith d brscsuade, 'good conditiots f B oo ln a e r u 15. 'ai 668764. i-mp. announce an addition to the C all 6 6 9 - 6 4 4 1 -, P .. fa m ily . S te v e n R o b e rt. b o n SwIMMING POOL --- Re- at Oshawa General Hospital. :sSessed, excelletnt condi- weighed in at 8 pounds. 15 inateedi$10.mailfa668-4600. es RAllNGE -sacifie ayty,3in. SOrandp'artte sSar Irand/c $45. Cal 668 53-388 lwsbaud. fîlier auShar.t>i ne\w$200,(SPInoblekitchen ýsi,ý barsau f'iud fr i lron/baeigc, o.altale$55 iîau' cî-o4kudîcsSau le 2 iece diettsi t rovn/bice, bonladtbe. s'.OVive cair. $75,S5 îce'.. $135.t Cuilate rw6 p.m. 668-8709. Emp. RILAI) STONE --12 vears otd S 125., Cali 65 5-3159. 1972 lORD CA.PRI -2 iître best oif'er. (Cai 668-8467. and peaicil colouresi pair, size 7, $ 10, w li ite and 1) ack- pair, size 7B $10, good conditioîn. Caul 683- 1 806 ailsd ask for Ca ths- asisk $30) or best offer. Caili 668- 1384. Ilousi: FOR SALI Privaite ds"io'.von l>'fItrla'.. .35 miues front Wiittî>. 6 roonîi. 2 store>' tîck. 3 or 4 lîesroomuî. a w'oed- %lhed, gairaige antîd gairden $38.00)0. Piiotie7015-437-15 18. WEI)IIN(; COWN Si-te 7/8 ltîm V'eil anîd licisîlliee incluisest loîng siceves. e\celemit conîditioni. iegtuIar price $1i50.00. askiîîg $50. îmissce ...caîII668-91t120 alter 4. 4 dtior.Ilîg32 uiietîgmil . gtet mmms-Iîîtîiaiîperforiiceiss' scud tifiertifiest ait $200 or ticst eIf*I>r. s-aîl(168-3787amkf'or Jo hnî. pOOLS - 1)elm xe, redwood. jbove grotind pools (2) 16 X 24 antd 16 X 32 cornplCtC. 1 year old. Repossessd1) I 4bank. sacrifice ½ price. C'a I rod 1-9- 6 6PA IRL-PLUJG'CA3 7-0Li/A caus d fri uiends i rrhes main auJ et/ ii cIl Ctand MotY no .f-a ardiner HELP VWANTED BAI3YSITTlR -I Or 0on.' silali chiid. preferably ii n m home or \s ili take oui. Cai S 74 28- (TLIA NI1 LA DY Rc- quired tor neu homle. \Vest L\ nde :îrea. \htw. onelie a\. b0lours eveýrv 2 xseOks 520O. Caî11 6 bS- WANTED WANTED- Canada s leadimg Manufacture and Distributor is seeking' a choice residential site to dis- play their new 1975 abovE i'ound re wo D pol. Your backyardlsth prune loca- .ion we will consider. An excellent opportunity for pool. ('atîl collect 41b-5;3b- L ES WHY PAY MORE? SSA VE 17RMUMA4 LITV - GM * DIESEL FUEL MOTOR Ot ~Nwx 668-3381 mwýl NOTICE TO READERS Advertise, FREL iiineF 1.ay:lR.S M'I lI , y'(NIY ,~î youtoîl Ihere wiII nul ho art y charge b avetseS r Pîl R l E<'S lEM POR IUM o nîess -f li ï :ci velse sd en thu aLlvertisod iturm k s sld, you, pau comisi>rI h),sed on Il., piV'iIiI PRICI;as illustralcd ed 11w. Ail idvurtisemcrilq asi bo ptaced on an exclusive hasis with the Wili'IY i F.L î;-'SS and run a(t loast one mon th if' no( soId iîs(il article ik soîd>: 4, prvr îe ice up iii $400t.00l 4, l* halantcs' c vur $4<lt).fl(l :AMI. ld item 'îdve!rtised f'or $50.0t0 - commissiont due $2.501 nînîmrum e<ommissio>n is $ 100> rivate advertising only! Puse' notif*y us il- you l'ind a retailer loti as a priva te advertiser. Iase notif*y the Whithy t roct>cs immediately whcn item si%01(1 lImhai wc rnay duete t l'rom the l'ollowing issues. erviccs, hiclp wan Led, elothirig, roui estate and personal message type Is can cinly bc handtcd on a prcpaid hasis. Youý D it. We

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